You can study, cannot work.If you want to work, you have to change your visa or apply for some work authorization.I found the following from the web. more info. is available at http://www.messersmithlaw.com/family-visa/j2-visa.html
J2 Visa Details
A J2 visa may be obtained by a J1 visa holder’s spouse and minor children. A J2 visa holder may remain in the US as long as the J1 visa holder remains in legal status. A J2 visa holder may change his or her status in the US.
A J2 visa holder may apply for a work permit.
A J2 visa holder may engage in full or part time study.
For whom is a J2 Visa appropriate?
Spouse and children of J1 visa holders who wish to visit or accompany the J1 visa holder to the United States.
[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-27 23:14 编辑 ] Anothe article: when J2 can work - need apply for employment authorization.
J-2 visa holders (the spouses and dependent children of J-1's) may apply to US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for permission to work in the United States. Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, part 214.2(j)(1(v) states that, "income from the spouse's or dependent's employment may be used to support the family's customary recreational and cultural activities and related travel, among other things.Employment will not be authorized if this income is needed to support the J-1 principal alien."
Application Procedures
The application for J-2 employment authorization includes:
* A letter to USCIS, explaining the reason for requesting employment authorization. (See the sample)
sample file is in http://www.oiss.yale.edu/visa/j2sample.pdf
* Completed Form I-765
* All copies of DS-2019 forms and I-94 cards (white card in the passport, both sides) for both J-1 and J-2 visa holders
* A copy of your J-2 visa stamp in the passport, and the passport page with your photo and information
* A personal check or money order for $175 payable to "USCIS" (A personal check is preferable because, if necessary, you will be able to determine if it has been cashed.b)
* Two passport type color photographs, (see the sample). You should print your name lightly in pencil on the back of the two photographs (include the number on your previous EAD if you have one).
* If you have applied for an EAD before, a photocopy of your Employment Authorization Document (back and front) 原帖由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-27 19:32 发表
可以读书,但不能做付钱的工作,e.g.,TA,RA,餐馆工.一门棵学费通常超过$1500,贵的可能2,3千.公立学校便宜,私立贵.要拿学位,好象要转F1 (最后这点我不确定).如果你看不懂我上面写的英文,你可能最好先上个英语 ...
没,没!! 不是我要去美国.我还是喜欢德国的!!
多谢你的回答$辛苦$ 但是可以到中国餐馆去打工。而且F2-J2转F1的机会很大,特别是F2。 原帖由 skykittey 于 2005-7-28 15:11 发表
我知道有人这么做,但这是非法的,是打黑工.但一旦发现,会有严重后果.只是中餐馆付现金如果没有人告或者没有人直接到餐馆突击,可能不会被发现.F1在前9个月也是不能做校外工作的.F2 转F1不难,只要自己交学费,托,G不太差,有基本背景,不难拿到admission,但拿TA/RA就难了. how about h4? 原帖由 tt98 于 2005-7-28 23:26 发表
how about h4?
h4 can study, cannot work (need a working visa).Seems that J2 can apply for some working authorization.But H4 can apply for green card with H1 if H1 applies.After 485, H4 is in change of status and can apply for EAD card to work.H1 visa can be held for at most 6 years, J1 and J2 cannot apply for greencard before applying for J1 waiver.J1 visa can be held for 3 years.
[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-7-29 03:38 编辑 ] thank you! up