发表于 2007-6-9 10:24
【Season 8 Index】
(Check out all the English Html Scripts here:http://www.cnsitcom.com/friends/script/main.htm)
Episode 801 : The One After I do
Episode 802 : The One With The Red sweater
Episode 803 : The One Where Rachel Tells
Episode 804 : The One With The Videotape
Episode 805 : The One With Rachel's Date
Episode 806 : The One With The Halloween Party
Episode 807 : The One With The Stain
Episode 808 : The One With The Stripper
Episode 809 : The One With The Rumor
Episode 810 : The One With Monica’s Boots
Episode 811 : The One With Ross’ Big Step Forward
Episode 812 : The One Where Joey Dates Rachel
Episode 813 : The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath
Episode 814 : The One With The Secret Closet
Episode 815 : The One With The Birthing Video
Episode 816 : The One Where Joey Tells Rachel
Episode 817 : The One With The Tea Leaves
Episode 818 : The One In Massapequa
Episode 819 : The One With Joey's Interview
Episode 820 : The One With The Baby Shower
Episode 821 : The One With The Cooking Class
Episode 822 : The One Where Rachel Is Late
Episode 823-824 : The One Where Rachel Has A Baby I/II
发表于 2007-6-9 10:25
【801】The One After I do
sogo转帖『英语杂谈』801-804 学习笔记
1. slow swimmers 慢游泳者(?)(原来的笔记上是翻译成慢游泳着,但是我看电影及台词,觉得在那边解释不通,个人感觉应该是Joey开玩笑说是不是精子游得慢而导致没有怀孕)
2. I’ll be right back! 我马上回来
3. Bridesmaid女傧相。男生的伴郎叫 best man, 新娘 (bride) 也要選擇一位 maid of honor 作為伴娘. 同樣的 maid of honor 通常只能有一位, 所以另外還會有三到四位的 bridesmaid (女儐相) 作陪, 當然 bridesmaid 的地位就不如 maid of honor ?淼媚屈N崇高了. 所以去當 maid of honor 算是一種榮耀. 有時我在跟老美談天時沒有話題可講, 我就會問問她們, “Have you ever been a maid of honor?“ (妳有沒有當過伴娘啊?) 如果她曾當過, 我保証她一定會興奮地滔滔不絕把整個過程講給妳聽. 一般而言 maid of honor 都是找未婚的女士擔任, 但如果有時候
发表于 2007-6-9 10:25
【Season 9 Index】
(Check out all the English Txt Scripts here:http://ragingwind.net/friends/episodeguide.html)
Episode 901 : The One Where No One Proposes
Episode 902 : The One Where Emma Cries
Episode 903 : The One With the Pediatrician
Episode 904 : The One With the Sharks
Episode 905 : The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner
Episode 906 : The One With the Male Nanny (the 200th Episode)
Episode 907 : The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song
Episode 908 : The One With Rachel's Other Sister
Episode 909 : The One With Rachel's Phone Number
Episode 910 : The One With Christmas In Tulsa
Episode 911 : The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work
Episode 912 : The One With Phoebe's Rats
Episode 913 : The One Where Monica Sings
Episode 914 : The One With the Blind Dates
Episode 915 : The One With the Mugging
Episode 916 : The One With the Boob Job
Episode 917 : The One With the Memorial Service
Episode 918 : The One With the Lottery
Episode 919 : The One With Rachel's Dream
Episode 920 : The One With the Soap Opera Party
Episode 921 : The One With the Fertility Test
Episode 922 : The One With the Donor
Episode 923-924 : The One in Barbados
发表于 2007-6-9 10:26
【901】The One Where No One Proposes
1. tissue (名) 薄的纱织品, 棉纸, 薄纸
2. make it official we should make it official, 我们是不是得弄得正式点?
3. on one knee 单膝跪着
knee down, 下跪
get down on one's knee, 下跪
4. can you give us just a minute?可以让我们俩单独待会吗?
5. He pulled a quarter out of my ear!
A coin equal to one fourth of the dollar of the United States and Canada.二角五分硬币相当于四分之一美元和加元的硬币
6. I just did something terrible.我刚才做了件蠢事, 傻事,糟糕透了的事
7. Rachel thinks I asked her to marry me!想想这里thinks为什么用第三人称单数?
8. If you clear things up with Rachel 如果你把事情和瑞秋讲清楚
9. foreplayn.性交前的爱抚, 前奏, 前戏
10. puppet n.傀儡, 木偶
11. You two are so meant to be together你们俩太....般配了..so meant to be together..
12. kind of a full house here 看来屋里人太多了. 满屋子都是人...
13. janitor n.看门人
13. peek 一瞥, 匆忙看过 v.偷看,其他"看" 的动作:
stare:v.(~ at) 凝视, 盯着看
leer: n.淫荡的目光, 恶意的目光vi.送秋波, 斜视
witness n.[律]证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词
vt.目击, 为...作证, 证明, 表明 vi.作证, 成为证据
14. there's something I gotta tell ya我有点事要和你说.
其他句式: I gotta tell ya something,
15. Wait up!等一下..
16. She's so exhausted.太疲惫了, she's so tired.
17. lukewarmadj.冷淡的
18.I didn't want to rush into anything.我不想做任何太过仓促的事.高级用法.
19. He didn't make it to one of my piano recitals,
注意make it的用法, 成功做某事, 可以单独用, 比如, I can make it!也可以加间宾, 就象上句:make it to sth.
e.g. I didn't make it to your wedding ceremony, I am sorry.
20. Before today I never thought of you two having sex at all. It was a simpler time.
21. conceive vt.构思, 以为, 持有 vi.怀孕, 考虑, 设想. 及物动词,可接宾语
pregnant, adj.用法:get pregnant
pregnant adj.怀孕的, 怀胎的; [喻]孕育着的
丰富的; 充满的, 富有的, 含蓄的, 意义深长的
富于想象力的, 富有创造力的; 富于成果的
be pregnant with new ideas孕育着新思想
a pregnant reply意味深长的答复
22. Mr. Geller: Well you gotta get at it princess! When your mother and I were trying to
conceive you, whenever she was ovulating, bam, we did it. That's how I got my bad hip.
这句给后面剧情作铺垫, 后面几集, Mon和Chandler总是计算着Mon 的ovulating的时间,希望这时候做爱可以怀上孩子.
23. now's a good time. I'm on my way to have my ears cut off.
24. Days of Our Lives, thank you very much
25. it's not that easy.看这句:和中文语序一样:) 这 可不 那么 简单..
26. check that out.探个究竟
27. technically 这个词老外经常用, 怎么翻译还没研究出来:)好像只能意会不能言传似的:), 给几个例句:
e.g. Actually, technically, I didn't, (901)
But is it technically a date if the other person doesn't show up?(914)
28. rush into anything VS. slow things down
Ross: Hey, I'm not going to rush into anything!
Joey: Oh yeah, dude, ..Usually after I have a baby with a woman I like to slow things down!
30. That kid is going to town 惯用法go to town??这是美国传统词典上的解释
go to town (Informal)
1. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.
2. To be highly successful.
31. pamphlet n.小册子
32. but could you pass my pamphlets back?
pass to, pass sth to sb, 把某物递给某人
pass sth back, 递还..
发表于 2007-6-9 10:27
【902】The One Where Emma Cries
1. You have to realize....但是你要明白,但是你要明了..
2. I'm not helping.
help 字典上有一条释意为“if you help yourself, you try to get yourself out of a difficult situation rather than accept it and think you can do nothing to change it."
3. I'm gonna take off.
take off v.拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制
4. I don't wanna be negative 我不想泼你的冷水,
反义词: positive.
4. the more I worried about it the more I couldn't sleep,
the more.. the more..的用法.
e.g. The more I love you, the more I hesitate to tell you.
5. gorilla stuffed animal stuffed animal: 填充的动物玩偶.
6. Is he still mad at us?他还是对我很生气么?
be mad AT sb
7. he'd be over it by now.他这会应该没事了.
8. burping clogs 用来防止婴儿打嗝的东西
9. Linen closet(放桌布、床单等的)亚麻织品衣橱
10. hospital fetish 医院狂热病
n.物神, 迷信, 偶像;迷恋
make a fetish of盲目崇拜
11. stop by, 拜访, 去...一趟,
12. muffinn.松饼
13. take your time别着急;类似的用法: take it easy....叫别人别紧张, 别着急..
14. he's really not letting this go 他是不是还就想揪着这事不放哪???
let go...不放过..
15. he got over the "we were on a break" thing really quickly, 他忘记“我们分手了”这件事情确实很快
对比第7点, be over, 意思和get over一样, 就是从某事/病痛中恢复过来的意思...
be, get的区别是, be 表示状态, get表示动作的过程, 比如
the flower is red, the flower is getting red...
16. if everyone's on board 如果大家都同意
17. throw up v.呕吐, 猛地举起, 放弃, 产生, 使显眼
18. I am losing my mind lose one's mind快疯了... 类似: I am getting nuts!!
19. dipper n.浸渍者, 汲取的人, 浸染工, 显影液容器, 北斗七星
20. I still can't believe she slept with you in the first place
21. you're pissed at me我知道你还在生我的气
piss off 滚开, 滚蛋
be pissd off 发怒, 极厌恶;极疲乏
e.g. I was pissed off...我气死了..
22. I gotta say technically, I didn't even do anything wrong.哈, technically又出现了!!
23. go back in time 回到。。 时候
e.g. go back in time to 50's 如果回到50年代
23. Ross, we have to get past this. 罗斯, 我们必须解决这件事
24. You ducked
duck:To evade; dodge:避开;躲闪:
25. I'm kinda part of this.我还是呆这吧...
26. what's up?怎么了? 发生什么事了?
27. what's going on?出什么事情了?
28. Please don't make me go there!千万别派我去那..
这句有点象上海人说: 不要太好噢...
29. strapping adj.伟岸的, 魁梧的, 身材高大健壮的 n.皮带材料, 橡皮膏
30. I feel terrible
31. what's it short for? 但它是什么的简称?
32. you two were supposed to be together.
be supposed to do sth..对照前面的: you are supposed to duck! 同样的用法.
33. if you have a plan, you should stick to it,...坚持...
34. you guys have got it under control 控制非典也是用get the SARS under control:)
35. Misery really does love company.来源于成语: Misery loves company.同病相怜
36. You're just new at this你只不过是个新手呀,很简单但很实用的句子.
37. bouncy adj.快活的, 精神的, 有弹性的, 自大的
38. You must be a fireball in bed.
fireball n. 火球, 大流星, [军](旧式)燃烧弹, [美口]工作起来劲十足的人
39. Have I gone deaf?
40. You are the official baby crier stopper!
老美说话的随便性可见一斑. 随便拿个动词加er就当名词用, 就象有一集里ross说divorcer, divorce加r, 那样.
41. Say what? 再一次的随便. 说啥呢??? 什么什么???
42. natural instincts天性
we can't turn on each other, 我们别窝里斗了, 别互相挑衅了
turn on v.开启, 变得兴奋, 突然装出, 开始
发表于 2007-6-9 10:27
【903】The One With the Pediatrician
1. pediatrician n.儿科医师
2. So what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for?到底有什么大事你让我们匆忙来这?
3. head up our office in Tulsa。 head up the office, 做分部/分公司的负责人/领导
4. as of Monday as of + date, 那时候
5. it could be up to a year.怎么也得一年.
6. I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it. make it, 再一次强调这一用法.
7. Just to be sure 保险起见...
8. commitment-minded 有责任感的
9. rule out v.划去, 排除, 取消
10. my boss and I worked out a deal
work out a deal 就某事达成一致, 达成约定
11. are you just used to saying that?
used to doing sth, 习惯做某事
12. I can't be away from you for that long.
13. you said that without gagging!
gag [^A^] n.塞口物, 随口科白, 打诨, 箝口物, 箝制言论, 讨论终结
vt.塞物于...的口中, 禁止, 使窒息, 使呕吐, 压制言论自由, 插科打诨, 欺骗
vi.窒息, 作呕, 欺骗, 插科打诨
14. hiccup n.打嗝 v.打嗝
15. rubella n. [医]风疹
16. botched Botox.糟糕的Botox除皱治疗
17. therapist n.临床医学家
18. get out of a nine-year relationship,刚结束一场9年的感情,
19. attaboy int.好啊! 好样的!
20. if I had a nickel for every time somebody has asked me that.
There's a saying. "if i had a nickel/ penny/ dime for everytime someone asked me that, i would be rich!" it means that everyone has been asking this person the same question and this person wants to express this fact.
21. what are you up to these days?你最近都在做些什么呢?
类似用法: what's up? 怎么了?
22. Slim Pickings.
第9季中这个词经常出现, 这里Slim Pickings 是一个烤肉馆的名字,
这种剧情有点象周星星电影里的: 有间客栈..<具体理解请参考电影情节.>
23. a bit of a stretch这么说有点说过了
24. mesquite n.(=mesquit)豆科灌木
25. cheesy adj.干酪质的, <美俚>(质量)低劣的, 下等的, <英俚>俊俏的, 潇洒的
26. head-hunter.猎头..
27. whole hog n.最大程度, 彻底
28. It's going to be tough to keep Kosher in Tulsa.
kosher: (有很多意思, 请查字典, 这里的意思应该是
Selling or serving food prepared in accordance with dietary laws:
a kosher restaurant. 可食餐馆
29. this is really flattering,这太荣幸了..
类似用法: you are flattering me!! I am flattered!!!都是一个意思.
30. That's the kinda thing you usually run by me.什么?这些事你也经常告诉我。
Run by me means "let me know about".
If you don't understand something someone tells you, you can also say "run that by me again?"
31. Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient, he should be out shortly. finish up with sb..
32. strep n.链锁状球菌
33. lollypop n.糖果, 棒棒糖
34. You even have to ask?! 这还要问?
35。 I have an appointment for Emma.
用法:have a appointment for sb.. 这里的sb是你为谁约的。。
have a appointment with sb...这里的sb是你要见的人。
36. for so long ; for that long...
37. fall out v.争吵, 吵架, 闹翻, 结果是, 离队
这个100%要记住, 学英语这么久。。。吵架。。怎么说今天才知道:(
38. That's why you look so familiar!我说你怎么那么面熟!
39. Do you not know each other? 老外很随便的用法。
40. Mike is playing a game that we used to play in high school.
use to do..我们过去做过的。。。
use to doing...习惯做某事。。见902
41.This is humiliating! 表达同样意思的还有ross说的:I am so insulted!!!
42. you've still got a lot of packing to do.
get a lot of packing to do...
do的用法, Rach说过do the floor, do the window...意思是打扫了地板,打扫了窗子。
a lot a packing to do...就是还有很多东西要收拾, 给行李打包的意思。
43. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.这种机会很难得。。。千载难逢的机会。高级用法, 一定要记住。
44. I mean four days is not that long.
is not that long..
for that long..
for so long
45. if we can't make it one day, 如果我们连一天都挺不住,
46. diagnostician n.诊断医生, 诊断专家
47. boo-boo n.<俚>愚蠢的错误, 轻伤
48. Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your touchy? 他是在把体温计插入你屁屁之前说的这话吗???????????
touchy 发tushi屁股的意思,小孩子量体温是在那量的,效果跟舌下,腋窝是一样的
touchy adj.暴躁的, 难以处理的, 易起火的
49. wall-hanging
50. I was hoping I would run into you.
run into sb...碰巧遇见某人
例句:It's a pleasant surpise runing into you...碰到你真让我又惊又喜。。。
51. I'm so embarrassed.
It is so humiliating..
I am so insulted...
52. Why did you go along with that?
go along with sth..
go along with v.一起去, 赞同, 附和。高级用法, 一定记住。
53. That wouldn't stand in the way of a true pianist.这可不会难住真正的钢琴家.
stand in the way of 妨碍,阻住...的路
54. Plays 'air piano' 虚弹了一会钢琴。
55. acoustic adj. 有关声音的, 声学的, 音响学的
56.folksy adj.和气的, 有民间风味的, 友好的, 无拘束的
57.you just caught me off guard!
off guard adv.不警惕
58. rash adj.轻率的, 匆忙的, 卤莽的;n.[医]皮疹
59. single parent单身家长,
60. I got held up at Dr. Gettleman's office.我在Gettleman医生办公室耽搁了.
got held up...被耽搁了。。。受阻了。。。
61. call me when you land.到那后一定给我打电话.
62. I'm mad at you 类似说法:you are driving me crazy...
63. Any chance you are trying to pick a fight to make all this easier?
64. you see right through me!! 你还真了解我。。
65. Double promise?
66. He had to board. 他得登机了.
登机: 简单的说board...
1.>How do you and Joey know each other anyway?..
> How do I and Joey know each other? Wow,
> If I had a nickel for every time somebody has asked me that. 怎么大家都这么问。
there's a saying. "if i had a nickel/ penny/ dime for everytime someone asked me that, i would be rich!" it means that everyone has been asking this person the same question and this person wants to express this fact.
2.> Well, I'm a lawyer.
> Mike, 'attorney at law'!
> Actually, I just gave up my practice.
> What? That's the kinda thing you usually run by me.什么?这些事你也经常告诉我。
run by me means "let me know about".
if you don't understand something someone tells you, you can also say "run that by me again?"
3. botched Botox
要數今年最熱門的醫學美容話題,一定莫過於「肉毒桿菌素」去皺治療了!BOTOX (保妥適)去皺注射,現今在美國已蔚然成風,迄今已有超過160萬人次接受過 BOTOX 注射。這種神奇的美容除皺科技,毋須開刀,不留疤痕,在很短時間內消除皺紋,增加個人自信。
好恐怖,听说 汤姆.克鲁斯,朱丽亚.罗泊茨 定期都要去打一针.
botched means that it was "messed up" somehow.
顺便,plastic surgery,整形手术。
4.Look Joey all grown up, 为什么Joey听见那几个名字就笑个不停
> dr.Wiener
Weiner is another word for penis that children use, it's also another word for hot dog but its usually for penis.
> Sandy Poophack
> Lana Titweiller
tit is another word for breast
5.i call their apartment 我要他们的公寓!其余的人气自己晚了一步。
6.the world is your oyster. 这是你最得意的时刻
Kick up your heels. 好好出去享受一番
Paint the town red. 外面的世界很精彩(或:世界需要你才会精彩)
关于Paint the town red:今天下班后去了一趟图书大厦,在一本关于美国习语的书上看到了这句话的准确解释:尽情享受,热烈庆祝
发表于 2007-6-9 10:28
【904】The One With the Sharks
1. Could you zip me up?
zip [计]一种程序压缩的档案文件格式 n. 拉链
v. 拉开或拉上
zip up: 帮某人把衣服/裤子/裙子..上的拉链拉上.
zip up其他意思: 增添滋味;增加兴趣或生命力
2. So why you all dressed up?
dress up v. 盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装
3. Mike's picking me up for a date.
pick up原意为: v. 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速
引申用法: 接某人, 比如: would you please pick me up around six?
4. is it getting serious?
5.you are a bit of a drama queen. 你有点象戏剧女王。
6. you're so much better off. better off adj. 状况好的;经济状况好的,富裕的
7. I can't believe I never realized this before. realize, 认识到...
8. I'm in my 30s 我都三十多了...
9. I'm sorry I didn't catch... catch...I didn't catch what you said.. 没听清楚..
10. compact 女士用的补妆盒 adj. 紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的 n. 契约, 合同, 小粉盒
11. How come? 怎么会?
How come you look so sad? 你怎么看上去这么伤心?
12. Why don't you fly out there and surprise him?
13. The black see-through teddy with the attached
garters 黑色、透明、带吊带的连衫衬裤
see-through adj. 透明的
teddy n. (流行于20世纪20年代的妇女)连衫衬裤
garter n. 吊袜带 v. 吊袜带吊住
14. I don't usually ask out women that I meet in coffeehouses
ask out [口]请去作客 , 邀请外出
15. I just figured that I'd help you out
help out 帮助(某人) 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事]
15. This could have been my serious guy!
serious guy: 在前面有说: is it getting serious? turn into anything serious.
所以Phoebe这里说serious guy表示the guy I should be seriously to.
英语里类似的用法有Mr. Right... 来源: He is not the right person for you!他不适合你!
以下是我对美国人说话的个人理解: 可以从习语或日常用语中演化这种用法, 比如英语里有一见钟情:love at first sight.我想如果有这么个场景, 你的朋友和他/她的GF/BF是一见钟情的那种, 你和他/她看到GF/BF过来的时候, 你可以说: HI, here comes your first-sight guy!或者 He/she may be your Mr/Miss. first-sight;另见905notes, Mr sensitivity...
16. this whole place look familiar!
Sth/Sb/some place looks familiar! e.g.: you look so familair to me!
17. sorry to just drop by like this,
drop by v. 随便访问 the same meaning as: stop by
18. cult n. 礼拜, 祭仪, 一群信徒, 礼拜式
19. it's just you have that look 你看上去象。
20. D*m* super cuts! cuts... hair cut..发型
21.Please don't blow her off. blow off v. 吹掉, 放出
类似用法: turn down v. (被)向下折转, 拒绝 drop sb..
22. vis-a-vis n. 面对面的人, 两人对座的长椅
prep. 和...面对面, 同...相比, 关于 adv. 相向着, 相对着
23. I'll hit the gym. gym gymnasium 体育 n. 体育馆, 体操
hit some place..去某地..
other usage:
Hit the road.
let's hit the road, 我们上路吧..
hit the books 念书
24. Is everything all right?
25. Pay-per-view p**n! 付费情色台!
p*rn n. <口>(=p*rnography)色情文学, 色情描写
26. what a pleasant surprise. 惊喜万分..
e.g. what a pleasant surprise runing into you..遇见你真让我惊喜莫名..
27. I'm gonna go freshen up。freshen up v. 使精神饱满, 梳洗一番
28. mast*rbate v. (对...)进行手淫
29. Not if he gets his jollies to Jaws!
get jollies to sth. jolly adj. 欢乐的, 高兴的, 快活的
30. archeologist n. 考古学家
31. half way through our date
32. I am very memorable。memorableadj.值得纪念的, 难忘的
33.who's fault is that?中文语序是: that is who's fault? 这是谁的错呢??
请牢记这种英文句型. 比如:who's cup is it?这是谁的水杯?
34. What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的么?
类似句型: it's no bigh deal. 这没什么大不了的..
35. although sometimes when I'm a little bloated 尽管有时候我会有些自信过头..
bloatedadj.浮肿的, 发胀的, 傲慢的
36. why don't you just let it go 。let go.. 不计较..放过..参见其他集的笔记
37. slutteryn.懒惰, 邋塌, 淫荡
38. You're made for each other.天生一对, 其他表达方法有:
you're perfect for each other. You both are so meant to be together.
39. saltn.食盐, 风趣, 刺激;adj.;含盐的, 咸的, 风趣的, 辛辣的;vt.加盐于, 用盐腌
40. mermaid n.(传说中的)美人鱼, <美>女子游泳健将
41. Quick thing,有个小事情..在打断对方说话,说有点事,很快处理的事情时,引入语...
42. you got mad at that part.
get mad at sb/sth 因为..而生气
be mad at sb/sth 对...生气
43. I ended up telling him end up doing...最后...
44. he seemed too bummed out that 沮丧,难过
45. I swear to Lucifer。 lucifern.魔鬼, 撒旦
46. I'm not going along with some lie you made
go along with v.一起去, 赞同, 附和
47. I've nothing to be ashamed of
be ashamed of sb/sth
48. if he can't handle that受不了..处理不了..
类似:bear it, stand it..
49. it was kind of a shock
kind of..用的太频繁了...是人就说kind of...一定要在平时口语里用上...显得地道:)
50. it's not ringing any bells.
ring bells, ring a bell..某人想起某事.the bell rings...
51. I'll let myself out. 我自个滚蛋...
52. birth certificate 出生证明
53. my heart goes to him.还记得那首歌曲:my heart will go on..么?
54. You know that bastard is one smooth-talking free-lance kite designer.
free-lance adj.自由契约的, 自由投稿的
55. you don't think I'm a total freak
freak在这里做名词. 做动词时:freak sb out..
56. I have a little surprise for you! 我为你准备了一些小惊喜!
57. Do you want me to fast forward to something a little toothier?
fast forward, fast forward to..快进..一定要记住这个说法.
58. tub n.浴盆
59. What's going on?这是怎么了?
类似说法:what's up? what's matter, what's wrong, what's going on here?
60. Angry sharks turn you on愤怒的鲨鱼使你兴奋!
turn on sb, turn sb on的用法, 见902
61. I will try to get past it.. get past..处理, 解决, 见902
62. Then why were you watching them and giving yourself a treat?
give oneself a treat..
63. I switched the channel换频道:switch the channel
64. You are an amazing wife.
amazing是个蛮高级的词:)it's amazing.. you are amazing..好像mm发嗲可以用这个词;)
65. my confidence is shaken我的信心被摇动了
66. maybe this is a wake-up call 一个警钟..
补充: search your brain..这是很直白/很随便的说法.. 书面很少这么用.
其他说法: think it over
发表于 2007-6-9 10:29
【905】The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner
1. I couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday reservation:n.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约
make a reservation:
If you want to go to the concert, you'll have to make a reservation, or there will be no tickets.
2. we have to do dinner Thursday night instead.
3. Halloweenn.万圣节前夕, 诸圣日前夕
October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door
to door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks.
4.spooky adj.幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的
情景: 这里Phoebe说没有预定到位子,要改在周四吃生日饭, Joey说那可是万圣节..Phoebe说, so..意思是万圣节怎么了?
我生日你想怎么着? Joey就说: So spooky, that's all.(就是有些怪异,倒没别的), 鬼节过生日
5. I get mad at him, get/be mad at sb/sth
6. I think it's a little too soon to show my true colors.
7. I would make a reservation for five 见1
8. I'll put a lot of extra thought into your gift.我要在给你的礼物上多化些心思
9. We all haven't been together, the six of us, in such a long time.
表达"有很长时间" 的说法有:in such a long time,
又比如901里Phoebe说:we haven't done the secret thing in a long time.
in a long time也可以表达这一意思.
10. let's get started by taking a look at last quarter's figures.
get started..开始做某事.
get started by doing..从做某事开始..
start from scratch
from scratch从零开始, 从无到有, 白手起家
11. it's legal to smoke in offices with fifteen people or less.
注意这里"少于"的表达方法: 15 people or less.
Chandler后面的另一表达是: fewer than.
12. trick or treat 翻译为: 想要招待,还是想捣蛋..??
13. threadbareadj.穿破旧衣服的, 俗套的
14. Chandler's gonna be home any minute,
any minute. = in any mintue..马上, 随时..
14. I'm ovulating and Chandler's gonna be home any minute, so I thought we would try before
dinner.还记得901笔记里说Mon的父亲建议Mon在Ovulating时候做爱容易怀孕么? 那时就是给这里及后面的一系列作铺垫.
15. in Oklahoma smoking is legal in all common areas and offices with fewer than fifteen people.
fewer than..另见: 11
16. trivia n.琐事
17. you stink of cigarettes.
stink of v.发恶臭
18. something to cover the smell cover the smell, 盖住这味道..
19. unscented adj.无气味的,无香味的
20. I'm feeling kinda gross.
gross [^rEJs]adj.肥大的;粗野的,粗俗的,不雅的(语言、举止)
21. she's stuck in terrible traffic.
be stuck in traffic..被堵在路上了..交通堵塞类似说法: traffic jam.
22. you only heard Monica's side of that.你听到的不过是莫尼卡的一面之辞 Sb's side of ...高级用法
23. fatso n.胖子, 胖家伙(作称呼用,含贬意)
24. I just don't think I can bear it.还记得新概念2册第一课的: i couldn't bear it么?
bear sth..受得了...类似说法: stand it.. 以及后面有一集里Phoebe说Mike: if he cannot handle it...也有类似意思.
25. the world is your oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red.
1.the world is your oyster. 这是你最得意的时刻
2.Kick up your heels. 好好出去享受一番
3.Paint the town red. 外面的世界很精彩(或:世界需要你才会精彩) 尽情享受,热烈庆祝
我不是很清楚Paint the town red的用法, (这里是转前面贴子的)但英语里还有一句和red有关表示高兴,值得纪念的成语:
red-letter day;
e.g: it was one of the red-letter days of my life.这是我一生中最值得纪念的日子之一.(高级用法)
26. shove n.<口>推, 挤;vt.<口>推挤, 猛推, 强使;vi.推
27. Holy moly, are we in a pickle now.天哪... 这次歇菜了...
Holly Mother Of God! 见: 913
Holy moly..
holy f*ck..
holy shoot.. 后两个是notting hill 里的 英国佬说话就这味道
28. They're forty minutes late.类似说法: I am late for forty minutes..
29. I'm starving.=I'm very hungry.
30. are we expecting the rest of our party shortly? expect..高级用法:
例句: we are expecting a baby,我们不久就会有小孩子拉..(怀孕了)
be expected to do sth.
you are expected to pick me up around six.你得在6点左右来接我.
31. Yes, they are expected presently. 见30
32. their arrival is in the offing. 他们肯定就快到了...
offing n.近海(视野范围内的海面)
33. tinfoil n.锡纸;adj.锡箔的
34. you put out that cigarette, 你把香烟熄掉.
put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场
35. we're gonna put this fight on hold。put... on hold.暂停做某事..
36.cuddling cuddly adj.令人想拥抱的, 喜爱抚的
37. superintendence n.监督
38. pull together v.齐心协力 Pull yourself together. 加把劲吧
39. did I leave the stove on?我忘关煤气炉子了吧
40. an eagle flew in! Landed on the stove
land on..落在...前集里说Chandler去tulsa飞机落地,就是简单的用个land..
41. A pigeon, a pigeon. No, no wait, no, no, an eagle flew in! Landed on the stove and caught fire. The baby, seeing this, jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid. The eagle, however, misconstrues as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talons. Meanwhile the faucet fills the apartment with water. Baby and bird still ablaze are locked in a death grip, swirling around in the whirl pool that fills the apartment.
有兴趣的话, 关注一下这段里的动词和动词搭配的用法
42. You can't order until your entire party has arrived. Restaurant policy.这个餐厅规定太让人受不了了, 尤其是可怜的joey:)
43. If they ask me to move, I'll cave.
If you ask me to stay, I'll pee.
对比这两句,学学美国人的幽默方式, 这也是拒绝人的好方法, hoho;)
44. I'll cave。 n.洞穴, 窑洞;vi.凹陷, 投降;vt.挖洞, 使凹陷
注意这里cave的意思, 投降...
45. now you're Mister Sensitivity.讽刺性的说某人如何如何是,可以这么说: Mr..另参见904里serious guy, Mr. Right的用法, 领会老美说话风格.
46. I shouldn't have come down on you so hard about the smoking.
come down on v.惩罚, 索取;处罚,批评
47. it's not the end of the world.表示并不很重要...的说法.
表示问题严重就是the end of the world了.类似说法: life-or-death,
e.g.Although Friday's test result will affect Clinton's decision whether to begin building a base in
Alaska next year, it was not a life-or-death event for NMD.
48. You mean it?你认真的? 你真这么想? 类似说法: are you seiours?
49. Rachel: Oh no. I mean it.见48
其他类似用法: I mean what I say. 我说的可都是认真的..
e.g.And evidently there is some scepticism here in Europe about whether or not I mean what I say.
50.I am still so mad at you for smoking. mad的用法.
be mad at sb for sth. get mad with sb for sth.
51.It was just a couple of cigarettes, no big deal.重温一下no big deal的用法
what's big deal? it's no big deal, or just say: no big deal.
52. I feel so used.我觉得我真被利用了...
53. Risotto with the shaped truffels and the roasted rip steak with the golden ??? and a Bordelaise sauce, unless any of that stuff I just said means snails. 有没人想研究食物的亚??
54.You guys are over an hour late.= you guys are late for more than an hour.
不过看了这么多集,几乎都是用前一句的表达方法也就是, : be an hour late
55. spit up 咳出, 呕出
54. How come you didn't get a bigger table?再温习一下how come的用法:)how come.. 怎么会...
55. Wow, little tight, isn't it? tight, 有点挤
其他: tigh schedule..我的工作表,我的日程有点紧张..
55. shrew n.地鼠;泼妇,悍妇
56. I would like to start the celebration and make a toast
make a toast...祝酒
57. sock n.短袜, 鞋内衬底, 轻软鞋, 一击, 零食
58. Could you please get her attention?你能不能提醒提醒她???
59.you all have a lot going on
60. Yes smokie, that is what it was. I just can't get enough.
注意这里can't get enough 的用法.e.g.I can't get enough of reality TV!电视我怎么看都看不够!
61. She tricked me into having sex with her.这章出现了好几次trick,简单总结一下
trick or treat? 万圣节用语, 要不我们就捣蛋, 要不就赶紧招待我们..
You tricked me to get me into bed?
trick sb to do sth.以及这句: She tricked me into having sex with her.
trick sb into doing sth.
62. that means the world to me.高级夸奖用语 回忆world另一个习语..the end of the world...
63. I'm not the kind of girl that just ditches her friends to be with her boyfriend. ditch 甩掉
64. Our babysitter just pounded down another Chardonnay.
Chardonnay n.夏敦埃酒(一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒)
pound down 这里就说成“又灌了一杯酒”吧
65. Do you want to give it another try?= Do you want to try again?
66. I hope you've got some room left.
some room left..这里是说Joey的肚子还能不能装下更多食物.
发表于 2007-6-9 10:29
【906】The One With the Male Nanny (the 200th Episode)
1. YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM! 我还就是在吼呢!
You bet YOUR ASS, 这里your ass是为了加强语气, 用法来源是you bet.
当老美说, "You bet." 的时候, 就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢? 因为 bet 是下赌注的意思, 所以 "You bet." 就是指, "You can bet money on that." (你可以把钱下注在上面), 言下之意, 就是说这件事百分之百正确. 例如别人问你,
"Is this is the way to High Tower Museum." (这是往 High Tower 博物馆的路吗?) 你就可以回答说, "You bet." (一点不错)
2. Awesome.表示赞同的说法, 还记得sleepless in seatle里Hanks说的连续的表示赞同的说法, 很经典,不过记得不全了.
Monday is ok,... is good... is...great... would be even better..
3. He is without a doubt, the funniest guy I have ever met. 类似说法: there is no doubt that he is the funniest guy...
doubt 用法: no doubt about that! 千真万确!
4. doesn't want to let go of Mike's hand.
let go..放开..另见902: he's really not letting this go
let go of one's hand;let sth go/let go sth..
5. Yeah, I kinda do. 回忆一下kinda/kind of的用法,
6. is this getting serious? 看来是认真的了?见904: This could have been my serious guy!
7. why don't you keep digging? 掏牛仔裤口袋用的动词是: dig v.掘, 挖, 钻研, 搜集
8. Is this cool, huh? It really is. cool的用法
9.It is amazing these little things open doors it's amazing (that).., 这太棒了..
10. we would like our nanny to start right away,
right away, adv.立刻
nanny 保姆, 奶妈
11. The easier we can make the transition for her, the better.
The more... the more..
12. Do you guys do random drug testing? drug testing, 滥用药物测试
14.I'm gonna need three days notice.请提前三天通知我, 注意这里, 提前三天通知我的说法:three days notice.
15. She's got a degree in early childhood education幼教文凭
16.And she's a little mannish她还真长得有点男性化
faggy [`fA^I]adj.(=faggoty)女性化的, 同性恋的
17. Who cares 对某人说的表示不关心, 不重视
18. Schto ya ztez vigul... ui!俄罗斯泡妞绝招!发音为:稀里哗啦提里邋遢....哦!中文意思为:无法用语言表达的美丽!:)英文意思:This thing that I'm looking at: wow!
19. Roughly translated that means uhm翻译过来大概就是:
20. How can I not tell David that I'm seeing Mike?再一次强调口语中的这种用法, 没有做某事
how CAN I NOT.. why DO YOU NOT...这与语法规则相悖,但是在口语中常用,正式句型为:how cannot I tell.. why don't you...
补充: (又看了一遍电影), 这种方法应该是为了突出: 没有做某事...,因为听剧中人用这种否定词后置紧跟动词的时候, 否定词not总是重读的...
另见7, why don't you just keep digging, 这里用的是正常句式, 因为这里Phoebe是要Make继续DIG....
21. isn't it ironic that David would show up on the same day that you and Mike exchange keys?
...the same day...复习一下这个用法, 另见914:it is weird that Phoebe would set me up on a date that was awful on the same night that Joey set you up on a date that didn't even show.
22. I am straight.
23. unorthodox adj.非正统的, 异教的, 异端的
24. I got to watch him grow into this awesome person awesome, 赞美用词..
25. kids say all kinds of crap. crap n.废物, 赌输的一注, 废话;vi.掷骰子
26. lotion n.洗液, 洗剂
27. I need you to set me up for a joke.我想你帮我设计个笑话.
set up的另一个用法:set them up with people, 给某人安排个约会,见914
28. fire truck n.救火车
ambulance n.战时流动医院, 救护车
29. Being funny is your thing!有一集chandler说:this is ancle Chandler, funny is all I have!这里being funny is your thing也可以这么说:funny is all you have!
30. Can we at least hug goodbye?我们能不能拥抱告别?还是kiss goodbye吧;)
31. camellia n.[植]茶属, 茶花, 山茶
32. I haven't cried that many times since I moved in.我搬过来还没哭过这么多次!
33. These are amazing!
amazing又来了!!!还是赞美, 无论赞美什么,都可以用这几个词:cool, amazing, awesome!
34. it not like you just came in from branding cattle.这句肯定有典故!
it not like you just came in from branding cattle
35. Lighter than air
36. But that's not the point.重要的不是这些, 类似用法:my point is..我想说的是:
37. That's like a woman wanting to be a......A penis model.
对比一下Ross的比喻就看得出编剧的匠心独运了:)ross的是:It's like if a woman wanted to be....King..
38. Really? Do you not know Chandler?见20
39. So what? 那又怎么样?
40. So those were pity laughs? 这不过是为了怜悯我的笑?用法, 名词+名词,请领会精神:)
41. limerick n.五行打油诗(一种通俗幽默短诗,有五行组成,韵式为aabba)
42. hilarious adj.欢闹的;he is hilarious,他很搞笑。
43. Check it out!看仔细了..见901, check..out..
44. cerebral adj.脑的, 大脑的
45. I can't go through with this.我受不了这些!
go through v.经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行
46. I'm off to Tulsa。 be off to some place..离开去某地
47. I'm afraid it's not working out.
work其他类似用法:the key works.
Maybe it's something I can work on in the future.这些用法都是应该背下来的.
1.I know he is straight
straight 异性恋
bi =bisexual 双性恋,男保姆那集,ross 对 那个sandy 说:“You gotta be at least bi...”
发表于 2007-6-9 10:30
【907】The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song
1. How come?是How come you ask that?的简写
how come的意思是: 怎么会? 这句意思就是, 你怎么突然会问这个问题?另见904
2. I'm starting to make good money on the show
make (good) money on sth靠...赚钱. 加个good, 表示赚了不少钱.
3. toilet tank马桶水箱
4. emu n.鸸鹋(产于澳洲的一种体型大而不会飞的鸟)
5. Emus are birds. You raise them for meat.
raise: 喂养 raise ..for meat..
6. I think you should consider something a little less risky.注意名词+形容词的用法, sth+adj,
e.g.: I've done somthing terrible!! There is some work easier than that!
以前我表达something a little less risky.时会说:something with lower risk...很难脱口说出:something less risky这么让人听得舒服的句子:(所以这种用法清一定记住并熟练运用!
7. club n.俱乐部, 夜总会, 社, 棍棒, (高尔夫球等的)球棒, (扑克牌)梅花
vt.棍打, 协作, 联合, 把...当棍棒用 God! club竟然有高尔夫球棒的意思!!长见识了:)
8. You have to help me pick a dress。pick: 挑选
9. just be yourself.
10. just constantly tell her how amazing her son is. amazing啥场合都能用来赞扬呀?:)
11. hippie 嬉皮, 嬉皮模样的年青人
12. juicy doubles???
13. So how come Richard's selling the place? How come..
14. It's got a great view of Central Park...能饱览中央公园的风景
15。 This says Monica 上面写着"莫尼卡"it says.., this says..
16. pantywaist n.幼儿用衣裤, <俚>脂粉气的男人
17. What a delight!荣幸之至
18. Holy crap!表示惊讶, 其他说法还有:holy shoot, holy F*ck!
19. hepatitis n.[医]肝炎
20. what's up?
21. Wouldn't you need to know what was on it?你不想知道带子里有什么吗
22. you have only yourself to blame你就只能怪自己了。。
23. That girl is all about the ass这孩子满脑子全是。。。
24. veal n.小牛肉, 幼小的菜牛;vt.宰小牛
25. Why in the world would you take this tape and and why would you watch it?
in the world,究竟为什么...类似于以前中学学过的why on the earth ..what the hell are you doing here?
26. Is all this about you not being able to grow a moustache?
it/the is all about, is all it/this about...?另见:23
27. pathetic adj.可怜的, 悲惨的
28. let's be real
29. I mean if even I can get past that, get past sth..
1.TA-DA,是出场亮相时的背景音,比如在‘A BUG’S LIFE‘里,马戏团的虫虫摆好造型后就来了这么一句