摔倒~~ 是斑竹感动~+分的~~呵呵
debut ‘首次演出’,读音是按法语的,正好最近在学promenade ‘(为散心或炫耀服饰的)散步’,日本男性员工一向习惯工作的时候一身黑西服的装扮,觉得这样才够专业
cajole ‘哄骗,勾引’,用的时候+into,呵,听起来色色的,其实是说日本公司在力图以各种理由说服员工
shed ‘脱落’,还是说脱掉衣服,但是更强调摆脱原来的太正规的行头
blatant ‘脸皮厚的,炫耀的’,用的是前面那个意思啦,说的是公司和政府
bid ‘(拍卖中的)喊价,命令’,用的是后面的意思,这回公司要制定规则了
swelter ‘酷热’,但是是动词耶,文章里加了-ing当形容词用的
glacial ‘冰河时期的’,这个挺逗,因为男员工夏天穿的很多,所以公司的空调都开得很冷,苦了女员工了,象待在冰窖里一样
syndrome ‘综合症侯’,其实是在说‘热岛效应’-heat island syndrome
vaguely ‘模糊地’,这个词认识,就是没看懂文章里到底要表达什么
sniff ‘以鼻吸气,闻到’
plot ‘阴谋’,和上面的词和起来是说员工慢慢的猜到了公司要耍什么手段来说服他们
wardrobe ‘行头,衣服;衣柜’,基本上是说所有衣服都是一个样子
augment ’增大,增多‘,很正式的用法
crumble ’弄碎,破碎‘,还是说那种形式上的破坏
catchy ’容易记住的‘,原来不知道动词可以变成这样用
cringe ’畏缩,卑躬屈膝‘,用的是前面的意思,说的是员工很怕几十年前那种短衫短裤的打扮,认为没风度
unveil ’除去(面纱,幕布),揭露’,实在是忘了讲什么的了
emission ‘散发,发射物’,高中就学过吧
deviate ‘偏离,背离’
norm 其实是想记住一个词组 social norm,社会准则
protocol ‘外交礼节,协议’,总和portfolio混
mortify ‘使侮辱,伤害感情;克制’
conservative ‘保守的,保守主义’,这个词忘了,不可原谅
panic ‘惊慌,受惊’
improvise ‘即兴创作,临时凑成’,还是说衣服的搭配
anonymity ‘无名的,匿名的’
clan ‘氏族’,说日本男人穿衣服要体现民族气质
ethic ‘伦理’,也是忘记的词
wean ‘使断奶,使戒掉’,+from,还是说改掉穿西装的习惯
cuff ‘护腕,袖口’
brace ‘支住,撑牢;振作’,我咋记得是手腕的意思呢,可能是作名词的意思吧
legion ‘众多,大批’,本来是说古罗马军队的
raid ‘突袭,搜捕;侵入’ 今天公司事情比较多,晚上再来
我忘了是什么时候在哪里看到的了,不过也贴在这里吧interven '(事件)插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于'
ceiling 大家都知道'屋檐'的意思,不过也是'金额的最高限度'
peg 本来是'木钉',在商业用语中表示'固定,限定价格等'
pour '灌,注;人流流出,拥入',+out倾吐
vehicle 最普遍的意思是'汽车',其实还是'传递信息的工具'的意思
Scott McClellan,白宫出版发行秘书,利用白宫每日新闻发布会的时间抨击了刊载来自匿名消息来源人提供的消息的刊物,但曲高和寡,现在只有少数几家新闻媒体支持。因为采用匿名消息来报道新闻事件几乎已经成为了新闻工作者们一个默认的新闻采集方式。single 动词噢,+out表示'挑出'
retract '撤回',这词总也记不住
interrogator '审问者,讯问者'
Koran '古兰经'
assail '攻击,抨击'
informant '提供消息的人'
critique 动词,'批评'
throttle '掐死,截流,减速'
hamper '妨碍'
rampant '繁殖,蔓延;不能控制'
hothouse '温室'
horde '游牧部落,一群...',说一群球迷可以用这个
mint '铸造'
jeopardize '使受危害,使陷困境'
pendulum '钟摆'
coax '劝诱,哄出,说服'
reluctant '勉强的,不愿的'
affiliate '使加入,接受为分支机构或委员'
reflexive '反身代词',不知道作者想表达什么
revelation '揭露,泄露'
fabricate '捏造;装配,制造'
plagiarize '抄袭',讲的是前一阵nytimes的一个记者写假新闻的事情
stringent '严密'
enforce '实施(法律)'
outright '断然的,确实的,明白无误的'
coward '胆小者,懦夫'
judicious '有见识的,明智的',很正式的用法
tack '钉住,改变航向'
repercussion '反响,影响'
scoop '独家新闻',不正式的用法
partisan '党人,敌后游击队员'
uproar '吵闹,骚动'
accuracy '准确性,精密性'
ubiquitos '普遍存在' very good 被夸了,呵呵 要是附上原文就完美了 好吧,那我以后附上原文好了,大家也可以看看
Report Says China's Currency Policy Poses Risk of Inflation
PARIS, May 24 - China's fixed exchange rate for its currency against the United States dollar is increasing the risk of inflation and overheating in Asia's second-largest economy, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warned today.But the stimulus provided by China's economic expansion should continue to underpin strong growth in Asia, offsetting a slowdown in the United States and sagging confidence in much of Europe, the organization said in a report on the outlook for the global economy.
The pegging of the yuan to the dollar has already resulted in a 3 percent drop this year in its effective exchange rate against the currencies of all China's trading partners, the O.E.C.D., a Paris-based think tank, said.
In the United States, interest rate increases by the United States Federal Reserve appeared to have put the economy on track for a ``soft landing," according to Jean-Philippe Cotis, the organization's chief economist. Monetary policy would have to tighten further, he said, ``but they are back on trend."
``We see subdued recovery and underlying inflation slowing considerably," Mr. Cotis said.
Projections in the report showed United States growth slowing to a 3.3 percent rate in 2006 from 3.6 percent this year and 4.4 percent in 2004. The expected growth rate for this year was revised up from a 3.3 percent rate forecast in December.
The report showed United States inflation dipping to 2.2 percent next year from 2.4 percent in 2005, in response to a tightening in short-term interest rates, measured in three-month deposit terms, to 4.9 percent by the fourth quarter of 2006 from 2.3 percent at the end of 2004. But for that to happen, the Federal Reserve, which early this month raised its benchmark by a quarter point to 3 percent in the latest of a series of upward moves, must tighten more, the report said.
In contrast, facing flaccid growth in the major economies of the euro zone, the European Central Bank should cut rates, the organization said. Its latest forecasts showed growth in the euro area sagging to a 1.2 percent rate this year, revised down by more than half a percentage point from 1.9 percent projected in December, and recovering to no better that 2 percent in 2006.
The report said that the yuan exchange rate, and the flood of textile exports from China after the ending of international textile quotas on Jan 1, will keep China's trade surplus expanding this year and next , it said. The current account, a broad measure of trade in goods and services, is likely to bring in net inflows of $100 billion in 2005 and $101 billion in 2006, after an inflow of $68.7 billion last year.
``The depreciation of the effective exchange rate has both accentuated inflationary pressures and driven actual inflation higher," the report said.
The Chinese government has tried to curb a real estate boom and other signs of overheating by a range of regulatory and administrative measures this year. Despite those efforts, ``the economy is accelerating again," Mr. Cotis said in an interview on Monday. ``The problem is still to contain activity," he said.
Forecasts in the report showed China's gross domestic product growing at a 9 percent rate this year and accelerating to a 9.2 percent rate in 2006, with inflation picking up to a 4 percent rate this year and next from 3.9 percent last year and only 1.2 percent in 2003.
Elsewhere in Asia, the report projected growth in Japan slowing to a 1.5 percent rate this year, down from 2.6 percent in 2004 and below the 2.1 percent rate forecast by the O.E.C.D. in December. The organization also said it expected Japan's consumer price deflation to continue into 2006. Still, Mr. Cotis said, Japan's economic state is ``fairly benign."
``They went through a soft patch, but then there were strong exports and investment in the first quarter, " he said. ``There is still some deflation, but we think that, with recovery, deflation will go away by the end of 2006. That's a bit delayed compared with earlier prognostications, but the forward-looking indicators are relatively good."
In particular, he said, a recent improvement in the job market, where employers are increasingly offering secure, long-term contracts, should lead to a recovery in consumer confidence.
underpin '加强...的基础,巩固,支撑'
sagging '下沉的,松懈的'
pegging '固定外汇价格,固定证券价格'
subdued '被抑制的,柔和的,减弱的'
underlying '潜在的'
revise '修正,校订'
dip '调整'
deposit '存款,押金,保证金'
flaccid '软弱的,无活力的'
surplus '盈余'
depreciation '贬值,减价,跌落'
curb '路边',文章里用的是动词
benign '良好的'
prognostication '预言'
[ Last edited by annieingermany on 2005-5-30 at 16:49 ]