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发表于 2008-6-17 17:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Ordinance on Codification of Waste Requiring Special Supervision
(Bestimmungsverordnung besonders überwachungsbedürftige Abfälle –
of September 1996
Pursuant-to Article 41 (1) 2nd sentence and (3) No. 1 of the Closed Substance Cycle and
Waste Management Act of 27 September 1994 (Federal Law Gazette 1 p. 2705), also in
conjunction with Article 10 of the Act of 27 December 1993 (Federal Law Gazette I p.
2378), the Federal Government, after hearing the parties concerned, hereby decrees as
Article 1
Waste Designations
(1) The following waste shall require special supervision:
1. waste listed in Annex 1 of this Ordinance as being hazardous within the meaning of
Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste (OJ No. L 377
p. 20). amended by Directive 94/31/EC of 27 June 1994 (OJ No. L 168 p. 28),
2. waste listed in Annex 2 of this Ordinance.
(2) The codification defined by this Ordinance with regard to waste requiring special
supervision shall also apply to waste collected by public-law parties responsible for
waste management pursuant to Article 15 of the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste
Management Act.
Article 2
Classification in Individual Cases
(1) For classification of waste within one of the types waste listed in the Annexes, the twodigit
category headings for waste from specific industries or process types shall take
precedence over other two-digit category headings referring to specific origins or types
of waste. Within categories, the more specific headings shall take precedence over the
general four-digit group headings. Within groups, the mote specific waste designations
shall take precedence over the general waste designations.
(2) For classification of waste within one of the types waste listed in the Annexes, the twodigit
category headings for waste from specific industries or process types shall take
precedence over other two-digit category headings referring to specific origins or types
of waste. Within categories, the more specific headings shall take precedence over the
general four-digit group headings. Within groups, the mote specific waste designations
shall take precedence over the general waste designations.
(3) If a classification of waste from specific industries or process types pursuant to
paragraphs (1) and (2) produces a six-digit code of waste with the ending “99” (waste
“not otherwise specified”), or if no code of waste can be determined. then it shall be
determined whether the waste is listed within a group under a different category heading
for waste from specific industries or process types that is closely related to, or integrated
within the relevant industry or production process. If this is the case, the waste shall be
classified within this industry or process type.
(4) If a review pursuant to paragraph (3) also produces a code of waste with the designation
"waste not otherwise specified", or if it produces no possibility for classification, it shall
be determined whether the waste can be classified within a category referring to specific
origins or types of waste. If so, the waste shall be classified within the relevant category
heading referring to specific origins or types of waste.
(5) Notwithstanding Articles 1 to 4, waste from specific industries or process types may be
directly classified within a code of waste of a category heading referring to specific
origins or types of waste, if this code of waste characterises the waste more precisely.
Waste may be classified within the category heading 20 only if it is handled within the
framework of municipal waste management.
Article 3
Transitional Provision
Until 31 December 1998, the waste listed in the Ordinance on the Codification of Waste
(Abfallbestimmungs-Verordnung) of 3 April 1990 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 614),
amended by Article 6 (26) of the Act of 27 December 1993 (Federal Law Gazette I p.
2378) shall be deemed to be waste requiring special supervision within the meaning of
Article 41 (1) and (3) No. 1 of the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act.
Article 4
Entry into Force, Expiration
This Ordinance shall enter into force on 7 October 1996. At the same time, the
following shall expire:
1. the Ordinance on the Codification of Waste (Abfallbestimmungs-Verordnung) of 3
April 1990 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 614), last amended by Article 14 (4) of the Act of
19 July (federal Law Gazette I p. 1019):
2. the Ordinance on the Codification of Residual Substances (Reststoffbestimmungs-
Verordnung) of 3 April 1990 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 631.862), last amended by
Article 14 (5) of the Act of 19 July 1996 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1019)
The Bundesrat has given its consent.
Bonn, 10 September 1996
The Federal Chancellor
Dr Helmut Kohl
The Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Angela Merkel




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