
楼主 |
发表于 2009-8-5 11:49
A year ago I did apply for a Visa at Poccistr. in Munich. It appeared I did not bring so many documents there. At least I didn't have this one: 5. Aufenthaltszweck. Instead, I had a letter ( a printed ...
patton 发表于 2009-8-5 11:19 
google了一下,找到LMU介绍residence permit的网页,是这么说的:
Where to Apply for Your Residence Permit
If you reside in the city of Munich
Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR), Amt für Ausländerangelegenheiten
Rupertstr. 19
803337 Munich
Subway line (U-Bahn) U3 or U6, Poccistr. station
Bus line 31, Poccistr. stop
Special offices for foreign students:
Names beginning A – F, room 1052, Tel.:+49 (0)89 233 23016 or 233 23193
Names beginning G – O, Q, U, room 1048, Tel.: +49 (0)89 233 23327 or 233 20544
Names beginning P - Z (except Q, U), room 1047, Tel.: +49 (0)89 233 22894 or 233 20830
Office hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:00-12:00, Friday 7:00-12:00
Extended hours Tuesday 14:00-18:30, Tuesday mornings only by appointment
Wednesdays closed
http://www.muenchen.de/referat/kvr/ (website in German)
If you live elsewhere in the greater Munich area
Landratsamt München
Mariahilfplatz 17
81547 Munich
Tel. +49 (0)89 6221 0
Office hours: Daily 8:00-12:00, extended hours Thursday, 14:00-17:30
因为我住在市外,所以去Landratsamt München,如果市内就是你说的Poccistr。 |