发表于 2007-6-9 10:02
【205】The One With Five Steaks and a Funeral
最后进行编辑的是 lavanew on 2003-11-09- 09:07 PM, 总计第 1 次编辑
【206】The One With The Baby On The Bus
1.Chandler: Oh, that's good. Maybe he'll hear you and pull the cord.
北美的bus上都有按钮或绳,拽一下。司机就知道有stop request。
【207】The One Where Ross Finds Out
【208】The One With The List
发表于 2007-6-9 10:03
【209】The One With Phoebe's Dad
1.all ears,全身都是耳朵,自然是全神倾听了
3.play hardball,不择手段,态度强硬,不妥协
4.I am seizing
剧中开始rach说ross不能seize the day,去向她表白,所以ross后来引用seize告诉rach他今儿是非抓不可了
发表于 2007-6-9 10:04
【210】The One With Russ
1.stuff 就是“玩意儿” ,简直是英语中的万金油啊
【211】The One With The Lesbian Wedding
1.worth a shot? 值得试一试
【212-213】The One After The Superbowl (Part I/II)
【214】The One With The Prom Video
1.I was gonna do them jullienne 蔬菜等切成条的,切成丝的
【215】The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know
【216】The One Where Joey Moves Out
【217】The One Where Eddie Moves In
【218】The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies
【219】The One Where Eddie Won't Go
1.Hannibal Lecter就是"The Silence of Lambs"(沉默的羔羊)中的那个杀人魔王的名字,Chandler在这讽刺Eddie比Hannibal还要邪恶,一心想把Eddie赶出去.
2. a leaf blower pheo“怒斥”rach的大嘴巴就像落叶吹扫器那样,抖搂了pheo和Jason Hurley在他和mon分手一个小时后就上床这个秘密。
【220】The One Where Old Yeller Dies
【221】The One With The Bullies
【222】The One With The Two Parties
1. It's a true testament to what a girl from long island would do for a Celica.
【223】The One With The Chicken Pox
【224】The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding
发表于 2007-6-9 10:05
【Season 3 Index】
(Check out all the English Html Scripts here:http://www.cnsitcom.com/friends/script/main.htm)
Episode 301 : The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy
Episode 302 : The One Where No One's Ready
Episode 303 : The One With The Jam
Episode 304 : The One With The Tunnel
Episode 305 : The One With Frank, Jr.
Episode 306 : The One With The Flashback
Episode 307 : The One With The Race Car Bed
Episode 308 : The One With The Giant Poking Device
Episode 309 : The One With The Football
Episode 310 : The One Where Rachel Quits
Episode 311 : The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
Episode 312 : The One With All The Jealousy
Episode 313 : The One Where Monica And Richard Are Friends
Episode 314 : The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner
Episode 315 : The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break
Episode 316 : The One The Morning After
Episode 317 : The One Without The Ski Trip
Episode 318 : The One With The Hypnosis Tape
Episode 319 : The One With The Tiny T-Shirt
Episode 320 : The One With The Dollhouse
Episode 321 : The One With A Chick. And The Duck
Episode 322 : The One With The Screamer
Episode 323 : The One With Ross' Thing
Episode 324 : The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion
Episode 325 : The One At The Beach
发表于 2007-6-9 10:05
【301】 The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy
1.mental images 是想象中。。。
2.uncle sam 是指美国或美国人, 类似还有john bull 指英国人
3.I do put career before men,
4.Come on, quite yankin' me. yanking是bother, harass的意思
【302】The One Where No One's Ready
1.go commando 不穿内裤
【303】The One With The Jam
1.fell out of the socket Joey是想骗他的医生说他的手就这样从膈膊窝跌了下来。
【304】 The One With The Tunnel
1.G.I. JOE最早是在1964年登场的(所以Joey 和 Ross对它那么情有独衷,他们的童年正是G.I. JOE的玩具时代)。当时作为面向男孩子的游戏,它由21个零件组成,高度为11.5英寸。名字则是借用了1945年的一部老电影“The Story Of G.I. JOE”(见下图)中的人物名。1967年开始G.I.JOE开始能说话了。1974年在美国掀起“功夫热”(Kung Fu craze)后,G.I. JOE也获得了一副功夫手套。 一直到现在,G.I. JOY在不断推陈出新。目前它在美国,加拿大和日本有直销店。(但G.I.JOY只住在美国。)上面那个是一个BEACH HEAD figure,大约售价$9.99, 官方网站是: www.gijoe.com
(p.s. The above picture's copyright belongs to www.gijoe.com)
One more messege from me:
Please go into the habit of giving credit to the picture or article you quote from now on! Each of us should take up the obligation to establish the international credibility of China's Intellectual Property Right.)
2.Mon:Be sleepy.
Rach:Yes, and grumpy.
Chan:What are you... stop naming dwarves!
万事通Doc 爱生气Grumpy 瞌睡虫Sleepy 喷嚏精Sneezy 害羞鬼Bashful 开心果Happy 糊涂蛋Dopey
想起一个不是第三季的,Marsell got choked,结果医生取出了字母块m,k和o。Chandler马上说:我想他是试图拼出"monkey"。急智啊同志们!
3.Fling-flanging" is an intensifier, much the same as "dang" or any other mild cuss word
4.“I gotta buy a vowel”.
This expression somewhat like “can I get a word in?”
5.i got all needy and clingy 就是对感情的饥渴,粘乎乎的难缠
6.we said aloof not 'a doof' doof就是傻子,白痴,笨蛋的意思
7.these darn cartons are so flingin'-flangin' hard to open
发表于 2007-6-9 10:06
【305】 The One With Frank, Jr.
昨天忙了一天,晚上实在是太困了,一回到家就蒙头大睡,所以305的笔记推迟一天完稿,还想赚斑竹的300马修呢。Hehe. 需要申明的是,本笔记只是提供对部分我认为script中比较难懂或比较常用的词解释,供ggmm们参考。由于时间和精力原因,可能并不详细或完善,举一反三就靠你自己了。毕竟,赚的马修不能买房子,hehe.兄弟还得赚点真金白银呢。另外,感谢斑竹的补充和指正。
1. Joey: It’s a one day job, max. 至多一天的功夫。
2. Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?
Monica: No, but he told me, he thinks you’re a fox.
“cute”是个很好用的词,gg常用于说某个女孩“很可爱”,或者ppmm的你可以说某个男孩“很帅”。 “fox” 和 foxy也有很酷,很性感的意思,但该词带贬意,要慎用。
3. Joey: Well, you should’ve told me that before, I’m not a mind reader. 其中,“mind reader”是 “能猜出你心思的人”,口语化点可以说,我又不是你肚子里的蛔虫。蛔虫,呃,有点恶心吧。
4. Chandler: So, you gotta play the odds, .... 意思是,你要考虑多少胜算。
5. Monica: Oh, we used to drive each other crazy playing the shadow game. Play the shadow game, 指“你说一句我说一句”,“鹦鹉学舌”。
6. Phoebe: … Y'know what are big sisters for? 这是个很好用的句法,“你知道大姐是干什么用的?”你可以说“you know what are the trash can for ?” 当然是装垃圾了, hehe.
7.Ross: Okay, I’m done with my choices, these are final. 其中“done”是“完成了”的意思。还记得smelly cat中Phoebe的“I am not done”(我还没说完呢),“I am done now”吗?
8.Phoebe: Well, I-I wasn’t hopping mad, y'know.
Frank: You hopped a little bit. Yeah, I really sorry.
这是一段很好的双关语。“hopping mad”有非常生气的意思,Phoebe意思是“我。。。我刚才并不是很生气”,而Frank却说,你有点跳起来了(有点生气了)。
9.Isabella: (to Gunther) Um, coffee to go, please. “一杯咖啡,打包”,很好用的句子吧。
10.Joey: 。。。And the drinks are on me! “我请你和酒”,这也是一个常用句。当你和朋友吃完饭后,你准备买单,你就可以说“It is on me”(我请客!)
1.Sergio Valente's
70年代最热辣的牛仔服装品牌,出自意大利Sergio之手.82年突然从时装界淡出.谁知道joey从那个角落里找来的. 不过最近好像在西方大街小巷又开始慢慢流行起来.
2.the years of nugies and wedgies and flying wedgies and atomic wediges
nugies is the act of rubbing your knuckles on someone's head while holding their head under your arm;
发表于 2007-6-9 10:08
【306】The One With The Flashback
philipghc's note
在上文中,我说如果反应好的话,就要to be continued。承蒙多位大侠的顶,再加上斑竹踢了一脚,我就再继续写下去。哪一天,累了,就金盘洗手,省的浪费服务器的空间。Hehe.
1. Phoebe: Wow, it’s like a dirty math problem.其中的dirty,指的是“黄色的,下流的”意思。比如黄色笑话(dirty jokes),黄色书刊( dirty books),比其他erotic等词要通俗得多。
2. Phoebe: Cute naked guy is really starting to put on weight. “Put on weight”, 就是“长胖”。语言就是越简单越好,主要表达出意思就够了。随便说一下,“保持身材匀称”就是keep fit。
3. Ross: 。。。 and they really hit it off。他们很合得来。
4. Monica: Hey-hey-hey. You wanna hear something that sucks. 其中suck有“很糟糕”意思。比如有人问你,今天工作怎么样?你就可以说 It sucks, 或者it is sucky.
5. Rachel: … and uh I ordered a rum and Diet Coke。Hehe,Diet Coke就是健怡可乐,不含糖的。Rachel害怕put on weight呢。
6. Rachel: … I think I feel like I need to have one last fling。Fling有“放纵”的意思,PPMM们在聊天室中见到叫fling的家伙要当心啊。
7. Monica: Awww, just like you always wanted. Congratulations。Congratulations意思是“祝贺”或“恭喜”,不过要注意的是要复数。
8. Mr. Heckles: He told me in person. In person 是“当面,面对面”意思。
9. Joey: I’m such a jerk. Jerk 意思是“混蛋”,常用于骂人,也常单独用,直接说“jerk”。
10. Monica: (all depressed) Help yourself. Help oneself 就是“请随便”。
11. Ross: ‘Cause Carol’s a lesbian. (Phoebe is shocked) And, and I’m not one. And apparently it’s not a mix and match situation.其中 “mix an match” 意思是“混合匹配”,在IT业中用得较多,这里用得非常好,意思carol是lesbian,而ross又不是,没法匹配。
12. Monica: Yeah! And I got it on sale, too. On sale, 有削价处理,跳楼价、大出血处理意思。你是否常在街上看到on sale, really, you got it.
13. Friend No. 2: You missed the exit! “Exit” 和307 中的 “off ramp” 一样,也是下砸道意思。上砸道是什么? On ramp。 高速路中超车道可以说 “over-take way”。
5. Rachel: … and uh I ordered a rum and Diet Coke.
Rum is an alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane. Usually, it is used to make cocktails. The picture above is a kind of rum.
6. Rachel: … I think I feel like I need to have one last fling。
here's the definition of a fling:a short and not very serious sexual relationship.
8. Mr. Heckles: He told me in person. In person也做“亲自”解。
在juliaqiu 文中,对我第8点的解释认为:
“Mr. Heckles: He told me in person. In person也做 '亲自' 解”
Heckles意思是,虽然chandler和eric是"电话里说"( over the phone),但我是"面对面"(in person)。所以new roommate 应该是我。
如果翻译成“亲自”,就显示不出其区别了。两者都可以说成“亲自”,both "over the phone" and "in person".
In one's physical presence; personally
You are more beautiful in person. (本人)
The president will appear in person tomorrow. (亲自,这里当面似乎就不太通了)
If there's something you don't like about me, I want you to tell me in person.(当面,直接)
I shall come to present my congratulations in person. (亲自)
发表于 2007-6-9 10:09
【307】The One With The Race Car Bed
philipghc 's note
1. ROSS说:“this went in one ear and out.....”,该完整的应该是 “It goes in one ear and out the other”,就是咱们中国人说的“左耳进右耳出,不当会事”。
2.Gunther心里想的:“ What does Rachel see in this guy?”,就是Rachel究竟看中了这家伙什么。这句话挺有用的,对于吃不到葡萄的难兄什么时候也可以这么出口气。
3.Chandler: "Change the channel", 意思是赶快换频道。Chandler兄这么关心Janice,最后还是...,有点伤心。
4.Chandler: “What a wank!”,这句是骂人的,文明点可以说是“该死的家伙”。
5。Gunther:“ Yeah, we’ll see!”,这句话是“等着瞧吧”,是不是也挺有用的,什么时候我们也可以阿Q一把。
6.Phoebe: "Oh, it’s the compulsively neat one by the window, okay", 意思是靠近窗口特别干净的那个房间。其中“compulsively neat ”,可以说是“洁癖”。,“她有洁癖”,可以说“She is a compulsively neat one”
7.Dr. Green: "You know what’s really good here, the lobster". “你知道这里的特色菜嘛,龙虾啊”,这句话是不是也挺有用的。
8。Dr. Green: “Excuse me, you think I’m cheap?”, “嗯,你认为我小气?”,cheap是不是用的特别好?
9。Joey: “Okay, some tricks of the trade.”,“好,来教你们几招”,是不是可以认为师傅的“不传之密”啊?hehe.
10。Joey: “You bet!”,也可以说“You bet I am", “一点没错”的意思。
11.Chandler: "Whoa-whoa, somebody missed the off ramp.",“有人错过了下匝道”,off ramp 就是高架或高速公路的下匝道。
马上要工作,以上仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎各位大内高手指点。反应好的话,to be continued. hehe.
cheap这词用的时候需要谨慎一点,大多数情况并不像我们课本学的那样就是单纯的"便宜"之义。如上例,用于贬义的情况更多。实在是要表扬别人会侃价,就说it's really a good bargain什么的。反正没恶意的时候用inexpensive什么的代替cheap比较保险。
you bet,除了“没错”之外,还有“不客气”的意思。如:
A: Thank you so much!
B: You bet!
1.I've got a gig. gig - 短期表演; a job usually for a specified time
gig :a person of odd or grotesque appearance
gig有时指一份工作。American Beauty中就用这个用法 I just do these gigs as a cover.
gig4 (gg) Slang n. A job, especially a booking for musicians.
soap gig 肥皂剧啊,gig 在这里应该是指出演soap opera这份工作,a job usually for a specified time,especially an entertainer's engagement.
prom :short for promenade,a formal dance given by a high school or college class
2.I'm gonna go to a doctor who went to school in a mini-mall
Ross 是在讽刺Rachel的chiropractor,说他的医学水平值得怀疑,medical的学位不知是在哪个野鸡大学拿的。大家想想,会有哪一个正牌的Medical school能在mini-mall里开的?这一点也可以从后面Ross和Dr.Green的谈话中看出来。
3.did you make bownies today
Monica是大厨,通常是她来做brownies的,但Phoebe说“When I was you!” monica 最害怕别人把她做得吃的搞糟, 于是Monica反问。
4.Come on, you just titling!
我感觉这里script应该是拼错了,Dr.Green实际说的是"tilting", not titling.
tilt: to have an inclination
发表于 2007-6-9 10:09
【308】the one wiht the Giant Poking Device
ice 笔记:)
1.Phoebe: Yes,while i was in the chair! That's why i take such good care of my teeth now,you know, it not about oral hygiene,i floss to save lives! 这句词就挺搞笑的,weird Phoebe认为自己的牙关系人命。 这里的oral hygiene 口腔卫生 还是个不错的native词组哦。
2.Guther: Oh,like you don't already have everything. Guther出镜不多,据说还是n集后才由群众演员升级为拥有一个名字的角色,但他每每的出现,总是让人捧腹。如同这句:你难道还不知足吗? 让ross莫名其妙之余,观众笑倒~~~```哈哈,personal i like guther
3.joey:ewwww~~ugly naked guy is using his new hammock. hammock 吊床,不错的词哦~
4.joey:if the Homo Sapiens,were in fact homo-sapien? is that why there extinct? 这里又是一个笑料。首先ross告诉大家,博物馆里的智人标签homo-sapien的sapien被一些小孩涂改,重新组合了,(by the way ,他用了mess up 这个词组也很有用诶)但似乎忌讳很深入的讲下去,用let just let it at that跳了过去。在这里我个人认为,那些顽皮的小孩可能是把sapien改成sapphic,一个希腊的女同性恋诗人。而接下去就引出了坏笑joey的”science question“ 智人灭绝是因为他们是同性恋吗? 搞笑~
5.monica大力把rainy bear连头带帽子撤了下了,rachy痛苦的说一句,oh it's like a bloodbath in here today. bloodbath 屠杀 挺搞笑
6.monica和rachy帮可怜的little ben穿下全套熊雨衣,monic说了句:It just make more sense
as an ensemble。 这句还是蛮有用的。
7.ben说monica bang!的时候,monica惊慌失措:oh my god! he gonna rat me out!
rat sb out 出卖某人~ 呵呵,值得一提的是,ben在这一集中相当可爱,尤其是说这句话的时候:)再想一想,n年后的我们应该如何称呼monica呢? monica bing!~~~~呵呵,kids know~~~:)
8.Rachel: oh yeah! you'know ,if it's not a headboard ,it just not worth it. headboard床头板。 这句为什么好笑? 呵呵,不用多说了吧:)
9.Phoebe: The cruse is broken. ·#%·#¥…… And this curse is getting stronger too, to bring down something that big.
bring down 击倒,打倒,
10.Rachel: Well maybe he just taking a nap. take a nap 小睡一会儿 顺便一提,在美国的某些公司,认为take a nap 可以明显的提高工作效率,所以上班时间小睡几乎是合法化的
11.Joey: hey! you know how we er, save all the chopsticks for no reason we get when we get Chiese food.
本集joey用吃中餐收集的筷子做成了一个poking device 试探ugly naked guy是否被 Phoebe的咒言击中。欣慰ing,文明古国出的东西就是不一样。 by the way ,joey似乎对中餐评价甚高,在很多细节中有反应,比如在ross 前往中国那集。最后,chopstick 还是要记牢的。:)
12.joey关于chandler于janice的关系上发表自己看法说: i would bow out。 bow out 退出,常用词组。
13.monica : you jerk! jerk 一词于friends中出现频率相当之高,应该是混蛋的最常用表达法吧。`
14.Chandler: i donnt wanna be the guy that breaks up a family, you know when my parents spilt up.......... 如果说break up是和gf或bf分手的最常用词组,spilt up常用于夫妻分手~~~
15.Ross: Can we please focus here, a naked guy's life hangs in the balance!
hang in the balance 安危未定,生死未决``
有一场景 rachel说number one,joey偷笑
take number one 即小解的意思
美语中关于小解的表达法有 pee, take a piss , take a slash, relieve myself, take a number one , urinate等等
to take the piss还有个意思是
to deflate somebody, to disabuse them of their mistaken belief that they are special.
起因是piss-proud这个词, which refers to having an erection when waking up in the morning, which is usually attributed to a full bladder
take the piss
make fun off, deride
发表于 2007-6-9 10:10
【309】The One With The Football
就是老外用来数数的,好象一二三 二二三 ,这是为了延长数1、2、3的时间,密西西比就是指河或者州,我估摸着是因为这个破词美国人觉得念起来很麻烦的吧。
2.get mono
mononucleosis:noun: an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
【310】 The One Where Rachel Quits
zxfxxy's note
1.Gee.上帝。 相当与GOD,感叹词。
2.gain weight 等于put on weight;反义词为lose weight
3.my life officially sucks 我这辈子真算完了。
4.go after a job you really want 追求你真正想要的工作。
5.sent out..... 寄出。。
6.you would think 你想得美。类似的说法在FRIENDS 很多,如YOU WISH。引申一下,GUNTHER还有一句话,
WE'll see.意思为我们走着瞧。
7. weeks notice 辞职报告
8.i don't have a lead 我还没有一点进展。
9.pick out 挑选
10.look no further, 不用再看了,不用再挑了
11.that's crap。 胡说八道。瞎讲。
12.blast off. 发射!
【311】 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
zxfxxy's note on 311
1.throw a party for SB 为某人举办一个派对。
2.screw up sth 搞砸了某事。在前几集里非比和他弟弟共渡周末时,她弟弟就说:I screwed it up so bad. 我把一切都搞着糟糕透顶。
3.you got me. 你说对了。也可以说 you got it.
4.stick out sth 坚持做某事。挺住。还有伸出什么的意思。如这一集里,MONICA对CHANDLER说:stick out your tongue.伸出你的舌头。
5.how hammered are you? 你脑袋坏掉了吗?
6.fall for sb 为某人倾倒
7.what the hell's a matter with you ? 你到底是怎么搞的?
8.you are so the man. 你真是个男子汗
9.tick sb off 惹怒某人
10.don't you apologize。 你不必道歉。倒装句。
11.out of one's mind. 等于lose one's senses.都是失去理智的意思。
【312】The One With All The Jealousy
【313】The One Where Monica And Richard Are Friends
【314】The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner
【315】The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break
【316】The One The Morning After
【317】The One Without The Ski Trip
【318】The One With The Hypnosis Tape