原帖由 enil 于 2007-10-1 23:19 发表 
已经过去一年了。始终忘不了。去年九月份,我好像记得是9月25日,要不就是中下旬的样子,在Frankfurt领馆去换护照,那个女孩在办理什么不晓得,和我排的是不同的队伍。当时见了相当的有感觉,我觉得她也是这种感 ...
LZ, 我相信这种感觉,和你一篇。文中的人和你同病相怜。
I met you two years ago in a hike in Cupertino. After the hike, I
gave you a ride back to the DoubleTree hotel in San Jose. You told
me you were in Chicago at the time and was trying to find a job in
bay area. We exchanged emails. Yours is a hotmail address. I am
very sorry I lost it. In December that year (2002), I saw you again
surprisingly after a gathering in a Milpitas restaurant. But I was
preoccupied with something else at the moment, and only said a brief
hello to you. We soon departed. To this day, I can't forgive my
negligence and was constantly haunted by it. Everyday I wake up, I
begin to feel a deep regret. It is clear now this regret is caused
by my vivid memory of our conversations on our way back to DoubleTree
hotel. The way you talked was very nice, very nice. I don't know
what would have happened if I contacted you immediately. But the
more I think of it, the more I hate myself for not taking any
actions. So again this morning when I woke up from a dream including
you, I decide to look for you. I know two years are such a long
time. Many things could have happened. You could have been married,
or you could be someone else's girl friend now. It really does not
matter, and if that is the case, you can be sure you have my best
wishes. So if you see this message, would you please contact me no
matter what? I really want to know if there is any more chance that
I can correct my past negligence and leave no more regrets.
the suffering |