发表于 2007-6-9 10:18
【Season 5 Index】
(Check out all the English Html Scripts here:http://www.cnsitcom.com/friends/script/main.htm)
Episode 501 : The One After Ross Says Rachel
Episode 502 : The One With All The Kissing
Episode 503 : The One Hundredth
Episode 504 : The One With Phoebe Hates PBS
Episode 505 : The One With The Kips
Episode 506 : The One With The Yeti
Episode 507 : The One With Ross Moves In
Episode 508 : The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks
Episode 509 : The One With Ross' Sandwich
Episode 510 : The One With The Inappropriate Sister
Episode 511 : The One With All The Resolutions
Episode 512 : The One With Chandler's Work Laugh
Episode 513 : The One With Joey's Bag
Episode 514 : The One With Everyone Finds Out
Episode 515 : The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey
Episode 516 : The One With The Cop
Episode 517 : The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss
Episode 518 : The One With Rachel Smokes
Episode 519 : The One With Ross Can't Flirt
Episode 520 : The One With The Ride Along
Episode 521 : The One With The Ball
Episode 522 : The One With The Joey's Big Break
Episode 523 : The One in Vegas
发表于 2007-6-9 10:18
【501】The One After Ross Says Rachel
1."toe the line"
means put your toe exactly on the line, and eventually this phrase means do something as prescribed, or according to rules and customs. Here, Monica want Rachel to react reasonably to Ross's slipping out her name on the alter instead of Emily.
"Thread the Needle"
indicates using two eyes gives you depth perception.
"Think outside the box."
means don't let stereotypes keep you away from what could be exciting opportunities.
Monica hopes that Rachel can move on and stop clinging to Ross anymore, it can lead her to nowhere.
God, Monica IS a good learner in High School! In such a hot moment for her, she can still recall all these incisive comments, although Rachel apparently think nothing of these good advise.
2. that's that 就这样了, 不必再多说了
3.bugger face 和poopie-head, dumb ass一样,都是骂人的
4.Same difference 就是“一样”的意思,这是玩笑的说法,故意说不合逻辑的词组,是一种俚语的表达方式,仅作口语
【502】The One With All The Kissing
1."calling the shots"好像最初是打台球时说的.球手为了表示自己技高一筹,不是常夸口说"瞧,我想打哪儿就打哪儿",其实就是"I'm calling the shots". 这里, Monica是说她要Rach做什么, Rach就得照办,她是指挥.
2."by the edges",哈哈. Monica在提醒Rachel拿照片的时候小心点,端着照片的边看,不要一把抓. 所以Rach一气之下干脆舔起照片来了.
3.Rachel: All right, you're the boss. I guess I gotta do what you tell me.
Joey: Say that to him and you're golden. 跟他说这句话,你就把他搞定啦
you're golden. 的含义有:
搞定,干得好(complete,good to go,alright);
等于you're sooo.. sweet;很high
4.it just bums me out;I was bummed too 都是让我很难过,失望的意思
5.I call shotgun 我坐(汽车)前座!
【503】The One Hundredth
1.Fonz 是谁?
之前查过一些资料,不知是不是跟七八十年代的sitcom“Happy Days”有关。
里面就有个主角叫Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli,也确实出现过Rach提的那个人物Mork,还是Robin Williams 客串的呢。
Happy Day 84年因收视率下降而停播,
JUMP THE SHARK,(电视剧)失去吸引力
在其中一集里,Fonzie从鲨鱼背上跳了过去。有趣的是,这一集之后,这部连续剧的收视率越来越差,以致电视台不久之后取消了这档节目的播放。于是,jump the shark的情节被认为是这部连续剧的分水岭。从此以后,这个词组就被用来描述那些流行的连续剧失去魅力。这个词组出现的时间不算很长,但已经非常通俗了。
2.long shot n.
1. An entry, as in a horserace, with only a slight chance of winning.
2. a. A bet made at great odds.
b. A venture that offers a great reward if successful but has very little chance of success.
3. A photograph or a film or television shot in which the subject is shown at a relatively small scale.
从解释中可以知道long shot有机会很小的意思。
昨天晚上在看503,the one hundreth时,听到Pheebe说了句“it's a long shot",突然想到我第一次听到这句话时的迷惘,心中不由一动,赶紧找到中文字幕看看.那儿译者将它译成了”长远计划“. 从这就可以看到中文字幕的利弊了。
事实上如果知道了long shot的意思,503中对应的前一二句可能都要重翻才对,最少我是这么认为的。
3.Doggie 这个名字是源自美国电视剧"Doogie Howser, MD"中,天才儿童Doggie的名字,他20岁就当了住院医师。pheobe是在讽刺那个小医生.
4.I'm gonna be on the news! rachel的意思是这事太大了,我都能上新闻了
5.I'm kinda on a clock here 我快没时间了
6.Fair enough. 好的;可以;说得对,有道理。是用来表示你认同对方的解释,觉得这样的解释可以接受。
发表于 2007-6-9 10:19
【504】The One With Phoebe Hates PBS
1.Way to suck up to the family. joey讽刺ross,你给她家人拍马屁拍得可真好啊!
【505】The One With The Kips
sounds like a crime solver's kind of name. People in goofy crime movies have names like that.
应该是华纳动画片bugsy and mugsy(57年产)中的人物吧。Mugsy是匪帮成员之一 ,这个匪帮有复古倾向,而且专门绑架小虫子。
【506】The One With The Yeti
【507】The One With Ross Moves In
【508】The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks
【509】The One With Ross' Sandwich
【510】The One With The Inappropriate Sister
1. crank it up a notch
V+up a notch (or two)是把什么东西的数量或者程度提高一点点。这个短语关键是: just a little
【511】The One With All The Resolutions
1.Hornswoggle 是非常非常老式的英语,意思是bull-shoot,现在没有人用这个词.
2.you nailed the Old Lady
“Well, Joey, what can I say, she nailed it.”和 pheobe在DOOL里跑龙套那集里说的“I nail it!”应该是“做得好”这种意思. perform an action or do sth. perfectly and confidently.
“you nailed the Old Lady”pheobe本意是“你这个Old Lady做得漂亮”,但就像ace解释的,这句话一说出口就产生歧异了,因为nail后面跟了sb.基本上就是score了。
【512】The One With Chandler's Work Laugh
【513】The One With Joey's Bag
【514】The One With Everyone Finds Out
【515】The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey
【516】The One With The Cop
1. 10-4 来自美国无线电用语,意思是“okay”
2.I haven't dreamt about her like that since I found out about you two--ish.
这个 ish 是sh*t 的意思,起源是因为当时在电视和广播中不允许出现脏字,所以做 rap-songs 的人就把 sh*t 里的字母顺序颠倒组成了 ish ,这样说唱才得以进入电广。
3. I'm in vice 肃娼组,vice,卖淫;vice squad ,[美]风化纠察队[警察]
【517】The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss
【518】The One With Rachel Smokes
【519】The One With Ross Can't Flirt
【520】The One With The Ride Along
【521】The One With The Ball
【522】The One With The Joey's Big Break
1.make a fortune原意发财,因为M和R当时的姿势很暧昧,R讽刺地说要是让J和C看见,她们可就成了porn stars,porn stars当然会发财了,
2.TicTacToe 智利游戏,打井。和对手轮流在一个3x3的格上画上自己的符号,谁先把一横、一竖或一斜行画自己的符号就算赢。
3. Flora or Fauna 就是问喜欢动物还是植物
4.that guy can push my buttons
push one's buttons:provoke a reaction of anger in sb(regarding sth of special sensitivity to sb)
【523】The One in Vegas
1. 剧本里提到“Denis Franz' butt”,Denis Franz' 是 NYPD Blue 的成员之一,在95年的一集中,他露了butt,好象从此,美国电视业就逐渐开始放宽尺度,播放象Sex And The City,The Sopranos这样的电视剧了。
2. file-a-facts,类似文件夹,名片夹之类的东西
发表于 2007-6-9 10:20
【Season 6 Index】
(Check out all the English Html Scripts here:http://www.cnsitcom.com/friends/script/main.htm)
Episode 601 : The One After Vegas
Episode 602 : The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
Episode 603 : The One With Ross's Denial
Episode 604 : The One Where Joey Looses His Insurance
Episode 605 : The One With Joey's Porsche
Episode 606 : The One With the Last Night
Episode 607 : The One Where Phoebe Runs
Episode 608 : The One With Ross's Teeth
Episode 609 : The One Where Ross Got High
Episode 610 : The One With the Routine
Episode 611 : The One With the Apothecary Table
Episode 612 : The One With the Joke
Episode 613 : The One With Rachel's Sister
Episode 614 : The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
Episode 615 : The One That Could Have Been: Part 1
Episode 616 : The One That Could Have Been: Part 2
Episode 617 : The One With the Unagi
Episode 618 : The One Where Ross Dates A Student
Episode 619 : The One With Joey's Fridge
Episode 620 : The One With MAC and C.H.E.E.S.E.
Episode 621 : The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad
Episode 622 : The One Where Paul's the Man
Episode 623 : The One With the Ring
Episode 624 : The One With the Proposal: Part 1
Episode 625 : The One With the Proposal: Part 2
发表于 2007-6-9 10:20
【601】The One After Vegas
lavanew's note
1.I don’t remember much about last night, it was such a blur.
It was such a blur. "真是一片模糊." 这个blur是不是用得很形象.
2.-I'm just glad we didn’t do anything stupid.
-Tell me about it.
Tell me about it. "那还用说." 很像中文里的反问结构.
3.-This could be our chance to like renew our friendship.
-Are you asking me to have a frenaissance?
frenaissance 戏称为"友谊复兴" Renaissance即文艺复兴了,Pheebs开玩笑用 Friends+Renaissance,搞出这么个词,Joey怎么可能明白,也难怪他一脸的迷茫了.
4.Oh! Tell her she’s not marriage material.
5.What? I can’t have a mimosa with breakfast?! I’m on vacation!
6.Laugh it up, but the joke’s on you. 说不定什么时候能用上,呵呵.
7.-We're just gonna get an annulment.
-An annulment? Ross! I don’t think surgery’s the answer here.
Annulment is when you go to the court and sign a paper that takes away your marriage status. 跟离婚差不多嘛!
Joey 为什么说surgery?我理解他是以为annulment是切除手术什么的,在vocabulary这方面,我很像Joey...
8.Maybe we should leave it up to fate again. leave it up to... 用法
9.Easy eight,hard eight 两个骰子扔出 4/4,就是hard eight,剩下都是easy eight.
11.-And when that happens in a marriage...
-Oh Ross, come on! This is not, this is not a marriage!! This is the world’s worst hangover!
hangover,宿醉,就是酒后第二天头痛,难受等症状。这句话太搞笑了,这场婚姻是有史以来最糟糕的宿醉。 记得看'behind the scene'时,编剧们是在现场录影是,突然想出这句台词的,真是佩服啊!
12.-This is where I get off. Well, I have your address and phone number.
-And I have your name and the fact that you’re a drifter, so the ball’s pretty much in your court.
the ball's pretty much in your court,"主动权在你手上了." 打球(有网的)的时候要是球在自己场内,自然是有主动权了.
13.-I’ve been thinking about it since Kansas.
-Okay. Is it a kind of hot sandwich?
-Is it a meatball sub?
-That is incredible! You are the master!
14.-No, don’t say it! Don’t even think it!
-All right. Okay Chandler, enjoy your handful.
15.Here’s your key. All right, you have to christen it! Now, go out and come back in!
christen it 纯信教人士的用法吧,hoho..
发表于 2007-6-9 10:21
【602】The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
【603】The One With Ross's Denial
1. G-String 就是 T-back,丁字裤,
个人认为JOEY所想的词应该是PUSSY,虽然说是STYLE也未尝不可, 但当女孩说是KITTEN的时候,JOEY很遗憾的说了句:"SO CLOSE", 和KITTEN "SO CLOSE" 的"PUSSY"更合适吧~~另外一个证据是, DOGGY除做狗的昵称外,也有DICK的意思,而PUSSY除猫的昵称外, 也有~~的意思,这两个词的对应才是最合适的~~
【604】The One Where Joey Looses His Insurance
1. no harm, no foul是LA Lakers队的体育播音员“Chick Hearn”创造的NBA语言。表面意思是:“没有伤害,就不算犯规”。指篮球运动中轻微的身体接触,不能当作犯规。
【605】The One With Joey's Porsche
1. The apple of my eye,指最疼爱的人。 这里RACHEL是讽刺的口吻。
【606】The One With the Last Night
【607】The One Where Phoebe Runs
【608】The One With Ross's Teeth
1.with your fingers soaking in stuff 泡指甲,保护手和指甲
2.hacky sack,类似个口袋,像我们踢毽子一样,年轻人经常围一圈踢,可能还有不少花样吧
3.the foofy schmoofer thing
foofy schmoofer 的发音类似那种衣料的名称,joey不知道那些衣料怎么说
4.hammer up some drywall 体力活~装修房子钉东西吧哈哈,这种活都是男的做,monica说这句话意思是让chan去做男人做的事
【609】The One Where Ross Got High
【610】The One With the Routine
1.be so faced 真有面子
2.routine 就是一套动作,“舞序”. basic routine就是基本舞步
3.Rachel: Whatever Linus, I’m opening mine.
chandler说的这段话特别像PEANUTS FAMILY(Snoopy)里的LINUS,就是整天抱着security blanket的小男孩,说话很有哲理,而且他总说“this is not what Christmas is about”可参看
【611】The One With the Apothecary Table
【612】The One With the Joke
【613】The One With Rachel's Sister
1. leads on the old job front
job front 是指 job area,
leads 是指另人感兴趣的...
old ,有时候人们就把 comman things 说成 old
【614】The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
1.Well see now that I can see crying over, but Bambi is a cartoon!
2.the only thing I can't have is dairy
3.well you just blew your chances at dating Bob!!
【615】The One That Could Have Been: Part 1
【616】The One That Could Have Been: Part 2
【617】The One With the Unagi
这两天逮了个日本人问,他也觉得比较可疑,似乎没有这一说。在一个日本friends迷的网页上也看到一处解释。据网站站长说,日本也没有这种提法,不存在这样一种关系。(但练空手道和剑道的人似乎很喜欢吃unagi,倒是真的。)他推测这只是剧本里的一个撅头,另一个侧面也反映了new yorker爱日本料理的心理。
【618】The One Where Ross Dates A Student
1.Joey: No that’s not what I was going to say at all. No, what I was going to say is when you’re 90 you’ll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20-year-old.
2.Dana: No, no "How you doing?" Man, I mean not even a cup of coffee first!
Chandler: The nerve huh? 他可真有胆量
3.Chandler: Well, the heart wants what it wants. 肺腑之言。
Chandler is a sarcastic person.他这么说正好是反语,讽刺自己得不到自己心里真正想要的东西, and that's also a song's name.
【619】The One With Joey's Fridge
【620】The One With MAC and C.H.E.E.S.E.
【621】The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad
1.The thing is it’s kinda on the Q.T
Q.T. =quiet 私下说,秘密说的意思
2.wise ass 指sacastic,爱玩笑地把自己表现得无所不晓的人
发表于 2007-6-9 10:22
【622】The One Where Paul's the Man
1.Ross: Okay, okay. Uh, well uh, Rachel is going to need to yell sweet nothings (Paul enters) in his ear.
sweet nothings: 甜言蜜语. 本来应该轻声细语说的。但ROSS讽刺PAUL岁数太大,年纪太老耳背,所以夸张地用了YELL这个词。
2.Joey: I know. It was so cool when I was up there before. Me and Jim Belushi would just be crackin’ up about something… Then I get fired off of Days Of Our Lives and he takes me down. Now he’s just laughing at me. Look at him, that smug Belushi bastard, I’ll…
Jim Belushi:美国男演员,
Crack up: laugh out loud
Smug: 得意洋洋的
3.Phoebe: (gasps) Ohh, okay maybe they put your picture back up they can put you next to Matt Lauer. Look at him, smiling at me. (Giggles) Yeah I know; we’d be great together!
Matt Lauer:美国《今天》脱口秀主持人
4.Joey: Joey Tribbiani! From the wall! (The dry cleaner doesn’t remember) Okay, maybe this will jog your memory, huh? (Holds his picture up in front of his face.) Huh? Okay eh-ah-anyway, I’m ready to go back up on the wall I’m the star of a new TV show.
jog your memory:帮你想起来
5.The Dry Cleaner: Russians! It showed them as terrorists and villains!
Joey: Okay! Okay, look! You-you-you got Harrison Ford up there!
Harrison Ford:哈里森·福特于1942年7月13日生于芝加哥,父亲是一名爱尔兰天主教徒,母亲是一名俄国犹太人。
6.Rachel: Well, she-she ob-obviously saw the tire tracks that were leading up to the closed garage.
tire tracks:轮胎痕迹
7.Paul: …She likes you. Y’know why? Because you’re a (pause) neat guy. (Ross can’t believe what he’s hearing.) You are the man. You are (pause) the man! (He opens his shirt and looks at his chest.) I still got it. Nice and sexy. You’re just a love machine.
neat guy:neat 就是比cool 还cool一些
发表于 2007-6-9 10:22
【623】The One With the Ring
1.Chandler: Pheebs, can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Monica? I can’t figure this out! It’s so hard! Should I get her a (turning to each page) Tiffany cut or a Princess cut or a—ah-ah! Paper cut!
pick out:挑选
Tiffany cut or a Princess cut: cut车工,挑选钻石有4C:色泽(colour),净度(clarity),
克拉重量 (carat) 及车工(cut)。
2.Chandler: Well, it’s because I trust you, you’re one of my best friends, and you walked in on me when I was looking at ring brochures.
walk in on:正巧碰见, 正巧撞见
3.Phoebe: Yeah well, once again not knocking pays off. I only wish you hadn’t been on the toilet.
not knocking pays off:不敲门就是有好处。她说她本来估计CHAN在马桶上,所以没有敲门就进来了。结果发现CHAN在挑戒指的这个大秘密。
4.Rachel: Good. Although y’know, he-he’s a private guy. Y’know, I wish I could get him to open up a little bit, share some feelings.
open up:敞开心扉
5.Rachel: So what are you saying; I should run him under hot water and bang his head against a table?
run him under hot water and bang his head against a table:瓶盖打不开时,用热水浇浇,再拍拍瓶底,就容易开了
6.Rachel: Yeah that’s great Paul, but y’know I wanna know what—(Puts her hands on his shoulders)—Wow, those are really great! I just wanna know what, what is behind this-this strong, silent exterior. Y’know they say that still waters run deep and I wanna swim in yours.
still waters run deep:静水深流,深藏不露
7.Rachel: Okay, well then how about puberty! Come on, that’s always a painful time! Y’know your friends invite you to a slumber party and then they stick your hand in warm water while you’re sleeping so that you pee in your sleeping bag.
slumber party:睡袍派对。是一个狂欢的节日,孩子们可以彻夜长谈,打闹。
tick your hand in warm water while you’re sleeping so that you pee in your sleeping bag:恶作剧。睡觉时把你的手放在温水里,这样你就会在睡袋里PEE。
8.Paul: I wanted a big wheel. And instead my parents got me this little plastic chicken that you hop around on. It was embarrassing; kids made fun of me. That was a pretty tough year.
big wheel.:只是一个大轮子吗?还是某种玩具?
hop around on:用力踩?
Phoebe: Okay, so maybe you don’t get her a ring. Maybe you-maybe you do something different. Y’know? Maybe you get her an engagement bracelet, y’know? Or an engagement tiara? Or—ooh! An engagement Revolutionary War musket!
9.Phoebe: (coming over after returning the musket) Wait a minute, no, this is, this is the reason you brought me. Okay? I know how to haggle.
10.Male Jeweler: This ring is from the 1920s, it’s a one and a half carat diamond with sapphires on either side.
11.Phoebe: We stand firm at $10.
12.Joey: Oh, we’re supposed to just get him a ticket?! That guy is always mooching off of us!
mooching off:巧妙避开 = duck out
13.Ross: Yeah! Anyway, I-I still think we should try to patch things up, y’know? Like uh, maybe we could get him to get tickets to another Knicks game and invite him.
patch things up 弥补一下
14.Rachel: Like a little girl. I know. I know. I know. This is all my fault; I wanted him to open up. But God, I didn’t know that I was gonna unleash this-this weepy, clingy, moist monster!
weepy, clingy, moist monster!:,眼泪汪汪,粘粘乎乎,哭哭啼啼的怪物
15.Monica: Y’know, I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up. And one of them is sex.
surefire ways:肯定有效的办法
16.Phoebe: Okay umm, I’d also like to try on the tiara. (The male jeweler hands it to her.) Oh yeah. Okay. (Puts it on.) (To the jeweler) What do you think, too much?
Male Jeweler: A tad.
Tad:a little
17.Chandler: Yeah but when he proposed to me with the ring I got goose bumps.
I got goose bumps.:我激动得都起鸡皮疙瘩了
18.Joey: Ooooh! Freeze him out.
Freeze sb. Out: to make someone feel that they are not part of a group by being unfriendly towards them, or to stop someone from being included in an arrangement or activity。
19.Chandler: I can’t believe I let you talk me into buying this stupid gumball machine looking ring!
gumball machine:警车顶灯?
20.Chandler: Okay and he hasn’t proposed yet because she has no ring on her finger.
Phoebe: Wow! You’re good! After this, we should solve crimes.
solve crime:破案
21.Chandler: (to him) Hi! Hi. Okay, there was a slight mix-up at the jewelry store, the ring you’re about to propose with was supposed to be held for me.
22.Chandler: No-no! This is my fiancee (Phoebe) and her heart was set on that ring. You don’t want to break her heart now do you?
her heart was set on that ring:她只喜欢那枚戒指
23.Phoebe: Yes, and it is my dying wish to have that ring. See, if I’m not buried with that ring then my spirit is going to wander the nether world for all eternity…
nether world:阴间地狱
24.Joey: Oh it’s water under the bridge, forget it!
it’s water under the bridge:现在已经船过水无痕了。(一切都过去了。)
25.Chandler: Check out the ring.
Rachel: (gasps) Nice! One and a half carat easy.
easy, 至少有One and a half carat
【624】The One With the Proposal: Part 1
【625】The One With the Proposal: Part 2
发表于 2007-6-9 10:23
【Season 7 Index】
(Check out all the English Html Scripts here:http://www.cnsitcom.com/friends/script/main.htm)
Episode 701 : The One With Monica's Thunder
Episode 702 : The One With Rachel's Book
Episode 703 : The One With Phoebe's Cookies
Episode 704 : The One With Rachel's Assistant
Episode 705 : The One With the Engagement Picture
Episode 706 : The One With the Nap Partners
Episode 707 : The One With Ross's Library Book
Episode 708 : The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
Episode 709 : The One With All the Candy
Episode 710 : The One With the Holiday Armadillo
Episode 711 : The One With All the Cheesecakes
Episode 712 : The One Where They're Up All Night
Episode 713 : The One Where Rosita Dies
Episode 714 : The One Where They All Turn Thirty
Episode 715 : The One With Joey's New Brain
Episode 716 : The One With the Truth About London
Episode 717 : The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress
Episode 718 : The One With Joey's Award
Episode 719 : The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin
Episode 720 : The One With Rachel's Big Kiss
Episode 721 : The One With the Vows
Episode 722 : The One With Chandler's Dad
Episode 723 : The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Parts 1 & 2
Episode ---- : Friends: The Stuff You've Never Seen
发表于 2007-6-9 10:23
【701】The One With Monica's Thunder
1.steal one's thunder 意思是抢先做某人要做的事,也有抢风头的意思
【702】The One With Rachel's Book
【703】The One With Phoebe's Cookies
【704】The One With Rachel's Assistant
【705】The One With the Engagement Picture
1.rachle:I just spread him on a cracker. cracker 脆饼干
2.monica:Do you really want to pull at that thread?
pull at that thread 拉这条线,这句话的意思就是,你真的想讨论这个问题吗
3.Ross:I don't give a tiny rat's ass.
一般人们总会说 I don't give a/an d*mn / f*ck / sh*t / ass... 表示不在乎.
说 I don't give a tiny rat's ass. 是个人的表达方式啦,就是一点都不在乎.
【706】The One With the Nap Partners
1.Wow, this cologne really is every bit as good as Georgio
2.Skidmark. 逃兵,我根据上下文猜的,因为有种玩具兵就叫skidmark
3.vegetarian, voodoo, goddess circley shower
其中shower指 bridal shower或wedding shower,女孩子的告别单身派对。
【707】The One With Ross's Library Book
1.for crying out loud (感叹词) 真是的; 拜托你好不好
就跟for god's sake一样,都是表示说话者负面的评价,犹如中文里"搞什么名堂!","乱七八糟!"这类在语气中带有忿忿不平的话,同时暗示着说话者的不耐烦。
(用以强调请求或命令) "唉呀!" "我的天啊!"
For crying out loud! Who did this? 唉呀!这是谁干的好事?!
For crying out loud, stop nagging me about it!拜托你不要老跟我咕哝那件事!
【708】The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
【709】The One With All the Candy
【710】The One With the Holiday Armadillo
【711】The One With All the Cheesecakes
【712】The One Where They're Up All Night
【713】The One Where Rosita Dies
【714】The One Where They All Turn Thirty
【715】The One With Joey's New Brain
【716】The One With the Truth About London
这集DVD版足足有28: 50这么长,其中学会了不少东西,经过sogo姐的修正后整理了这份译后笔记,望能对大家有帮助。
1. Rach教Ben玩的硬币把戏害得Ross在学校出了丑,Ross去找Rach算帐
“ I have a bone to pick with you.”
bone to pick: Grounds for a complaint or dispute.
抱怨或争论的理由 整句:我对你有些不满。
2. Chan和Mon看过对方裸体后,Chan说
“Well I think it's safe to say that our friendship is effectively ruined.”
It's safe to say that ...:可以毫不夸张地说; 可以万无一失地说
3. Joey试图说服C&M让他来主婚,因为C&M曾见过两个牧师都不满意,一个讲话喷口水,一个老盯着M胸脯看,所以J就说
“No-no-no-no look no! I won't spit, and I won't stare at Monica's breasts! Y'know? Everyone knows I'm an ass man!”
ass man: Guy who judges women by their butts.
4. Chan得知当晚Mon最初想勾搭的人是Joey,很沮丧,Mon劝Chan说自己庆幸那晚Joey不在,Joey在旁很不满
“Hey! Now I'm a man of the cloth, but I still have feelings!”
man of the cloth专指牧师 。
5. Chan还是不能接受,讽刺Mon
“You wanted to sleep with Batman, and instead you had to settle for Robin.”
Settle for: 将就(勉强)同意接受
6. Phoebe药效过了,觉得自己没有了生命危险,很兴奋
“ I'm out of the woods! Ohh! What a relief!”
out of the woods:
Free of a difficult or hazardous situation; in a position of safety or security.
另外,Rach教Ben的恶作剧里,有一个是“Saran Wrap on the toilet seat so the pee goes everywhere!”
这里Saran Wrap是保鲜膜,做法是把马桶座位掀起来,把保鲜膜铺在马桶上,要铺得没有皱褶让人看不出才行,那男生尿的时候就会弹得到处都是,女生就会弄一屁股,不过我很怀疑怎么会看不见,有谁试过成功的吗?
practical joke / prank:恶作剧
side effect: (药物的)副作用
bode well :有好的预兆
virgin margarita:不含酒精的玛格丽特,但仍有酒的味道
star:也有命运的意思。常与 the连用
facial swelling:面部肿胀
temporary euphoria:暂时的欣快症(欣快症:一种不正常的幸福感)
【717】The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress
【718】The One With Joey's Award
【719】The One With Ross and Monica's Cousin
1Wafer thin ice 是不是如履薄冰啊。。。。。蒙的
2.birth stone肯定是生日石,国内外有不同的版本
3.Silly Putty是种玩具就是彩蛋,橡胶的,怎么捏都成,可以用来搞蛇啊蜘蛛啊,还能HALLOWEEN的时候贴脸上
【720】The One With Rachel's Big Kiss
1.a little more ESPN and a little less E!?
espn means more manly, while E! indicates more girly.
E!就是E ONLINE啊,都是娱乐新闻,花边 ; espn 体育台
【721】The One With the Vows
【722】The One With Chandler's Dad
【723】The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Parts 1 & 2
【----】Friends: The Stuff You've Never Seen