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questions of a examination. HELP!!

发表于 2008-6-13 16:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Put in the right preposition5 Q. ^7 ?: e4 U9 t
1. I do not believe the story Bob told us. I think he made it all ___________.
  z$ g4 c1 c0 V2. I think we better call the meeting __________, because if our boss is not here, we cannot decide _________anything.
* q; r8 T4 z, Z' ]; E% Q3. When I phoned her this morning, first I was told to hold ___________, and the the receiver was hung __________.
- u+ j8 m3 b0 c. A& q3 J% i- u& `* b4. George sometimes has some very good ideas, but mostly he has difficulties in getting them __________ to others.
* r1 @' B: c" ~, W4 A. d5. He was despreate, because his girl-friend had let him __________ again.* l5 ^: n& ~) \
6. If you have come to a decision, stick _________ it. Don't change your mind again.
9 S8 G# e$ I* u  Y2 R7. She seems not to be able to deal __________ the new situation.9 l& o  e$ x- O$ ~  b
8. Jimmy cannot come today. He has to look _________ his younger brother.( s/ C' a: D5 C
9. Don't play tricks _____ me again. This time it won't work.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-13 17:04 | 显示全部楼层
Conditonal clauses. Please finish the sentences by using the correct tense:
/ z4 X, C9 W5 D) X3 e
1. If I had known that you were in the hospital______________________________( N, E$ S8 I5 }6 d& U- X
2. I would not have believed it if______________________/ [. ]% b( f; n0 D. b3 c
3. If he asks me again to go out with him ______________________
  T- T4 s% I. p9 G; m/ R' t4. If he spoke more slowly _______________________
9 I; }9 S  |. Z5. If you had tried again ___________________
" {% q. T9 B( O- Z0 b6. Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road _______________________
2 `# x: @( O1 j8 E2 C6 j7. I would probably have got completely lost if _______________________0 f% U7 T+ A" ~( M" q8 S) v+ |. ^
8. I could repair the ladder myself if ______________________
( P/ A8 a+ W1 I9. I would have taken a taxi if ______________________
7 i  z/ X/ V; q: I6 W- T10. If you had told me how long this way was _____________________________
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-13 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
Put the following sentences into " indirect Speech"
* c( F+ H8 ^0 G7 E  K# K6 k( b1. This is the best restaurant in town, " explained the taxi driver.
% Y4 F( C. @, }  F, D' H2. "The only problem is that they expect guests to wear ties", he continued.
5 C( \. b) S3 j$ L8 X8 f3. "Why have you brought us here then", the tourist asked in surprise.
2 G, O4 ]  F0 C' c9 k: ]& g9 {4. "Don't get excited", said the taxi driver. He continued: " I keep ties especially for people like you. He asked :" What color would you like?" And he added:" They are all the same price."
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-13 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
Passive Voice. Put the following sentences into the passive form
6 M" u3 Z% ]9 o2 X1. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice and had fixed a rope.
+ x% T3 H" x8 b/ a+ b2. Someone switched on a light and opened a door.
0 f6 i* s2 g2 }) _& @3. Look, they are pulling down the old theatre.( D1 {1 W' d" G. P5 s2 u; R
4. Why didn't they mend the roof before it fell in?
6 M6 y. T' h. T9 L5. The police asked each of the boys about their movements on the night of the crime.
+ R/ i) @" z4 l0 T" K6. The librarian said that they were starting a new system because people were not returning books.
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-13 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
Please translate the following sentences into English. Pay special attention to the proper use of the English tenses.
& I# P' n3 _7 C
1. Gestern gab er mir das Buch zurück, das ich ihm geliehen hatte. Er bedankte sich und sagte, es habe ihm sehr gut gefallen: Ich weiß aber , dass er es überhaupt nicht gelesen hat, da einige Seiten noch aneinander klebten.
+ y+ J! I5 ~/ ?8 Q. r2 `$ u% m9 y9 K8 |  |( \2.Ich kam Mitte Juli in England an. Es wurde mir gesagt , dass es in England das ganze Jahr über neblig und regnerisch sei. Wir hatten jedoch großes Glück mit dem Wetter. Es regnete nur einen Tag lang.& n' J( t. v. m8 i8 s
3. Paul: " Ich spiele schon Fußball seit ich fünf Jahre alt bin. Leider mußte ich zwischenzeitlich wegen einer Knieverletzung pausieren. Seit einem Jahr jedoch spiele ich wieder regelmäßig einmal die Woche."
9 I* ?5 B- H1 [4. Paul: " Ich habe gerade gehört, dass Martin in Australien ist."9 D0 Q  m2 f$ Q- J2 ]
Peter:" Ja, er ist Anfang dieses Monats nach Sidney geflogen".
. a7 {+ A: Z% ]7 V$ G# @! r- ePaul: " Hast du schon etwas von ihm gehört?"
$ t* Q+ S% v& y* [6 QPeter:" Ja, letzte Woche hat er mir eine Email geschickt. Er schrieb, dass ihm seine Arbeit sehr viel Spaß mache. Aber er hat nichts darüber erwähnt, wie ihm das Leben dort gefällt. Vielleicht ist es noch zu früh. Er ist ja erst seit 3 Wochen dort.
  r+ `+ e( P8 q7 r: ?2 i: u7 |5. Ich habe zwei richtige gute Freunde. Beide studieren noch, so wie ich. Keiner von ihnen hat viel Geld, aber beide sind mit dem was sie haben zufrieden.
4 [, ?6 O6 |: m) P$ Z5 n9 `9 c; Q% S
The End
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发表于 2008-6-13 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
Put in the right preposition( P4 T) W  D, q' R, F6 Q' a/ ~
# e* f6 F+ w" d) T8 x
1. I do not believe the story Bob told us. I think he made it all ___up________.8 Y/ O% f; E( L* ~( X5 f6 F8 F, d$ o: u9 T; X; r& [
2. I think we better call the meeting ____off______, because if our boss is not here, we cannot decide ____on_____anything.
2 W5 k7 U1 q; ]9 _, b: J% q5 B4 s/ C# a/ L3. When I phoned her this morning, first I was told to hold ____on_______, and the the receiver was hung ___up_______.
& G2 V6 O( o4 [! k* {; x+ n- [- i% Q/ k, _/ X4 ^5 |1 i3 a  h4. George sometimes has some very good ideas, but mostly he has difficulties in getting them ____right______ to others.3 O$ R* k6 {2 Y. {: H# J$ \2 P5 H
5. He was despreate, because his girl-friend had let him ____down______ again.1 Y9 S8 O0 X/ }; \8 u/ w6 c+ r- b' _' V1 l' w" ?& i& a
6. If you have come to a decision, stick ___with______ it. Don't change your mind again.: A6 l. U# ]- T4 Y, w* [0 w3 {3 C% x- ?  e" k4 s
7. She seems not to be able to deal ___with_______ the new situation.
; x& F4 }$ d7 N5 M! ^5 n: P3 f+ E8. Jimmy cannot come today. He has to look ______after___ his younger brother." R' p( z% F# H! G
% v+ i3 p7 l" I3 X" {9. Don't play tricks __on___ me again. This time it won't work.
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-6-13 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
Conditonal clauses. Please finish the sentences by using the correct tense:8 y. m& p6 s  Y/ F' A8 G. x) y6 L
& F, i' R6 {; _: M2 Y. u
1. If I had known that you were in the hospital___then i wouldn't let you drive today____________
" w2 k% n& K2 j: \3 Z6 I, U5 _" ~' H2. I would not have believed it if_______i wasnt drunk_______________# q9 M5 q3 k( k! {7 K0 r7 D8 d# C
: O1 z3 R9 ?# F0 O$ R3. If he asks me again to go out with him __________then i will say no ___________4 Z! Z( |9 s2 s. l  ^' Q; {0 `+ T. N% _" c
4. If he spoke more slowly __________then i could understand him_____________
9 G0 X$ v$ C& {. B* e3 w' W' O: y$ B+ L5. If you had tried again _________consequences would follow__________' N/ d5 R. v( f/ L& N& e7 |' w
- g  J: n% f0 |: J- D' v! V: n6. Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road __________passing travelers wont fall over themself_____________7 [8 k! e8 B: Z
3 C& Z" i% ~( j0 N9 X6 F7. I would probably have got completely lost if ___________i didnt have GPS ____________
7 N$ x1 I4 c7 b( D9 p) z9 Y0 W( L8 I: n& V( z8. I could repair the ladder myself if __________i wasnt stupid____________
- B8 z% ~: g. T( X) @  O4 U8 r: s  D9. I would have taken a taxi if __________i didnt have a  car____________3 H* ]& E6 V' e; q3 _! q) q/ E- _4 H/ r4 X4 h& U% Y' V# D
10. If you had told me how long this way was _____________i would have warped________________0 P8 O; \; W4 |! E/ S( ]- w

" L0 X- A$ c1 ]9 ~0 F" A[ 本帖最后由 sonne0211 于 2008-6-13 19:43 编辑 ]
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-6-13 18:24 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-6-15 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
1. This is the best restaurant in town, " explained the taxi driver.
2 j2 _" H0 D1 t0 n5 Y7 a/ m! n( X' f9 L( E2 u6 F
The taxi driver explained that this is the best restaurant in town.
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2008-6-15 10:13 | 显示全部楼层
1. Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice and had fixed a rope.+ m, n7 F5 V) h& V/ ^
5 C+ E# `: ?: S% W* }7 P3 B- l
Previous climbers have been cut steps because of the ice and have to fix a rope.
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