
楼主 |
发表于 2007-9-27 22:24
1. 不满和牢骚时) T6 K4 N/ d6 {& J- X
/ g; N3 g3 G9 g: Q H, O/ [0 }8 `: V
- 啊呸!真见鬼! ' S( g3 j2 R$ s/ {( D d
Oh, heck! *heck表示有点灰心和失望。. v4 C$ o0 @* J6 z! e
Oh, heck! I failed the test. (噢,见鬼!没考及格。)
/ U$ k: Q' r& EOh, darn!# q$ K/ Z- G! ^( [- L- n
Oh, no!
5 r8 n( U/ d/ |" s+ A' p- 什么! ) [3 H: K/ _* x% a' ^2 w& j0 `
Shucks! *承认自己的错误,或回应别人对自己的不满时。
$ |" h7 H4 V/ M9 aWhere is your homework? (你的作业在哪儿呢?)
' j, O0 Z1 v1 L% y+ X. s& kShucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。)
' [9 A. `3 W0 ^- |2 @- 真见鬼! : u o% K: X8 {/ N+ z
Shoot! *表示厌恶、激怒、惊奇等。常用来表示事情并不像自己所想像的那样顺利时。
* G& d; \2 u t b* QShoot! I Missed the train. (真见鬼!我没赶上电车。)" j0 }" P6 u# t& _
Sheesh! 3 O! m8 y( I# U
- 他妈的!
* e; O( N5 [+ c/ s5 x% u- uShit! *听起来很低级。shoot是shit的委婉说法。
& t* Q+ [( \5 H9 @- 啊!糟了!
5 T' t# n, ]( `8 F$ Z8 t- p5 q0 vUh-oh. *表示“不好”、“糟了”,带有惊讶的语气。+ T' f% _; I) C' T2 c$ k
Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗?)
( y, X* A s' L. ?) MUh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)
( X6 k. [) Z: M% w# Q6 z- 有的事是行不通的。 * j3 ^4 l% p5 J) b% v+ j7 ~- J
Not everything is logical. *logical “合逻辑的”、“合乎道理的”。( c" m8 V& ?- z3 G j9 G! J
Everything isn't always logical.
% T) V7 r7 _) \Not everything follows the rules of logic.4 ^8 d9 s0 y$ N z
- (金钱)全都浪费了。 ) P1 @+ E( m! U/ ]0 m# \
It went down the drain. *drain “排水管”。
% W7 T. @; k% u8 V0 q4 IHow was the investment? (投资的那个项目怎么样?)1 p; k' D0 v, L6 w# e
It went down the drain. (全都白搭了。)
) u) t3 P9 E3 N% n8 I. J, l# Q% j- 就差那么一点儿。
, W& d$ N- N6 A/ ^1 m, K, P, R, VI almost made it. *用almost表示“差一点儿就……”。
% K& P" R! l. g) l. RThe train just left. (电车刚走。); @; j2 r5 V: a, b' l. h
I almost made it. (就差那么一点儿。)
' I" p$ U( M2 RI was almost on time.2 c" O8 i7 ]2 J+ U" ]0 t8 V2 @
I was just a little late. (就晚了那么一点儿。) 2 t4 P7 }9 s6 ?, G" A* k. R
- 想点儿办法吧! % u) }* d( Q# S& |2 [$ }5 `0 S
Do something!: p! d9 X; C$ |4 V4 _& p
Our house is a mess? (我们的家真乱。), k; \! f( U8 ^+ b
So, do something! (那,你就收拾收拾吧。)
0 X4 Z; R7 Q+ f0 r; v$ q: u3 TDo something about it!
1 U S1 ?) c7 f. `Please do something about it.(请想点儿办法吧!)
8 ^7 w( g( B1 H% l0 IPlease take care of it for me.(请为我处理一下儿吧。) - o+ z/ M6 H/ U j
- 我忙得要命。 # J2 T+ v/ [8 d C5 N2 Z8 Q
I'm so busy.% k- H8 f) \- @
I'm so busy today. (我今天忙得要命。)
5 \: h% r7 y! P- a$ cHow about tomorrow? (那明天怎么样?)7 w7 N% G7 i, u; [2 P0 C+ h
I'm too busy.3 z+ a( Q6 n6 \7 J% I9 }7 j
I'm as busy as a bee. *短语,“像蜜蜂一样忙碌”。
! l% X# H8 @% q# B3 y: w6 C- 这项工作对我来说太重了。 " m3 ]7 C4 D. r; c& X
This task is too much for me. * task表示“作为任务分派给人的工作”。
9 w! i+ F- X1 I% s7 U9 cThis task is too much for me. (这项工作对我来说太重了。)
9 G7 G! [0 i t) r* F+ j4 YPlease don't give up yet. (请你别放弃。)' V2 A5 M Q% Z0 i& m
I can't complete this task alone. (我一个人无法完成这项工作。)
' n( T8 H3 p( `3 u' QThis is too much for me to handle. 2 z" L5 @- k: K! ]3 E3 y, q
- 这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀!
0 m/ A: I* q HI can't make ends meet on my small salary.
* \# w/ K7 e2 T1 w9 II can't live on my low pay.
$ N3 j! ]2 k7 X5 RI can't get along on my scanty pay.6 b/ q2 Z& p3 u& g6 E3 C
I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary. ' @& V1 o( W/ S) l m, R
- 我再也忍不下去了。 8 T/ X* }3 h7 t
This is the last straw. *last straw 表示“再也无法承受的负担和困难上又新加的痛苦”。+ Q j2 E$ v' ^9 n
Your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?)
( w4 S7 }/ [: A' z6 n3 I/ cYes. This is the last straw. (是的。我再也忍不下去了。)
- m9 W0 a8 @: |3 MThat's it.1 P* @3 V* [4 \- I# D
I've had it up to here.1 b# y7 ^3 \7 ]4 T* s- V4 P9 ]
I can't take it any more.
# t' T+ \2 f0 l9 e$ \6 h; V- 你的答复我接受不了。! h) F, }; H* ~* G7 i6 `" N- v
Your response is unacceptable. *unacceptable 表示“接受不了”。
$ T: t) n8 z) t& \1 y2 G- M* XI'm not satisfied with what you say.
; _* J% v! ^) j, R5 VYour answer is unsatisfactory. 7 j# ?+ R: q2 k, I, p+ a
- 我不满意他的回答。 ' f5 C5 F3 C+ y6 {- ^$ A, {9 a
I'm not satisfied with his answer. *be satisfied with... “对……感到满意”。5 b' s. v! ?. p" |7 F
I'm dissatisfied with his answer.
4 y. V+ b) n; e9 t! g( J! C1 JHis answer didn't satisfy me.
: d" O* ?) m: k0 W ], v, T- 他今天一副挑衅的样子。 : A1 ~; @; p3 c6 M+ {
He's got a chip on his shoulder today. *指“要打架的样子”、“情绪不好的态度”。
2 @( N! f$ e0 c$ d0 e- 公平点儿! % x/ l! X% C1 `$ _
Play fair!
3 [8 ^1 _7 A% U, VPlay fairly!* S! b2 d4 H% K' E% l( T+ b
Don't cheat! (不许搞鬼。)) m5 }* B" K. k* V
- 多费时费钱呀!
( J, {* A5 g8 S- J) s/ j5 pWhat a waste of time and money!" T' F! s: Y4 N/ O+ u
What a waste of time and money! (费时又费钱。)
5 i0 D6 r! d, uDon't say that. (你别那么说呀!). M0 g0 L5 ?7 M; T; c
You're wasting your time and money! $ d5 D* [5 {1 U% s
- 你太慷慨了。 2 _' @0 |1 k+ e x2 R# ?
You're too generous. *在送给别人相当有价值的东西等场合时使用。generous “慷慨的”、“不吝惜的”、“宽大的”、“度量大的”。
9 X, N# q/ b& a H, i+ f* J) }0 OI'd like you to have this. (我想送你这个。)
* L6 D! a2 W8 ~& P8 `* E1 dYou're too generous. Thank you very much. (你太慷慨了。谢谢。)
* h6 l7 U* K0 k2 v) c. K; sYou're too kind.
$ @1 _( r; [/ E3 E5 x- 他把一切都告诉了我。
4 ^. g/ y' v7 F9 v) d+ p# ^He told me all about it.
- ]# n _# l% {: D6 Y2 X/ \He told me everything.
1 a4 ~$ o6 I9 M& E' _# }; g- 怎么花这么长时间? 2 C8 J* d7 [: {1 ~* k* T
What's taking so long?1 C2 D+ n, W, L9 C
Why is it taking so long? 7 |% l- O! B5 i) e/ J* o& S$ F
- 10分钟怎么也来不及。
% p4 E; h: u! ZI can't make it in ten minutes.
8 R( Q0 V+ ?8 I: f3 e0 L$ lI need more time. (我还需要点儿时间。)
5 w. R- a4 d- [It'll take me longer than ten minutes. (要花10分钟以上。)
0 i i( k9 R: k; jTen minutes isn't enough time. (10分钟太仓促了。) 8 l9 }1 f2 k3 y" S& S i2 L* A
- 他看不起我。
6 S) s6 l/ a0 ?% BHe looks down on me.8 x) }: U1 k8 b) P- v; h
He despises me.
( S0 e" \! t9 g9 |1 A3 d& @5 aHe respects me. (他尊重我。)
U* U0 T3 s& h; ~- 你什么忙也帮不了。
% w: c' Z7 V& I2 ^8 P- ~You're good for nothing.
" r5 l7 d# H( P4 X- 简直快让我疯了。
% `* Q# x! F: s; _9 T& `It drives me crazy.
. E; V( s# D( t% eI hate that noise. (我真讨厌那种声音。), {$ ~. z1 z* M8 f3 l$ j
It drives me crazy. (它简直快让我疯了。)5 a1 a( f3 j$ F: N
It makes me crazy.
; s) I) n/ `% ?, ~# EIt drives me up the wall.
7 P( s4 a0 C" `& \- 就这些吗? , o$ l2 O/ K( N/ P$ z9 y7 j1 c' f1 x
Is that all?+ E& b$ g3 Q7 w# w" n) `
I'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要这个和那个。)
& N, |+ X( F- I7 E; XIs that all? (就这些吗?)$ z$ `: T7 Q, G: \+ H/ R8 {
Is that it?
2 U6 X+ R. m$ k9 Y# n' w6 @ s0 ] O5 fAnything else? (还要别的吗?)
3 N7 y/ h, O8 X: k! J1 [0 R2 U& `- 这太少了。/这不够。
# C5 |1 n) a C2 A! D- O$ ?That's not enough. *用于所持或得到的量不足时。4 Q4 g1 E8 G) Q3 {) K4 O
I'll give you 10% off. (我给你便宜10%。)
, x; Q1 J0 i* V) S/ UThat's not enough. How about 20% off? (这太少了。20%怎么样?)
+ o8 L& K, E8 k" \I'd like more. (我还想要点儿。); m5 w' r5 {+ O" ?: C' F
I need more. (我需要再多一点儿。)
6 F1 A( R0 B# G( W) b* ?- p- 他对我不公平。
# p2 s/ l2 E7 s/ C" a2 D, _He's unfair to me. *unfair “不公平的”、“不合理的”。
|, o% c) P* T) M* e* JHe treats me unfairly.6 F) i+ h% v# F* [7 }" V& E: a
He doesn't treat me fairly. (他对待我不公平。)
( b9 b5 \9 z5 v; E: i
; }6 ~: F, |( o- j[ 本帖最后由 keewi_luck 于 2007-9-27 23:50 编辑 ] |