发表于 2007-6-9 10:31
【908】The One With Rachel's Other Sister
1. here's an idea,我有个主意 that's how to give others suggestions
2. wedding china 结婚时用的瓷器
3. she keeps canceling on us. Take the hint.她总是拒绝我们,这还不明白么?
4. What is the point of having them if we never use them? 不用只存着,那有什么意义
what's the point of doing sth? 做某事的意义...
5. daytime soap 日间肥皂剧
6. I'm supposed to be there. 我本该在哪儿的! be supposed to do sth.. 本该做某事
7. I'm going to have to come up with a really good reason why I wasn't there.我必须想个非常好的理由解释清楚我为什么没有去那儿
8. hair straightener 记得以前的笔记里说过, 老外在动词后面加个 er就变名词..另见902
9. vagina n.[动]鞘, [解]阴道, [植]叶鞘
10. who had this huge crush on her 迷恋
11. no offense honey,别生气,亲爱的
12. You stink at lying.你说谎太烂了 stink at doing sth
13. raccoon n.<美>[动]浣熊, 浣熊毛皮
14. We'll come up with a good lie.见7, 一集出现好几次一种用法, 那就是很常用的词组了...
15. Hang on one sec.别挂电话..类似说法: hold on,
16. My boyfriend canceled on me.我男友取消了我们的约会,另见3, 比较常用的用法
17. sushi [日] 寿司, 生鱼片冷饭团
18. could I talk to you in private? 罗斯,我有话要和你私下说
19. syphilis n.[医]梅毒
20. They must put a lot of makeup on you.他们一定给你化浓妆了
21. its not just the lie you tell. but its the way you tell it
22. just to be clear 说明一下.
23. How come my plate's less fancy then everyone else's? Do you not trust me with a fancy plate?
how come..., Do you NOT do sth...这两个用法见第九季以前的笔记
24. Its such a slap in the face.这就像给我脸上来了一巴掌.
25. listen I know you're having a little bit of a family crisis, but you don't have to take it out on the plates.我知道你们有些家庭冲突, 可不用拿盘子撒气儿呀
take ..out on sth/doing sth
take out v.拿出, 取出, 去掉, 出发, 取得, 扣除, 抵充, 发泄
26. I managed to survive manage to 达成, 设法
27. you're taking this the wrong way.你误会了, 你误解了..
28. let me get this straight. get straight [美]了解, 搞通;办好
29. Emma is a product of a bottle of Merlot and a five year old condom. 这句话太搞笑了
30. Go to your room! You're grounded" 你被关紧闭啦
31. They said everybody's pissed off at me 复习一下pissed off at sb..
32. It's easy to remember and doesn't invite a lot of questions.
invite a question...引起疑问(这种说法应该比较随意, 不会常在正式场合见到)
33. Setting the table. 收拾桌子
34. this is classic Rachel.典型瑞秋,还记得有一集里布拉德皮特客串, 说rachel用了一个词, typical, 当时rachel听得蛮冒火,
35. you have always been jealous of me. be jealous of sb.
36. my so-called sister, gets a 30% discount from Ralph Lauren and I still have to pay retail.
我所谓的姐姐,能7折买拉夫劳伦的时装, 我还得付全价
37. Too far, Amy. Too far. 完整的句子是: you are going too far.
38. No! What are you going to do? Make me?
make me? = make me to take that back?
39. pilates普拉提,类似瑜伽
40. yoga.瑜伽
41. bubblewrap泡沫包装纸
42. Are you out of your mind? 你是不是疯了?类似说法: are you crazy? are you insane?
43.u r grounded 是你被关禁闭的意思。小孩子犯措,家长惩罚他不让他出门,
他就可以说:i'm grounded
no offence 是 没有冒犯之意 的意思。
its not just the lie you tell. but its the way you tell it 你撒什么慌没关系,关键是怎么撒慌。
setting the table是 (吃饭前)放桌子 的意思。
1. Ross has a PhD. PhD现在一般从哲学博士延伸为文科类的博士。语言文学的博士都可说PhD。
Pilates把东方的柔和西方的刚毅二者之长合二为一,它的动作缓慢和清楚,而每个姿势都必需和呼吸协调,所以Pilates最适合任何年龄,特别是少于运动,长时间需要接触电脑和朝九晚五上班一族的人士。伸展也是Pilates中主重训练之一, 其特殊之处就是肌肉不会经运动后导致发达,所以Pilates运动在身体线条改善之余也能矫正颈和脊髓的功能。
43. if you can't act your age
44. Well done.干的漂亮! well的类似用法:well-educated, well-dressed
45. I'm super-compentent and totally responsibile and fourth in line to raise Emma.
in line adv.成一直线, 一致, 协调, 有秩序;排在队列的第四位的说法:fourth in line.
46. he totally bought it. buy it, 接受了..这个说法比较常用..
1.You could see the strings people
发表于 2007-6-9 10:31
909 : The One With Rachel's Phone Number
1.dead on 的意思应该是 ‘太像了,就是这个’
Phoebe说 Rachel 学 Ross 学的很像,但学自己就不够winy(娇气?),后来她说那一串话才是真正她的语气,然后Phoebe就嘲笑她,这话才像你说的.
【910】The One With Christmas In Tulsa
【911】The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work
1.I'm rubber, you're glue
“I'm rubber, you're glue"是一首儿歌中的歌词,不是俚语,原文是”i'm rubber ,you're glue, everything you say about me sticks to you." 现在有人另作了一首歌,其重复部分为“i'm rubber, you're glue, Everything bounces off me and sticks to you"..从这些可以认为,这话意思就是,你怎么对我,我就要怎么对你。
【912】The One With Phoebe's Rats
发表于 2007-6-9 10:32
【913】The One Where Monica Sings
1. Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you!
huffy: (形) 怒冲冲的; 傲慢的; 不悦的
weird: (形) 怪异的, 不可思议的, 超自然的
我的理解: 就是"你怎么了?" "怎么这么生气, 看起来很奇怪?"
老外很喜欢用weird描述某人看上去与平时不同, 本章后面Rachel.说Chandler纹眉后也用了这个词: Your eyebrows look weird. 注: eyebrows用复数, 因为是两条眉毛
2. balcony: 友情提醒, 我经常听不出这个词, 因为平时用得少, 但TOEFL里经常有该词.
3. That's so funny,
4. that's why I came over to talk about.
came over, 地道的说法, 我一般说:came here...(please recite:)
5. I mean if she wants to move on, that's fine!
解释一下,这里需要理解场景, Ross和Rachel 生了小孩,他们住在一起, 但没结婚(听起来很weird吧?:) 现在Ross说rachel想move on, 我的理解:she wants to date someone.. to find another boyf or even hunsband
6. I've been putting my life on hold and..
7. sat, 建议考TOEFL 和TSE的同学,一定要注意动词过去式和过去分词, 惭愧, 我咋一听, 没听出SAT....怎么就象美国的SAT考试?? 还是LSAT?
8. dude: (名) 花花公子; 纨绔子弟,口语里意思是“老兄,老大”
9. during the inter-departmental potluck dinner.
inter-departmental应该是类似单位各科员工家庭联谊之类的. 因为potluck是家常便饭的意思.
10. why did I get married?
11. headshot: 大头照??
12. it depends.... on? 一般表示"这很难说",大家都说, it is hard to say... 典型chinlish, 应该说, it depends! 以文中句子为例:
Joey said: Is that weird for a guy? 一个男孩做纹眉是不是很怪异?Phoebe回答: 很难说, 这得看了. Joey 用一个很简单的词就继续问了, ON?? 意思是, 这得看什么? 怎么说?
13. sex change process! 变性手术怎么说?
14. knuckles (名) 指关节; 肘; 膝关节; 蹄 (动) 用指关节敲打
15. you dye your hair.. 染发, 看来chinlish也有对的时候
16. Double standards! 我的理解:女权主义 要看原文理解了...
Double standards 双重标准
People say double standards if a man can do something but a woman gets criticized for doing it. or a woman does something that a man gets criticized for.
another example:
A man wakes up early every day to make sure his hair is just right. a girl might think he cares too much about his appearance and call him vain...even if she does the same thing. if he finds out that she does the same thing, he might say "err, why are there double standards." society doesn't allow the same behavior for some things, so its okay for one sex but not the other.
17. oh before I forget, are you coming to Mike's piano bar tonight?
Before I forget, 在我忘记之前, 我得赶紧说...
18. Forgot all of the words, flipped out and everyone booed him off the stage, boo (名) 嘘声#大麻 (动) 发出嘘声; 嘘; 向...喝倒彩 (感叹) 嘘
flip (动) 掷; 轻击; 弹; 用指轻弹, 蹦跳, 抽打 (名) 抛; 筋斗; 弹 (形) 无礼的; 轻率的; 冒失的
19. I am gonna beat you at singing? 在某方面战胜某人, beat someone at doing something...
20. It's not working on me. Wow! I must be growing up!
Monica在这里说,not working on me, 我的理解是, 别激我, 这对我没作用.., 上句Phoebe说Monica是不是害怕唱歌唱不过phoebe
21. pass judgments on others?
精彩推荐: 我可一直没想出怎么说" 对人说三道四", "对人评头论足" ,和和.
提醒另一个PASS的成语: MAKE A PASS。。 向某人抛眉眼,送秋波。我不记得这是男对女,还是女对男的时候用这个词了, 不过相对的一个是FLIRT。呵呵,想起来再说吧。懒的查了。
22. I am there! 我为什么把简单的这句话拿出来说?, 看原文吧.
23. How did I missed that? 我怎么把这么精彩的一幕给错过了, miss something,另一个意思,思念..miss you a lot!
24. you were probably ironing wrapping paper.
iron (形) 铁的; 残酷的; 刚强的 (动) 用铁铸成; 熨, 烫平; 用铁包; 烫衣服 (名) 铁; 坚强; 熨斗
wrapping paper: wrapping (名) 包装纸; 包装材料
25. You know honey, there is a thin line between love and hate, and it turns out that line...is a scarf! 经典推荐: 泡MM用.
26.Five-month maternity leave( complicated things, huh? 5个月的产假
maternity (名) 母性, 妇产科医院, 母道 (形) 产妇的
27. Five-month maternity leave, you're back for four days, kiss a co-worker, call in sick, they are lucky to have you!
老外拐弯抹角说话的本事真强, 托福听力经常在难题部分这么考, 如果你想托福听力拿高分, 多听几句这种高级说法(具体意思看原文)
28. tweeze (动) 以镊子除去; 以钳子拔除
29.Please I have an extremely high threshold
30. I am here for my eyebrow appointment.
老外看医生, 约律师都要appointment, 比如你说你约好牙医看牙, 你可以说I have a tooth appointment today, 注意, tooth 用单数, 和上句eyebrow appointment同理. 语法里有,名字做形容词时,用单数:比如这个:eyebrow appointment
31. Please I have an extremely high threshold
threshold (名) 门槛, 开端, 入口
上句医生说这会有点疼, Joey就这么回答. 我的理解是, 行了, 我没问题. 哎, 这里还是看原文理解吧, 难翻译
32. Hey it's the most eligible man in NY. 嘿,纽约最有资格约会的人来了。
Theres a really common saying...if a man or woman is single, he/she is "eligible" for dating. eligible (available+likeable etc.) for meeting women/men. its most common to say "eligible bachelor".
33. You know I can only dish it out!
不知道这里dish out是什么意思,谁能帮帮我? 字面意思是:
dish out 盛于盘中
34.maybe that kiss was just an impulsive one-time birthday thing
impulsive (形) 冲动的, 任性的, 受感情驱使的。想想一时冲动做出的事怎么说?
这里意思是: 那个kiss也许不过是过生日呀,一时冲动的举动而已.
35. she gave her number to some guy in a bar. 她在酒吧里把自己的电话号码给了一个小子.
当时听的时候我没理解number在这里的意思, ok, 现在知道了,老外说电话号码, 只是简单说, number..
36. check out those two blondes over there!
check out, 仔细看看.. 你看... 你瞧..
901中也有这个用法, JOEY说: SOME GUYS HAVING SEX IN THE CLOSET,CHECK THAT OUT! 其实CHECK OUT就是, 看看, 的意思,比如这句,看看那边的两个金发美女。
blonde (形) 亚麻色的, 金黄色的; 白肤金发碧眼的; 白皙的; 浅色的 (名) 金发碧眼的女人
37. you break the ice with some kind of jokes
break the ice: 打破僵局, (绝对地道!!)
38.Hold on, 一般是电话用语, 叫人别挂电话. 这里引申就是有人敲门,你告诉他等一下, 你说:hold on, 当然也可以说:just a sec. just a minute
40. paranoid: 偏执狂,极端
41. It was my idea to stand there. 注意语气, 注意句子重音在MY上,意思是: 躲那是我的主意(请看原文, GAVIN说: it was MY idea...看来绅士的不只是英国人, Gavin说这句话是为了不让Rachel尴尬, 男士一定要学会...
42. feel guilty, 内疚
43. You know Ross and I are not in any relationship 仅仅标出这个用法让大家记住.
44. I'm just all over the place 不知道这里这句话的确定意思. 有什么含义么?
45.No time for losers... cause we are the champions of the world...
The song Phoebe sings, and I can sing, do you wanna hear?
这是Queen, 皇后乐队的一首名曲: we are the Champions...
46. Yeah I do rock that one 这里Monica说她的确rock that one (song), rock是哼唱, 还是rock and roll 的rock??
47. You already hit on me an hour ago... 一个小时前你就跟我搭过讪了..
48. I just keep striking out...
strike out 好像是棒球的三垒出局的意思,引申为失败, 友情提醒: 别说fail to do... , 说strike out!!!
49. break up, 分手, e.g. He had just broken up with me..
50. dish it out! You know I can only dish it out. 你知道我光会说别人。
There's a saying. "you can dish it out but you can't take it". it means the person can make mean jokes to other people (like when you tease your friends) but the person can't take it when others tease him for something. so if the person says he can only dish it out it means he can't handle being teased at.
51. the high road... take the high road 高姿态,高尚(我翻译不出来)
The high road is what you call it when a person chooses to do the most moral and upright thing but its also the more difficult thing.
52. I'm not here to judge! 对此我不做评价
53. rendition (名) 译文; 表演; 解释; 演奏
54. High maintenance 难伺候,麻烦
"High maintenance" usually is something guys say about girls and girls say about guys. it's kind of like an old car. you really have to treat it well, take good care of it, check the parts of the car often to make sure they're working properly because the car is old.
men or women who spend a lot of time to get ready in the morning or men or women who need a lot of attention are considered to be high maintenance.
55. paranoid (形) 多疑的 (名) 偏执狂患者
56. get my eyebrows shaped
57. sissy (形) 娘娘腔的; 柔弱的 (名) 女孩子, 胆小无用的男子, 女人般的男人
58. magic marker, 904里好象MIKE和PHOEBE的对话里也出现了。
59. Every little bit of you
60. I was hoping you and I could have a chance to kind of talk
kind of
you know, it was kinda nice.
I kinda need to talk to you(901)
61. it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate. 这里PIECE OF CHOCOLATE是不是和a little piece of cake一样用法????
62. upbeat (形) 乐观的, 欢乐的
63. Through the magic of sight 我有神眼, 我有千里眼
64. Did you bring her up here to get back at me 你把她带来是不是就想报复我?
65. Score, 得分, 夸奖某人
66. it works for us!?But you know this doesn't work. In fact this is the opposite of working! 起作用? 不起作用?
1. You know I can only dish it out.你知道我光会说别人。
there's a saying. "you can dish it out but you can't take it". it means the person can make mean jokes to other people (like when you tease your friends) but the person can't take it when others tease him for something. so if the person says he can only dish it out it means he can't handle being teased at.
2.take the high road 高姿态,高尚(我翻译不出来)
the high road is what you call it when a person chooses to do the most moral and upright thing but its also the more difficult thing.
3.you can tweeze circles around that sadistic bitch at the saloon.你比美容院里那个虐待狂拔得好多了。
there's this common saying about doing circles around something. it means "sb. can do this thing a lot better than another person"
it also has another meaning. when you say "he talked circles around it" it means the man wasn't being direct for some reason. he didn't really say what he meant or he was trying to avoid saying something.
but! for the first meaning, here is another example:
a--i heard you're a great dancer.
b--yeah that's what people say.
a--well, i bet michael jackson could dance circles around you.
4.high maintenance 难伺候,麻烦
"high maintenance" usually is something guys say about girls and girls say about guys. it's kind of like an old car. you really have to treat it well, take good care of it, check the parts of the car often to make sure they're working properly because the car is old.
men or women who spend a lot of time to get ready in the morning or men or women who need a lot of attention are considered to be high maintenance.
5.double standards 双重标准
people say double standards if a man can do something but a woman gets criticized for doing it. or a woman does something that a man gets criticized for.
another example:
a man wakes up early every day to make sure his hair is just right. a girl might think he cares too much about his appearance and call him vain...even if she does the same thing. if he finds out that she does the same thing, he might say "err, why are there double standards." society doesn't allow the same behavior for some things, so its okay for one sex but not the other.
6.dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life!老兄,别用你疯狂的单身生活刺激我。
rub my face here just means don't get me involved.
there is a saying, "dont rub it in my face." for example, if you make 10,000 yuan every month and i make 5000 and we work the same amount of hours and had the same college degree and you were stating, "hey i make a lot of money." i could say, "don't rub it in my face" but i mean, "don't take that sad fact and make it obvious to me because i don't like to hear about it. "
7.hey, it's the most eligible man in NY.嘿,纽约最有资格约会的人来了。
theres a really common saying...if a man or woman is single, he/she is "eligible" for dating. eligible (available+likeable etc.) for meeting women/men. its most common to say "eligible bachelor".
8.move on
moving on means to get past a breakup and move on with life.
发表于 2007-6-9 10:32
【914】The One With the Blind Dates
1. Morning! roomy 早, 室友 roomy (形) 广阔的, 宽大的, 宽敞的
2. Fifth day's a charm??? 事不过三??? Third day's a charm...
3. you're making it so easy on me and Emma. 有你在我和emma可以说事事无忧...
4. when will we expect to see you tonight? 高级用法: expect to do...
不要说: when will we see you tonight?
5. around six 大概6点左右
6. I hope Emma isn't making it too hard on you. 看看这里的Make it too hard on you..的用法, 和前面make it so easy on me and emma...感觉到了吧? 这里我觉得可以翻译作: emma在这给你添麻烦了吧?
7. get on with our lives. 开始过我们各自的人生
Any names come to mind 能想出哪个(可以介绍给我的)女孩的名字吗?
8. how is it living with Rachel again?
how is it...的用法比较多, 比如: How is it going. 翻译作: 做什么什么事怎么样?
9. he asked me to fix him up with somebody. 昨天他让我帮他介绍女朋友
10. They're so perfect for each other 他们多登对呀, 多合适!
11. it is slim pickings
12. set them up with people 用法同9
13. I will have you know that we are very hip, happening people 你得知道我们是那种非常即兴的人
14. What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的么?
big deal的用法还有: it's not a big deal, 见本集后部分的该用法.
15. I mean, you have needs. Embrace your womanhood! 我是说,你有这种需要,施展你的魅力!
16. she poops around the clock, 会折腾个不停的.
poop: 使精疲力尽。
around the clock 昼夜不停, 连续一整天,毫不疲倦地, 不松劲地
17. she's really into history and foreign movies 她对历史和外国电影很感兴趣... 这个用法要死记了, she's into ....
18. She even reads for pleasure 她还很喜欢读书呢! 高级用法: 喜欢做某事, do something for pleasure, 为了自己的高兴做某事, 就是喜欢做某事
19. find him somebody else.再给他找个人
20. gets stood up!/be stood up 被放鸽子, 上当受骗
21. I hear that's bad. 听起来真够坏的
22. playpen 婴儿用围栏
23. crib n. 婴儿床, 食槽, 栅栏
23. buy him a drink on me. 我请他喝一杯.
24. blind date. 第一次见面
25. give it a minute.
26. canoodle vi. 爱抚, 抚爱, 吻, 搂颈亲热
27. restaurateur n. 餐馆老板, 饭店主人
28. you're way out of my league.
be out of someone's league。league是指「联盟」,好比美国职棒的「大联盟」就是Major League。A be out of B's league.这句话的意思就是A的层级、能耐或是地位……都比B高出许多,非B所能及。若是使用在男女关系上,就是指「B配不上A」,若是使用在一般分胜负的情况,就是指「B比不上A」。
29. That's impressive 听上去不错。夸奖的一种说法..
30. hunt down v. 穷追直至抓获
31. if it was meant to be, it's meant to be!
32. appetizer n. 开胃食品, 开胃物
33. on the house.
34. I wish I didn't have to wait to take a pregnancy test. 我已经等不及要去验孕了。记住这句的用法: 我等不及作某事: I wish I didn't have to wait to do sth.
35. one way or another
for example: you better hope that we're pregnant, because one way or another, we're giving a baby back to Rachel.
36. Don't you lie to me!
37. I could tell by Chandler's hair.
38. I just had a rough night. 今晚真是太郁闷了./太糟糕了/糟透了
39. they're really bonding.
40. Guys, give it a rest. 伙计, 省省吧.
这里想补充一个句式用法 walk in on sb doing sth
1. when you accidentally walk in on a woman using a breast pump
2. you just walk in on them having sex.
两句都是914中的, 意思都是, 正巧碰见, 正巧撞见..
我理解的是: 这一句式是美国人常用的表示: 正巧撞见某人做某事, 的用法.( 没查字典及解释, 个人理解)
set up的用法:
Set sb up on a date.为某人安排一个约会.
set sb up with sb/a date, date这里是"赴约会的人"的意思.
同样的用法: fix up..
slim pickings: 可选择的范围很窄 见903
1.on the house免费
2.what are the chances,类似于:what a coincidence!真巧,真太巧了
3.I did not yell. I am not putting a dollar in the jar
4.chandler的middle name是Muriel,这是个女人的名字
5.We're on a semi-first name basis,我们不怎么熟,first name还叫不明白
发表于 2007-6-9 10:33
【915】The One With the Mugging
【916】The One With the Boob Job
【917】The One With the Memorial Service
1.hugsy, 填充玩具,和Joey同床共枕的亲密睡伴。
2.I respectfully disagree 就译成‘不敢苟同’
【918】The One With the Lottery
1.PHOEBES管ROSS叫DADDY,是种非常暧昧的叫法,比如SUGARDADDY就是很老很色情的老男人,所以918的那段才搞笑,美国的雏妓经常这样说,suppose the word "sugardaddy" often refers to a ruttish old man who lure young gals for sex by offering sugar, clothes, money or other stuff
【919】The One With Rachel's Dream
【920】The One With the Soap Opera Party
1.freak you out freak out sometimes= flip out
freak sb out=to make someone very anxious, upset or afraid
2.make a move on 从失恋中摆脱出来leave the past (esp.love affair)behind to start over once again
to show sb that you have a crush on him or her or do something to further your relationship
【921】The One With the Fertility Test
【922】The One With the Donor
【923-924】The One in Barbados
An extinct species of human beings, regarded as an ancestor of Homo sapiens.
直立人已灭绝的一个人种,被认为是 人类的祖先
2.king size 是指大床,相对的“queen size”就是稍小点的床
北美地区的床号主要有, single, double, queen and king
在国内,我们一般睡double,很少用到king, 估计是老外比较胖吧。呵呵。
发表于 2007-6-9 10:35
【Season 10 Index】
(Check out all the English Txt Scripts here:http://ragingwind.net/friends/episodeguide.html)
Episode 1001 : The One After Joey & Rachel Kiss
Episode 1002 : The One Where Ross is Fine
Episode 1003 : The One With Ross's Tan
Episode 1004 : The One With the Cake
Episode 1005 : The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits
Episode 1006 : The One With Ross's Grant
Episode 1007 : The One With the Home Study
Episode 1008 : The One With the Late Thanksgiving
Episode 1009 : The One With the Birth Mother
Episode 1010 : The One Where Chandler Gets Caught
Episode 1011 : The One Where the Stripper Cries
Episode 1012 : The One With Phoebe's Wedding
Episode 1013 : The One Where Joey Speaks French
Episode 1014 : The One With Princess Consuela
Episode 1015 : The One Where Estelle Dies
Episode 1016 : The One Where Rachel Goes to Paris
Episode 1017 : The One With the Clip Show, Parts I & II (unconfirmed title)
Episode 1018 : The Last One, Parts I & II
发表于 2007-6-9 10:36
【1001】The One After Joey & Rachel Kiss
1.it's a New Testament
Bible (圣经)分为 Old Testament(旧约)和 New Testament (新约)。
但犹太人只承认旧约。一些基督教会认为新约比较重要些,因此只印新约和旧约中的诗篇(Psalms,也叫“赞美诗”)。Ross是犹太人,但还要learn about Jesus,的确非常奇怪。
2.Alan Iverson NBA费城76人队的球星,头发也是编的辫子,但其实和monica的头发还是有很大不同。
3.i'm on a edge on Chandler 意思是说“现在我超过chandler了”,因为ross说joey是他的best friend,而不再是chandler了。
4.FYI,For You Infomation,意思就是说:“只是告诉你一下。。。”
5.Miss Congeniality,Sandra Bullock 2000年的电影,chandler比较喜欢这片,他在这集最后还希望monica来扮sandra bullock剧中的角色。
6. Mike's kind of wang. wang在俚语里等于penis,这句话类似于“he is a d*ck!”之类骂人的话。
7. You go girl friend 这是比较黑人的说法,象girl friend,bro之类的,有些市井或hip-hop的感觉,Charlie受过高等教育,这样的话不会冲口而出,是monica的发型太适合这样的语言了。
8.Phoebe: Oh, come on Mike, strap on a pair.
她意思是 strap on a pair of balls. 字面含义应该容易理解吧?翻译的严肃点就是“鼓起勇气”。mike没胆量当面说了,phoe在鼓励他。
have the balls 就是 have the guts / courage
发表于 2007-6-9 10:36
【1002】The One Where Ross is Fine
【1003】The One With Ross's Tan
Full of fighting spirit. 可能是说她充满好斗精神,所以Mon听了比较高兴。欢迎指正。老外对aggressive或ambition之类不是持反对态度,full of fighting spirit,我想既可指一个人好斗,但如果说成是富有斗争精神可能就成好词了。只是个人理解。
mo比较傻的可爱的那种,特喜欢别人说他aggressive 一类的,而ross就不喜欢被人说obssesive,只能这样理解了,除非scrappy被流行的用成了褒义。
【1004】The One With the Cake
? 基于对生命价值之维护,贵格会坚决反战,会友拒绝当兵,宁可下狱,他们坚持在战地从事救护工作,拯救了许许多多伤兵与居民的生命。贵格会的会友虽然很少,在全世界祗有二十多万名,然而,他们所发起的和平运动却影响深远。
这些可贵的生活守则,可以成为我们台x国人家庭教育的素材,培养家人有高贵的人格,并形成可贵的家风,这是古人所谓「修身齐家治国平天下」之道途吧!?后来,温斯特说他不是貴格會,他们又半开玩笑似地猜他是门诺派的。 这两个都是极端和平主义的教派。
【1005】The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits
1.a moment on the lips, forever on the hips. 嘴上松一口,臀部多块肉。
2. Ross:Seriously?
word,表示同意和肯定,来自"the word of God"
3.Ross:No more falafel for you!
falafel 一种埃及土豆煎饼。Amy总记不住ross是谁,还把他当成在街边卖falafel 的小贩,ross知道她给emma穿耳眼后气得说不出话,就蹦出这么一句。
【1006】The One With Ross's Grant
【1007】The One With the Home Study
1. Bert and Ernie是Sesame English(芝麻英语)中的两个布偶角色
【1008】The One With the Late Thanksgiving
【1009】The One With the Birth Mother
【1010】The One Where Chandler Gets Caught
【1011】The One Where the Stripper Cries
【1012】The One With Phoebe's Wedding
【1013】The One Where Joey Speaks French
发表于 2007-6-9 10:37
【1014】The One With Princess Consuela
1. Chandler:Mrs. Hunigen.
Phoebe:What? Can you see I'm in the middle of something?
2.shotgun 在这里应该是强调汽车的副驾驶座位。bing夫妇显然要开车去看新房子,这从后面monica对Joey说We will pick you up at 11 也可以看出来。副驾驶座当然比后座舒服 ,视野又好。Joey趁机要求座副驾驶位,monica开车的话,chanlder就只能到后座了。所以他当时说了句damnit。
3.hugo boss 是hugo boss的创始人,德国的一个很著名的男装品牌
4.banana hammock
A men's style of undergarment that holds the genitalia in a sling-like hammock apparatus, allowing the meat knot to protrude offensively. Favored by greasy Europeans at the beach, and even greasier weightlifters during competition and posedown sessions.
Speedo只是泳装的一种,不能代表swim suit。一般来说比较体面的人士是从来不穿speedo的。
Speedo 是一个品牌名,专门生产和泳具有关的产品.泳衣,裤,眼镜泳帽等.但悝语中,也有指套子之意,取其被covered和speed之意.意会吧.
5.prude 装成规矩的女人, (尤指在性问题上)故做正经的女人
6.Can I have an aquarium and a sex swing
aquarium:a container (as a glass tank) in which living aquatic animals or plants are kept. 鱼缸
sex swing (少儿不宜啊)
7. I got tenure. I didn't win the lottery.
tenure 就是终身教授。Ross也真够牛的,这么年轻就得到这样的职位,碰到谁都要开香槟庆祝一番啊!
一般来说,tenure是在做了助理教授后5-6年之后评定的,如果那不到的话就会走人,一般评两次,第一次在第5年,如过第一次没过,再有一次机会,那就是第6年的评定. 如果博士毕业,就在学界任职的话,年纪很轻便可的此职位. 当然如果在工业界很有名望,学界也会破例,缩短时间,而得tenure.tenure相当与国内副教授级.
8.I am going to get loogy in my Coffee tomorrow.
9.Little Heads-up will be nice. 有一点提示就好了。大家一个劲暗示ross,他都没发现,然后还怨别人没给他提示说rach工作丢了。
10.I'm set in my ways. 我的生活已经定型了(经不起改变)。
11.whiners are weiners 爱诉苦的人是软弱的失败者。
12.The soap opera was great gig. gig 不错的活儿
13.Ross:You know what this is called for a bottle of Israel's Finest.
Ross先前为庆祝tenure,买了瓶便宜的以色列香槟Israel Champagne,还是香草味的;Rach得到工作,他说这事值一瓶最好的以色列香槟(Israel's Finest)
14.Maybe he'll makes you his sexretary.
Ross 为了表示Mark这个smarmy lech只是为了sex才帮Rach找工作,所以他说,“Mark也只能给你个sexretary(secretary)当当 ”
发表于 2007-6-9 10:38