发表于 2009-7-12 19:50
20# baikai
towards your first point, i would say yes in technical aspect. theoritically this equality is not an undoubtable concept. but its so deeply confusing thati would like to drop this question.
what i am wondering is the connection you suggested about muslims and uighur terrorists. what did you mean with "They are muslims, have close border to Afganstan, Pakistan. It is no doubt torrorism occours, sooner or later."it is dangerous to identify muslims with terrorists. plus, being close to those unstable country is not a necessary condition for terrorism.
btw seems there is contradiction in your own statements.
发表于 2009-7-12 22:29
21# newer
The point is, we should compare Uygurs and Hans' behaviors in the similar situation.
Facing life difficulies, everyone will automatically think about solutions, they want hope for future. Hans make efforts to get job as "NongMinGong" in big cities. But Uygurs, everyone knows what they are doing in cities. Their reputation were already destroyed.
I am not defining muslims as terrorists, but Uygurs share the same religion with neighbors, who are recently uder anti-terrorrist war. Thus uygurs are more likely to be influenced.