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[泛欧西音乐] Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy- 埃及三部曲:永恒、不朽、幻魅

发表于 2008-5-31 04:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

专辑名称:Eternal Egypt 永恒的埃及
专辑艺人:Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy
发行时间:September 1, 1996
发行公司:New World Music

Two of the world's most highly acclaimed musicians have joined souls to create a tremendously majestic album that evokes all the splendour of this ancient land. Hossam Ramzy is one of the premier percussionists of the Middle-Eastern style. His work has done more to bring the ancient rhythms of the desert to the western world than any other artist. Phil Thornton brings his trance-like melodic music to this mix to create a fusion of new-age and old-age music.

This work, and the music which inspired it, was made for meditative dance, movement and worship. In fact, the zaar, a ritual dance featured on the CD, can go on for many hours, until the dancers drop down exhausted. Most of the drum rhythms come from the "Sha'abi", one of the oldest styles of folk dancing in Egypt. Exotic, stirring rhythms interweave with visionary music to provide an outstanding, hypnotic, and wholly captivating recording.

      这绝对是一张经典而标准的新世纪音乐类型的音乐专辑,作者是New World Music中的干将Phil Thornton和著名埃及鼓乐艺术家Hossam Ramzy。   
      Phil Thornton和Hossam Ramzy深入埃及,探索埃及的文化,历史,风俗,深深膜拜在干涸冷淡的沙漠和沧桑宏伟的金字塔下。通过充分研究了埃及的东方和西方融合性的乐器和演奏技巧后,完美性的制作了此碟。   

1. Isis Unveiled

2. The Land Of The Pharaohs (Zaar Rhythm)

3. Through The Ankh (Masmoudi Rhythm)

4. Shimmers In The Sand

5. Desert Rhythm (Fallahi Rhythm)

6. The Cobra's Dance (Fallahi Rhythm)


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-31 04:30 | 显示全部楼层

专辑名称:Immortal Egypt 不朽的埃及
专辑艺人:Phil Thornton,Hossam Ramzy  
发行公司:New World Music

This, the third pairing of Brit multi-instrumentalist Thornton and Egyptian percussionist Ramzy, further explores Middle Eastern dance motifs in a contemporary setting. Recording the basic tracks in the U.K., they went to Cairo and invited some of the top local musicians to collaborate. Flute, violin, ney, aud, rebala, and accordion flesh out these extended, ambient grooves in an evocative, textural tapestry aimed as much at the mind as at the feet. Reminiscent of Peter Gabriel's film scoring, Immortal Egypt has, with all its participants, enough cultural pedigree to satisfy World Music fans and sonic construction to please the headphone listener, but is probably too gentle for dance clubs, except for the most subtle sashaying. --Derek Rath

Product Description
Following the glowing success of Eternal Egypt, a new light of inspiration has guided Thornton and Ramzy to work together again in a startling and innovative format. Thornton describes the the creation of the recording in this way...

      Phil Thornton和Hossam Ramzy深入埃及,探索埃及的文化,历史,风俗,深深膜拜在干涸冷淡的沙漠和沧桑宏伟的金字塔下。通过充分研究了埃及的东方和西方融合性的乐器和演奏技巧后,从而制作了'Pharaoh' and 'Eternal Egypt'二章作品,深受好评。随着不断的深入,更完美性的制作了此碟。   


01.At the Gates of the Citadel 05:34

02.Cairo Blues 08:49

03.Last Words by the Temple 07:51

04.Morocoo Dance 06:21

05.Derwood Green 06:09

06.El Moulid 06:48

07.Praying for Rain 07:04

08.Emerald Minarets in a Sea of Stars 05:42

09.Sunrise Over Giza 06:14

10.Immortal Egypt 06:17

[ 本帖最后由 金银妖瞳 于 2008-5-31 05:34 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-31 04:37 | 显示全部楼层

专辑名称: Enchanted Egypt 幻魅埃及
专辑艺人: Phil Thornton & Hossam Ramzy
发行时间: November 2, 2004
发行厂牌: New World Music

Product Description
This album blends traditional Egyptian rhythms and instrumentation with Western instrumentation to create an excellent world fusion album featuring lively rhythms and expert musicianship.
This is the third collaboration between Hossam Ramzy, a world-famous Egyptian percussionist with a number of best-selling albums, and Phil Thornton, one of New World's most consistently best-selling artists. Their first two albums Eternal Egypt and Immortal Egypt have both been very successful.

埃及手鼓巨星 Hossam Ramzy 与英国作曲家 Phil Thornton 联手打造的埃及新音乐第三弹 ─ 幻魅埃及 (Enchanted Egypt),甫於日前推出。
英国作曲家Phil Thornton乃近五年檯面上搞global戏法颇有一番成绩的乐人 (Peter Gabriel与之相比差太远了),算起来,此回已经是他第四度以埃及為题的作品,可惜成果未能超越六年前的「Immortal Egypt」。
这次的问题仍出在作曲、编曲上。以开碟首曲"Apostles of the Interface"為例,开场气势极佳,朦朧的清真寺叫拜声调变与magrouna笛融叠倾轨,这等幻声戏法,即便当今埃及最hip的乐人们如Mahmoud Fadl都还没上到这一档次。接著的卡农琴破题也还行,但那乾瘪粗鲁的didgeridoo一登场就砸锅了。菲尔索顿老兄,请不要耽溺在上回成功的公式好吗?
认真听了四、五回,发现除了上述编曲瑕疵,主要问题出在旋律的构思与採集上。此唱片所有阿拉伯古典乐器是Phil Thornton与Hossam Ramzy在埃及开罗请当地乐师分别演奏,分开採录。换句话说,乌德琴师不知道卡农琴师是怎麼个拨扫法,卡农琴师更不知道ney笛手下个音往哪吹,主音和絃与节奏都是事先被告知的,最后再由Phil Thornton於录音室拼凑成曲。这麼一来,器乐间的对话感几乎全没了,更夸张的是,专辑中许多段子完全用平行八度和絃在偷懒,这绝对是Phil Thornton的问题,有格的埃及乐师绝不可能如此!这种死照著谱弹的搞法是最最没有灵性的阿拉伯音乐大忌,还幻魅埃及咧,下次再说吧!
话虽如此,相较Hossam Ramzy自己主持製作的那堆失败专辑,或是市面上什麼「莫札特在埃及」之类东方主义流毒的玩意,Phil Thornton的音乐还是有趣的多,瞧专辑裡像「阿里妈妈」(Ali Mama) 这种saaidi肚皮舞调的幽默感,在埃及乐人当中可是找不到的哩。

1. Apostles of the Interface  

2. On the Desert Road to Alexandria

3. Zaiellas  

4. Enchanted Egypt 1  

5. Enchanted Egypt 2  

6. Ali Mama  

7. From Memphis to Heliopolis  

8. Nefertari's Dream  

9. At the Temple of Rameses the Great  

10. Fanadaan  

11. On the Transit of Venus


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发表于 2008-5-31 12:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-5-31 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
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