发表于 2007-6-8 17:45
【116】The One With Two Parts, Part 1
1. Ursula spins around looking puzzled, quite unable to tell where the sound is coming from: turn around quickly
2. Can we start over: start from the beginning
3. Inside Central Perk, all three girls are paying court to Ross: To flatter with solicitous overtures in an attempt to obtain something or clear away antagonism
4. And then, three days in a row, he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword: SUCCESSIVELY
5. I’ve got go, I’ve got Lamaze class: relating to or being a method of childbirth that involves psychological and physical preparation by the mother in order to suppress pain and facilitate delivery without drugs
6. Rachel grins as Ross removes the girlie jacket, grabs his own, and rushes out: of or befitting a girl; effeminate
7. Well, it throws my WENUS out of whack: Out of proper shape or order
8. Gotcha, gotcha: got you, I know!
9. You don’t dip your pen in the company ink: this saying means you date someone you work with 10.The logo SAP appears on the screen, and suddenly the dialogue is dubbed into Spanish: An acronym for Secondary Audio Program. An NTSC audio channel used for auxiliary transmission, such as foreign language broadcasting or teletext. Most current television devices have provisions for SAP
11.Rachel slowly spins around, finally noticing that the lights have outstayed their welcome: stay beyond the time
12.She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries: a tuna sandwich with melted cheese; 13.Okay, before you do anything Joey-like, you might wanna run it by Pheebs: run something by someone means To submit for consideration or review
14.The sitcom begins with its familiar refrain, yet with a Latin lilt: refrain means a regularly recurring phrase or verse especially at the end of each stanza or division of a poem or song; lilt means a spirited and usually cheerful song or tune
15.It bleats in protest: to utter the natural cry of a sheep or goat of similar sound
16.Why don’t you get on your back: lie down
17.I don’t see why I should have to miss out on the coaching training just because I’m a woman
18.I will flip you for it: flip for it, toss the coin to decide
19.Good, now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower: a canal in a female mammal that leads from the uterus to the external orifice of the genital canal
20.Hey listen, I know I came in late last week, but I slept funny and my hair was very very &ndash: symbol of --(and en dash,), here to demonstrate that Chandler’s words are interrupted by his boss. 21.She sympathetically reaches out to fondle the inner thigh of his left leg: caress
22.Let me put it this way. Anything from Crabtree and Evelyn: a famous label for producing produce toiletries, comestibles and home fragrance items (Pictured)
23.And some biscotti cookies: A crisp Italian cookie traditionally flavored with anise and often containing almonds or filbert. (Pictured)
24.Sweetheart, you are fired, but how ‘bout a quickie before I go to work: a brief sexual liaison 25.Rachel has to rush ahead to avoid becoming tangled. Joey takes out a nice cardigan: a usually collarless sweater or jacket that opens the full length of the center front
26.Yep, Ice Capades. Wow, I’ve never known you to pay money for any kind of capade: Ice Capades is a famous skating performance group in US. Capade=escapade means a usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct
27.Snappily confronting Joey over the heads of the knitting circle: marked by vigor or liveliness 28.Didn’t’ I memo you on this: write something down to remind someone
29.She would have no recollection of being fired at all. None at all.
30.Susan just glares back, as Ross’s inappropriate joke falls flat: to produce no response or result 31.I know its frightening, but big picture. The birth part is just one day, and when it’s over, we are all gonna be parents for the rest of our lives: the entire perspective on a situation or issue, used with the 32.Mind if we push this pot roast through it: A cut of beef that is browned and then cooked until tender, often with vegetables, in a covered pot.
33.This is just occurring to you
34.Phoebe buttons her lip: close
35.Helen, could we make sure we put through the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder’s raise: To bring to a successful end
36.Nina puts her hands on her lips, then gives Chandler a quizzical look 37.Monica points the remote at her TV, and punches out a key combination
发表于 2007-6-8 17:45
【117】The One With Two Parts, Part 2
1. you'd be starin' at the business end of a hissy fit.
have a hissy fit 意思是因为一些事情(通常是小事)而发彪,生气(freak out)
the business end就是the receiving end,承受方,即受害人,被攻击目标,或承受不愉快事情的人,受气包....
发表于 2007-6-8 17:46
【118】The One With All The Poker
1.On Poker
The One With All The Poker 是很多Friends迷的最爱,诙谐幽默自不待言,其中还不乏朋友、情人间的相互支持的动人场面。只是其中的poker术语太多,有时真是不知所云。整理了部分出来,也许以后在宿舍楼道中的某个poker night中,你还能脱口而出两句呐!
(Poker night is a night during which several people gather to play poker. For example: Are you going to come over for my poker night? It's Wednesday and we're starting at 8:00.)
Suits就是我们说的花色,4个花色分别是黑桃(spades),红桃(hearts),方片(diamonds)和梅花(clubs)。洗牌是shuffle,reshuffle也是个常用词,特别在政治新闻里,说某个政党或政府要重组,也是reshuffle。抓牌是 draw card,出牌是 deal card。
下注一般是bet,下注时的那个红,兰色的小片片叫chip。monica说的“No blinds, everybody ante”中,ante和blinds都是下注的方式。ante是出牌(deal)前所下的注,而且不算作下回赌注中的一部分;blinds则恰恰相反,在不看自己的下一张牌时就下注,而且会成为下次赌注的一部分。
跟不跟是“in or out”,不玩了就说“I fold.”,我跟着你下注,“I am seeing you,I’ll see a bet。”Raise表示提高赌注,在一个limit game中(赌注有上限), 通常是raise the bet to the limit. Call是与对方的注持平(match a bet)如:“I’m calling you.”
一手牌(hand)比大小时,four of kind>full house>flush>straight。Four of kind是4张一样的,大概相当于4个炸弹。Full House是指5张牌中有3张一样的(3个k)和2张一样的(2个3),flush是5张牌都是同花不连成一句话,straight flush是同花顺,Straight是5张牌连成一句话(56789),但不同花色。
说到Monica提到的Cincinnati,这是一种家庭扑克牌(Home game)的玩法,又称之为Utah, Lamebrains, or California,widow game 和southern cross也与此相似。Cincinnati 的具体玩法是每个人都发5张牌,牌底朝下(face down),剩下的牌则放在桌子中央。先下一轮注(a round of betting),然后由牌童(houseman)或发牌人(dealer)揭开桌子中央底牌底(turn up the central card),每揭开一张又下一轮注, 在最后一张牌揭晓时(showdown),每个玩家选用他手上最好的5张牌比大小。
play for high stakes ——to risk a lot of money in a game
bluff —— to pretend you have better cards than you really do in a game of poker
2.Rachel: Settle what?
Chandler: The... Jamestown colony of Virginia. You see, King George is giving us the land, so...
Jamestown —— a town, established in 1607, in the U.S. state of Virginia which was the first town built by English people who went to live in North America
3.Monica: Yeah, I know. He can get really competitive.
Phoebe: Ha. Ha, ha.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black. )
A:There's an old saying: "It's like the pot calling the kettle black." It was coined when most pots and pans were made of iron and, therefore, were, black. It means that you're accusing someone of something that really is reflective of you -- much like "It takes one to know one."
Does that help?--From leeni
详解:古语有云,"It's like the pot calling the kettle black."乌鸦笑猪黑,“罐子笑壶黑”,因为很多铁制炊具为黑色。意思是,你在嘲讽别人时,其实自己也一样,就好像说,"It takes one to know one", 彼此彼此。
4.It's gotta be like chips, or dip, or pretz..
5.little playthings with yarn? 接ROSS的who makes me.. 能给你做小绒线玩具?
6.Could you want her more? 你还能怎么想她? 意思是ROSS已经想追求RACH想得不行了。
7.Dee, the sarcastic sister from Whats Happening
ROSS明知道CHAN在说RACH,还装傻问是谁(Who? ),CHAN就说,
是Dee,“Whats Happening ”里面哪个犀利的小妹妹。
“Whats Happening ”是美国七八时年代的一部情景喜剧,讲一个黑人家庭的事, 有些类似“Happy Days”,具体没有看过,不知道little playthings with yarn跟这部戏有没有关系。
8.Cross-Eyed Mary 这好象是来自于IRON MAIDEN的一首歌
是不是这样啊,女孩们刚学的扑克招数里有个eye contact trick,往左斜眼代表“缺梅花”之类的,男孩们就把这个trick戏称做Cross-Eyed Mary
发表于 2007-6-8 17:47
【119】The One Where The Monkey Gets Away
1.suck-fest 就是suck,In Joey's opinion the movie "sucked" or was not enjoyable. In fact, it was a fest(ival) of unenjoyable.
2.chick-flick 所谓的文艺片,以女性为主题,A movie (flick) made almost exclusively to appeal to women (chicks). This is why the two boys thought it sucked.
3.clunky Clumsy in form or manner; awkward: 笨重的形态或举止笨重的;笨拙的:
clunky high-heel shoes. 笨重的高跟鞋
4.Go bobcats
bobcats 经常被用作高中运动队的名字,每个队都有吉祥物,可能他们的高中就用bobcats吧 ,而Go bobcats 就是“加油 bobcats”啦
发表于 2007-6-8 17:47
【120】The One With The Evil Orthodontist
1. personal ad 自我简介,征婚广告
2. testosteroney
testosterone 是一种男性荷尔蒙,睾丸酮,是雄性激素 androgens 的重要组成部分。
testosteroney不是正式的词,Phoebe 是用很形象的方式告诉 chandler 别老那么大男子主义。
3.if I'm hogging the ball too much you just jump right in there and take a couple punches because I'm telling you, this feels great.
hogging the ball 指双打时强打同伴的球,rach 是把 barry 说成 the ball,“如果我强着骂他/揍他了,你也不用有什么顾虑,上去给几拳,很爽的”
发表于 2007-6-8 17:48
【121】The One With The Fake Monica
1.popes into a volkswagen
Joey: How do you get a monkey into a zoo?
Chandler: I know that one! ...No, that's Popes into a Volkswagen.
Pope是教皇,Volkswagen是很大众的车,教皇怎么可能屈尊做大众呢?不过Marcel虽然是Ross最亲密的伙伴,也摆脱不了他是只小猴的命运。猴子进动物园是很理所当然的事情,而Joey却问了这么白*的问题,所以Chandler调侃他说了Popes into a Volkswagen.言下之意,Joey你在说什么呢?Marcel不过是只猴子罢了,拜托别弄得他像教皇一样好吗!
Actually, yesterday I asked one of my western friends about your question. According to him, there's no such a punchline in western countries. Apparently, it's just another improvised joke from Chandler. You know how contextual, cynical and dry his jokes could be.
And by the way, my friend also told me some funny fact that in their culture, there is often a joke about "How can you get a ____ inot a volkswagen.... " So, if you really want to mention the original meaning, I think probably this is the original shape of Chandler's joke.
2.Holden McGroin
实际上就是那意思,holding my groin的谐音,外国人造了许多假名字,有的搞笑,有的dirty..
3.'and, my, dead, moher, says, you, are, it'
4.flame boy,pheo给joey的名字,这个名字给人gay的感觉,下面这个小家伙也叫flameboy
5.my Curious George doll is no longer curious
Season 9 finale 也提过就是一只对什么都很感兴趣,好奇心很强的猴子,Curious George is a children's book written by Margret and Hans Rey.
发表于 2007-6-8 17:49
【122】The One With The Ick Factor
1.frame of graft,不是frame of graft. 是frame of Reference。意思是:我没有相关的经历来进行对比,(就是说他以前是处男嘛)。
2.That was gonna be my opener.
发表于 2007-6-8 17:49
【123】The One With The Birth
1. mucus plug是一种能堵住宫颈口的粘液,以避免细菌什么的进入子宫,伤害胎儿,ross说passed the mucus plug,是指产程发动时,mucus plug就会伴随血液流出来,这个过程也叫bloody show,也就是快生了。
2.You don't stop for chunky. Carol她们那么急去医院的路上还去买chunky玩具, ross在埋怨她们.
3. used to have those bumper stick
Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. )
A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get attention of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular stand on any issue.
(USA) Clinton Gore 96
(USA) Clinton Gone 96 hoho
发表于 2007-6-8 17:51
【124】The One Where Rachel Finds Out
1.Joey: Well, it's like, last night, I couldn't do the thing that usually makes me great. So I had to do all this other stuff. And the response I got... man, oh man, it was like a ticker tape parade!
Chandler: Yes, I know, as it happens my room is very very close to the parade route.
joey 形容他给女友服务得到的赞扬就像别人给自己开了个 ticker tape parade, chan 就说给你开 ticker tape parade 的时候, 我那屋就在parade route旁边, 什么都听得到
A ticker-tape parade is a parade event, held in a downtown urban setting, allowing the jettison of large amounts of shredded paper products from nearby buildings onto the parade route, creating a triumphal effect by the snowstorm like flurry.
The term originated in New York City and is still most closely associated with it. The term ticker-tape refered originally to the use of the paper output of ticker tape machines, which were remotely-driven devices used in brokerages to provide updated Stock Market quotes. Nowadays, the paper product are largely waste office paper that has been cut using conventional shredders.
In New York City, ticker-tape parades are not annual events but are reserved for special occassions. The first such parade was in October 1886 and was a spontaneous event following the dedication of the Statue of Liberty. Soon afterwards, city officials realized the utility of such events and began to hold them on triumphal occassions, at first only for extraordinary events, such as the return of Theodore Roosevelt from his safari in Africa.
Up through the 1950s, the were commonly given to any visiting head of state, but the 1960s, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, they became increasingly rare are generally reserved now for space exploration triumphs, military honors and sports championships. The section of lower Broadway through the Financial District that serves as the parade route for these events is colloquially called the Canyon of Heros.
2.hammerhead 笨蛋
Carl 就是说自己讨厌Ed Begley, Jr.那个照片,应该是个环保的广告
发表于 2007-6-8 17:51
今天先贴到season 1,明天继续,十天贴完:)