一个人 发表于 2005-7-27 00:29




[ 本帖最后由 一个人 于 2005-7-27 01:30 编辑 ]

flyingpig 发表于 2005-7-27 02:10

can study, but cannot be paid, e.g. cannot get TA/RA, cannot work, need pay tuition (tuition is usually expensive - you may need spend at least $1500 for 1 course).

skykittey 发表于 2005-7-27 03:00

yes i guess so.

skykittey 发表于 2005-7-27 03:02

but you can get scholarship, you are good enough

一个人 发表于 2005-7-27 10:25

原帖由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-27 03:10 发表
can study, but cannot be paid, e.g. cannot get TA/RA, cannot work, need pay tuition (tuition is usually expensive - you may need spend at least $1500 for 1 course).

$我晕$   我在德国呆时间长了,英语不太好,麻烦你说下中文吧


flyingpig 发表于 2005-7-27 18:32

原帖由 一个人 于 2005-7-27 11:25 发表

$我晕$   我在德国呆时间长了,英语不太好,麻烦你说下中文吧

可以读书,但不能做付钱的工作,e.g.,TA,RA,餐馆工.一门棵学费通常超过$1500,贵的可能2,3千.公立学校便宜,私立贵.要拿学位,好象要转F1 (最后这点我不确定).如果你看不懂我上面写的英文,你可能最好先上个英语班,再读书,否则,会听不懂老师讲课, 也看不懂书的.

[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-27 19:41 编辑 ]

tt98 发表于 2005-7-27 20:40

if your visa is f2 or j2, you cannot study and work.
if your visa is h4,you can study,cannot work.

flyingpig 发表于 2005-7-27 20:55

原帖由 tt98 于 2005-7-27 21:40 发表
if your visa is f2 or j2, you cannot study and work.
if your visa is h4,you can study,cannot work.

I think, in the new rule, F2 can take courses, but may not be able to get degree.I know that many F2s first take a couple of courses and then apply for universities.    After being admitted, need change F2 visa to F1 visa if want to be TA/RA.I am not sure about J2 case.I agree that H4 can study.If LZ is PeiDu, then he/she should not be in H4 visa.

[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-27 22:05 编辑 ]

flyingpig 发表于 2005-7-27 21:06

Some info. from the web:

F2 Visa Details

An F2 visa may be obtained by an F1 visa holder’s spouse and minor children. An F2 visa holder may remain in the US as long as the F1 holder remains in legal status. An F2 visa holder may change his or her status in the US.


An F2 visa holder may not accept employment. He or she must obtain a work visa.


An F2 visa holder may engage in full or part time study.

alorine 发表于 2005-7-27 21:25

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