大家赶快来学英语啊 ~~~ UP ~~UP~~UP~~!!! up~up~up
存下来好好学习 来接力,等下回去了和你交流哦! 忙死了,都不知道该怎么学了,白天德语,有时英语,晚上法语,我的脑子里现在都是乱七八糟的字母,说的中文已经零七八碎了
不过还是挺不好意思的,好长时间不来了 The Whirlpool Corporation made an unsolicited $1.36 billion bid for Maytag late yesterday, possibly igniting a three-way takeover battle for the company.
solicit 请求,恳求
ignite 使燃烧,点燃
takeover 接管人 That deal spurred Haier, a major Chinese conglomerate, to make a $1.28 billion bid for Maytag, hoping to trump Ripplewood's offer.
spur 刺激
conglomerate 成团的,我估计这里应该就是company的意思
trump 打出王牌,捏造(借口)
With Whirlpool's entrance into the contest, a fierce bidding war for Maytag may now erupt.
fierce 猛烈的,激烈的
erupt 喷发,爆发
Maytag's suitors appear to believe they can turn around the company, which has struggled in recent years to compete against a growing number of aggressive, low-cost Asian rivals.
suitor 请愿者
rival 竞争者
Whirlpool's bid is similarly contingent on it having the chance to review Maytag's confidential records.
contingent 分遣对,构成一个大集团的一批人
Whirlpool's bid for Maytag comes amid recent anxiety on Capitol Hill and .........
amid 在.......当中
anxiety 忧虑,渴望
........has drawn the most scrutiny.
scrutiny 细查,调查
....., it said it would need several weeks to scour Maytag's books and operations before completing the deal.
scour 擦亮,冲刷,搜索,搜捕
......., Maytag said it told Haier's financial advisers that it expected to complete its own due diligence on the offer by July 22.
diligence 勤奋,用功
Before the recent flurry of takeover bids,........
flurry 一阵风,比喻慌张仓皇
[ 本帖最后由 annieingermany 于 2005-7-18 09:49 编辑 ] ......., already embroiled in controversy over recalls of heart devices, alerted doctors yesterday that nine of its older pacemaker models were prone to failing.
embroil 滋生,萌芽
prone to +n. 倾向于....
The flaw may have contributed to one patient's death,.........
flaw 缺点,瑕疵
defibrillator 去纤颤器
The Senate Finance Committee has previously investigated the agency's handling of several drugs,......
investigate 侦查
......., since their batteries are nearly drained.
drain (能量)流失
A defibrillator emits an electrical shock intended to interrupt a chaotic and deadly type of heart rhythm.
emit 散发,发射
chaotic 混乱的,无秩序的
rhythm 韵律,有规律的反复
Guidant's recent spate of recalls,........
spate (潮水般)涌来
Analysts are split about how the steady beat of bad news from........
split 做细致的剖析
Guidant has been under scrutiny since late May when it was disclosed that the company failed to notify doctors for three years that an electrical ........
scrutiny 细查,调查
disclose 揭露
....., apparently because of inadequate blood flow.
inadequate 不充分的
is that ok for us?
vocabulary collection is very important i think,would it be better if we talk about something different,
to show our diary, our thoughts living abroad, your happiess and sadness , your storys, maybe it could be more interesting , and more practical to better our english?
and we might make mistake , we might use chinglish, is it better off than just keeping silence and make no mistake? what do you think about it ?
[ 本帖最后由 goldfish 于 2005-7-19 16:19 编辑 ] 原帖由 goldfish 于 2005-7-19 16:11 发表
vocabulary collection is very important i think,
would it be better if we talk about something different,
to show our diary, our thoughts living abroad, your happiess and sadness , your storys,...
good idea, but it actually belongs to other theme, right? Or you can start a new topic, which called "talk about our life". maybe......it can also activate english atmosphere in our forum.