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Act for Promoting
Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management
and Ensuring Environmentally Compatible Waste Disposal
( Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz - KrW-/AbfG)
of 27 September 1994,
as amended by the Act on the Expedition of Licensing Procedures ( Genehmigungsverfahrensbeschleunigungsgesetz)
of 12 September 1996 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1354), the Act for the
Conservation of the Soil ( Gesetz zum Schutz des Bodens) of 17 March 1998 (Federal Law
Gazette I p. 502), the Act on the Reform of Road Haulage Law ( Gesetz zur Reform des
Güterkraftver-kehrsrechts) of 22 June 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1485) and the Act on the
Implementation of the Protocol of 7 November 1996 to the Convention on the Prevention of
Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter of 1972 (Federal Law Gazette I p.
*This Act implements Council Directive 91/156/EEC of 18 March 1991 for amendment of Directive 75/442/EEC on waste
(EC Official Journal no. L 78 p. 32) and of Council Directive 94/31/EC of 27 June 1994 for amendment of Directive
91/689/EEC on hazardous waste (EC Official Journal no. L 168 p. 28).
Part One
General Provisions
Article 1 Purpose of the Act
Article 2 Area of application
Article 3 Definition of terms
Part Two
Basic Principles for, and Obligations of, Producers and Holders of Waste and Parties
Responsible for Waste Management
Article 4 Basic principles of closed substance cycle waste management
Article 5 Basic obligations in closed substance cycle waste management
Article 6 Substance recycling and energy recovery
Article 7 Requirements of closed substance cycle waste management
Article 8 Requirements of closed substance cycle waste management in the area of agricultural
Article 9 Obligations of operators of plants
Article 10 Basic principles of waste disposal compatible with the public interest
Article 11 Basic obligations of waste disposal
Article 12 Requirements of waste disposal
Article 13 Obligation to make waste available to parties responsible for waste disposal
Article 14 Toleration obligation in connection with premises
Article 15 Obligations of public-law parties responsible for waste management
Article 16 Commissioning of third parties
Article 17 Performance of tasks by associations
Article 18 Performance of tasks by self-administrative commercial bodies
Article 19 Waste management concepts
Article 20 Waste balance sheet
Article 21 Orders in individual cases
Part Three
Product Responsibility
Article 22 Product responsibility
Article 23 Prohibitions, restrictions and labelling
Article 24 Obligation to return certain goods, and obligation to accept returned goods
Article 25 Voluntary acceptance of returned goods
Article 26 Obligations of holders following acceptance of returned goods
Part Four
Planning Responsibility
Section 1
Regulation and Planning
Article 27 Regulation of waste disposal
Article 28 Execution of disposal
Article 29 Waste management planning
Section 2
Authorisation of waste disposal facilities
Article 30 Exploration of suitable sites
Article 31 Plan approval and planning permission
Article 32 Issuing, security, secondary provisions
Article 33 Authorisation of early commencement
Article 34 Plan approval procedure and further administrative procedures
Article 35 Existing waste disposal facilities
Article 36 Closure
Article 36a Emissions declaration
Article 36b Access to information
Article 36c Statutory ordinances on regulations for landfills
Article 36d Costs of waste storage
Part Five
Promotion of Sales
Article 37 Obligations of the public sector
Part Six
Obligation to Provide Adequate Information
Article 38 Obligation to provide advice and information concerning waste
Article 39 Provision of information to the public
Part Seven
Article 40 General supervision
Article 41 Waste requiring supervision
Article 42 Optional proof procedure for waste disposal
Article 43 Mandatory proof procedure for disposal of waste requiring special supervision
Article 44 Exceptions to the mandatory proof procedure
Article 45 Optional proof procedure for waste recovery
Article 46 Mandatory proof procedure for the recovery of waste requiring special supervision
Article 47 Exceptions to the mandatory proof procedure
Article 48 Statutory ordinances concerning proof of recovery and disposal
Article 49 Transport licences
Article 50 Licensing for agency transactions and in other cases
Article 51 Waiving of licensing requirements for transport and for agency transactions
Article 52 Specialised waste management companies; waste management associations
Part Eight
Company Organisation, Waste Management Officer and Facilitated Procedures for
Audited Company Sites
Article 53 Obligations to provide notification of company organisation
Article 54 Appointment of a Company Waste Management Officer
Article 55 Tasks
Article 55a Facilitated procedures for audited company sites
Part Nine
Final Provisions
Article 56 Secrecy and data protection
Article 57 Transposition of legislation of the European Communities
Article 58 Enforcement within the sphere of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces)
Article 59 Participation of the Bundestag in the issuing of statutory ordinances
Article 60 Hearing of concerned parties
Article 61 Provisions concerning fines
Article 62 Confiscation
Article 63 Competent authorities
Article 64 Interim provisions
Annex I Categories of waste
Annex IIA Disposal operations
Annex IIB Recovery operations
Annex III Criteria for defining the state of the art
Part One
General Provisions
Article 1
Purpose of the Act
The purpose of this Act is to promote closed substance cycle waste management (Kreislaufwirtschaft)
in order to conserve natural resources and to ensure environmentally compatible
disposal of waste.
Article 2
Area of Application
(1) The provisions of this Act apply to
1. the avoidance,
2. recovery and
3. disposal of waste.
(2) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to
1. materials that are to be disposed of pursuant to the Animal Carcass Disposal Act ( Tierkörperbeseitigungsgesetz)
to the Meat-hygiene and Poultry-meat Hygiene Acts ( Fleischhygienegesetz;
Geflügelfleischhygienegesetz) to the Act on Foodstuffs and Commodities
(Lebensmittel- and Bedarfsgegenständegesetz), to the Milk and Margarine Act ( Milch- and
Margarinegesetz), to the Epizootic Diseases Act ( Tierseuchengesetz), to the Plant Protection
Act ( Pflanzenschutzgesetz) and pursuant to the statutory ordinances issued on the
basis of these acts,
2. nuclear fuels and other radioactive substances within the meaning of the Atomic Energy
3. substances whose disposal is regulated by a statutory ordinance issued on the basis of the
Precautionary Radiological Protection Act ( Strahlenschutzvorsorgegesetz),
4. waste occurring from prospecting, extraction, preparation, treatment and processing of
mineral resources in facilities subject to mining inspection, except for waste not occurring
directly and normally only in connection with the activities listed in the first half of this
5. gaseous substances not in containers,
6. substances discharged or dumped into waters or the sewerage system,
7. search for, recovery, transport, storage, treatment and destruction of warfare agents.
Article 3
Definition of Terms
(1) For the purposes of this Act, "waste" shall mean all movable property in the categories set out in
Annex 1 which the holder discards, or intends or is required to discard. "Waste for
recovery" is waste that is recovered; waste that is not recovered is "waste for disposal".
(2) Discarding within the meaning of Para 1 occurs when the holder presents movable property for
recovering within the meaning of Annex II B, or for disposal within the meaning of Annex
II A, or when the holder gives up actual physical authority over the property and it no
longer serves any purpose.
(3) A desire to discard waste within the meaning of Para 1 must be assumed for any movable
1. occurring in connection with energy conversion, or with production, treatment or use of
substances or products, or of services without such occurrence being the purpose of the
relevant actions, or
2. property whose original purpose no longer exists, or is given up, without being directly
replaced by a new purpose.
The producer''s or holder''s opinion shall be used as a basis for evaluating the purpose, taking
into account the consensus on the market situation.
(4) The holder must discard movable property within the meaning of Para 1 when such property is
no longer used in keeping with its original purpose, and when, due to its specific state, it
could endanger, either in the present or the future, the public interest, especially the
environment; and when its potential danger can be ruled out only through proper and safe
recovery, or disposal that is compatible with the public interest, pursuant to the provisions
of this Act and to the statutory ordinances issued on the basis of this Act.
(5) A producer of waste within the meaning of this Act shall be any natural person or legal entity
through whose actions waste has occurred, or any person who has carried out pretreatment,
mixing or other treatment that effects a change in the nature or the
composition of such waste.
(6) A holder of waste within the meaning of this Act shall be any natural person or legal entity who
has actual physical authority over waste.
(7) Waste management comprises the recovery and disposal of waste.
(8) Waste classified by a statutory ordinance pursuant to Article 41 Para 1 or Article 41 Para 3 No. 1
requires special supervision. All other waste requires supervision when it is to be disposed
of; recoverable waste classified by a statutory ordinance pursuant to Article 41 Para 3 No.
2 also requires supervision.
(9) For the purpose of transposing any legal acts of the European Communities into German law,
the Federal Government is herewith authorised to incorporate new categories of waste,
disposal operations or recovery operations into Annexes I, II A or II B, respectively, or to
delete them from these Annexes or to alter them by means of statutory ordinances, with
the consent of the Bundesrat.
(10) "Landfills" within the meaning of this Act shall mean waste-disposal facilities for above-ground
storage of waste (above-ground landfills) or for underground storage of waste
(underground landfills). "Landfills" shall also include plants'' own waste-storage facilities in
which waste producers dispose of waste at the site of its production.
(11) "Inert" waste shall mean mineral waste that is not subject to any significant physical, chemical
or biological changes, that does not dissolve, does not burn and does not react, physically
or chemically, in some other way, that does not degrade biologically and that does not
affect other materials with which it comes into contact in a way that could lead to adverse
impacts on the environment or on human health. The total leachability and pollutant
content of the waste and the ecotoxicity of the leachate must be insignificant and, in
particular, must not endanger the quality of surface waters or ground water. The Federal
Government shall be authorised, after hearing the concerned parties (Article 60), and with
the consent of the Bundesrat, to issue statutory ordinances that define inert waste.
(12) The "state of the art" within the meaning of this Act shall mean that state of development of
modern procedures, facilities or operational methods that, as a whole, reliably
substantiates the practical suitability, for achieving a generally high standard of protection
for the environment, of relevant measures for limiting emissions into the air, water and
soil, for ensuring the safety of plants/facilities, for providing environmentally compatible
waste management or, otherwise, for preventing or reducing impacts on the environment.
The criteria set forth in Annex III, in particular, shall be taken into account in defining the
state of the art.
Part Two
Basic Principles for, and Obligations of, Producers and Holders of Waste and Parties
Responsible for Waste Management
Article 4
Basic Principles of Closed Substance Cycle
Waste Management (Kreislaufwirtschaft)
(1) Waste
1. must, firstly, be avoided; this must be accomplished especially by reducing its amount and
2. must, secondly,
a) be subjected to substance recycling or
b) used to obtain energy (energy recovery).
(2) Measures for waste avoidance shall include, especially, closed-cycle management of substances
within plants, low-waste product design and consumer behaviour oriented to the
acquisition of low-waste and low-pollution products.
(3) Substance recycling shall mean substitution of raw materials through the extraction of
substances from waste (secondary raw materials), or use of the substance properties
within waste for their original purpose, or for other purposes, except for direct energy
recovery. Substance recycling shall be considered to occur when, in keeping with an
economic perspective, and taking into account the impurities present in the relevant waste,
the main purpose of the relevant measure is to use the waste, and not to eliminate its
pollution potential.
(4) Energy recovery shall mean the use of waste as a substitute fuel; the priority for energy
recovery does not affect thermal treatment of waste for disposal, especially household
waste. The main purpose of a measure in question shall be taken as the criterion for
differentiation. For a given waste sample that has not been mixed with other substances,
the type and extent of the waste''s impurities, and the additional waste and emissions
occurring as a result of its treatment, shall be the criterion for determining whether the
relevant waste management measure''s main purpose is energy recovery or treatment.
(5) Closed substance cycle waste management shall also comprise provision, supply, collection,
collection by collect and bring systems, transport, storage and treatment of waste for
Article 5
Basic Obligations in Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management
(1) Obligations to avoid waste production are in accordance with Article 9 and the statutory
ordinances issued on the basis of Articles 23 and 24.
(2) Producers and holders of waste shall be obligated to recover the waste in question pursuant to
Article 6. Where this Act entails no opposing factor, waste recovery has priority over waste
disposal. High-quality recovery appropriate for the type and the nature of the waste in
question shall be pursued. To the extent required to observe provisions contained in
Articles 4 and 5, waste for recovery shall be kept and treated separately.
(3) Waste recovery, especially binding of waste within products, must take place properly and
safely. Recovery takes place properly when it complies with the provisions of this Act and
with other public-law provisions. It takes place safely when, given the waste''s nature, the
extent of the impurities the waste contains and the type of recovery in question, no
impairment of the public interest is expected, and, in particular, when no accumulation of
harmful substances occurs within the recovered substance cycle.
(4) The obligation to recover waste is to be met, to the extent this is technically possible and
economically reasonable, especially when a market exists, or can be created, for an
extracted substance or for extracted energy. Waste recovery is technically possible even
when it requires pre-treatment. Waste recovery is economically reasonable if the costs it
entails are not disproportionate in comparison with the costs waste disposal would entail.
(5) The priority set forth in Para 2 for waste recovery shall not exist in cases in which waste disposal
is the more environmentally compatible solution. In this connection, the following must
especially be taken into account:
1. the expected emissions,
2. the aim of conserving natural resources,
3. the energy to be consumed or yielded, and
4. the resulting increased accumulation of harmful substances in products, in waste for
recovery or in products made from such waste.
(6) The priority for waste recovery shall not apply to waste occurring directly and normally through
research and development.
Article 6
Substance Recycling and Energy Recovery
(1) Waste can be
a) subjected to substance recycling or
b) used to obtain energy.
Priority shall be given to that form of recovery which is more environmentally compatible. Article
5 Para 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis. The Federal Government is herewith authorised, after
hearing the parties concerned (Article 60), to issue statutory ordinances giving priority to
substance recycling or to energy recovery for certain waste types; this shall occur with the
consent of the Bundesrat, on the basis of criteria set forth in Article 5 Para 5 of the present Act,
and taking into account the requirements listed in Para 2.
(2) If priority for a type of use is not set forth by a statutory ordinance pursuant to Para 1 above,
energy recovery within the meaning of Article 4 Para 4 is permissible only when
1. the thermal value of the waste in question, without the waste''s being mixed with other
substances, is at least 11,000 kj/kg,
2. a combustion efficiency of at least 75 % is achieved,
3. the resulting heat is either used by the person/entity recovering the energy or supplied to a
third party, and
4. further wastes produced during the recovery process can be landfilled if possible without
further treatment.
Waste from renewable raw materials can be used for energy recovery if the prerequisites listed
in Sentence 1 Nos. 2 through 4 are met.
Article 7
Requirements of Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management
(1) The Federal Government is herewith authorised, after hearing the parties concerned (Article 60),
to issue statutory ordinances, with the consent of the Bundesrat, and to the extent
required to fulfil obligations pursuant to Article 5, especially those ensuring safe recovery
that accomplish the following:
1. place restrictions on certain wastes being bound in or remaining in products specified by
type, nature and constituents,
2. mandate requirements of separation, transport and storage of waste,
3. mandate requirements of waste provision, supply, gathering and collection by collect and
bring systems,
4. mandate the following for certain waste, recovery of which, due to the type, nature or
amount of the waste in question, is particularly able to impair the public interest, especially
the natural resources requiring protection that are listed in Article 10 Para 4, by area of
origin, place where they occur or initial product:
a) that such waste may be put into circulation, or recovered only in certain amounts or
types, or only for certain purposes,
b) that these wastes, when of a specified nature, may not be put into circulation.
5. mandate that relevant waste holders are obligated, when they supply waste to third
parties, to notify such parties concerning the requirements resulting from these statutory
6. Mandate labelling obligations with regard to waste.
(2) Requirements to be fulfilled by substances can be mandated, by means of a statutory ordinance
pursuant to Para 1, when power-plant waste, plaster from flue-gas desulphurisation
facilities or other waste is used, by companies subject to supervision by mining supervisory
authorities, for technical or safety reasons or for restoring usability of facilities.
(3) Specifications by means of statutory ordinances pursuant to Para 1, may be laid down on
procedures for the review of the mandatory requirements in Para 1, especially as referring
1. the taking of samples, the whereabouts of reserved samples, including safe-keeping, and
the procedures to be used for such actions,
2. the analysis procedures required for identification of individual substances or substance
As to the requirements pursuant to Sentence 1, reference may be made to publicly accessible
official notifications of the pertinent expert bodies. In this case
1. the statutory ordinance shall give the date of the official notification and accurate source
2. the official notification must be filed in the archives of the German Patent Office for safe
custody and a reference made to this fact in the statutory ordinance.
Article 8
Requirements of Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management
in the Area of Agricultural Fertilisation
(1) The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety is herewith
authorised to mandate, by statutory ordinance, in agreement with the Federal Ministry of
Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL), with the consent of the Bundesrat
and after hearing the parties concerned (Article 60), requirements for the area of
agriculture for ensuring proper and safe recovery pursuant to Para 2.
(2) If waste for recovery, as secondary raw-material fertiliser or farm fertiliser, is applied, within the
meaning of Article 1 of the Fertiliser Act, on land used for agricultural, silvicultural or
horticultural purposes, then the following, in particular, can be mandated, in statutory
ordinances pursuant to Para 1, for such supply and application, with regard to the relevant
1. Prohibitions or restrictions depending on factors such as type and nature of the pertinent
soil, application site and time and natural site conditions, and
2. Studies of the relevant waste, farm fertiliser or soil, measures for pre-treatment of these
substances, or suitable other measures.
This applies to farm fertiliser to the extent that the usual quantities employed in good and
proper practice, within the meaning of Article 1 a of the Fertiliser Act, are exceeded.
(3) The Land Governments may issue statutory ordinances pursuant to Para 2, if the Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety makes no use of the
relevant authorisation; in addition, they can transfer the relevant authorisation, by
statutory ordinance, and completely or in part, to other authorities. |