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叶芝的诗 "Easter,1916"。8 k4 F' L; k, z4 `7 M% C
6 ` o2 ~( _: |, x* v坦白的说, 这首诗相对较长,据说叶芝在写作时精神处于困扰和迷茫的状态,起义领导者之一是其爱慕对象的丈夫,而他像一个通常温和的人那样既惋惜逝去的鲜活生命,又对暴力对其理想中和谐境界的破坏感到恐惧。诗中传达出一种不安、痛惜与怅惘。全诗抄录于下,有兴趣的读者可以仔细读两遍(不过这诗真的很赞,还是认真读读吧)。
7 ~# C+ ^% p* @/ H, O/ V& y' y8 d' l( c: O1 ?0 C1 Z/ ~
Easter, 1916( Y' Z/ u: z; B. C; R- W
5 }6 {, c2 e) G1 J, D5 C
/ p% t- C) [. Q$ SI have met them at close of day: W% w$ H8 Q% Z5 z3 L8 E ] a
Coming with vivid faces3 O$ x9 v0 F3 I; L" ]! ]
From counter or desk among grey
1 h4 ]4 N2 [2 h% wEighteenth-century houses.
* e1 E3 c9 E. ]1 E7 vI have passed with a nod of the head
% q U+ F! ~9 s. lOr polite meaningless words,2 F. ]# K4 O% m% k e5 o
Or have lingered awhile and said B, p' Q, O( ]# e
Polite meaningless words,
$ D! W5 f" Q0 `0 a: x: o& A$ ~: |And thought before I had done
3 j* h4 W9 w# G& ?. YOf a mocking tale or a gibe3 F' m" P. V/ E: L: d
To please a companion
6 v9 o: q9 O; b zAround the fire at the club, V" Y- S* S0 F4 r
Being certain that they and I4 y9 h. P/ p6 f# e7 S* f
But lived where motley is worn:
2 R5 B% \+ ^5 L6 ~. y8 ?0 TAll changed, changed utterly:
* ]- G* D) Y) {& @6 xA terrible beauty is born.
( r0 I1 h1 Q7 I" m" M
, ~* n' ~, \* l$ M" X/ e: I- l" A3 L3 I/ _That woman's days were spent$ Z- R1 m% }+ F8 A
In ignorant good-will,: z- P) x) ]2 I0 d- b) c
Her nights in argument+ I7 W) w% ]5 R, ?
Until her voice grew shrill.1 [: W$ {6 c, H
What voice more sweet than hers
% f5 e, c$ N( |6 pWhen, young and beautiful,* W3 T4 A4 T8 ?! y
She rode to harriers?4 t" K! ]7 d8 x W
This man had kept a school
) c4 @, Q5 j o W" q; kAnd rode our winged horse;
4 ?$ l7 H, p$ Z& A4 e2 KThis other his helper and friend |4 y$ s2 ^! o. ?
Was coming into his force;+ Y9 x9 B5 g1 L/ S: ?
He might have won fame in the end,
' y6 q$ D5 \7 i, M" VSo sensitive his nature seemed,
6 K V2 ?1 q1 H$ hSo daring and sweet his thought.- v% k7 @+ c4 R1 a3 V. D
This other man I had dreamed
8 z, w3 J5 p" xA drunken, vainglorious lout.
w; p( a2 L# J8 YHe had done most bitter wrong
0 @! H' p( }+ P3 a o; b: nTo some who are near my heart,3 K7 T9 ~! i4 L Y5 A# k3 w$ |* Y
Yet I number him in the song;
8 I1 [$ T( T3 d: oHe, too, has resigned his part+ \6 Y) n" A) l6 q) \
In the casual comedy;; x/ B0 D( M' s9 P. Y
He, too, has been changed in his turn,1 U3 S" j1 Z+ c1 c
Transformed utterly:8 X- j: _$ J$ l- O' g
A terrible beauty is born.8 _+ ?. I* r1 |
5 Q+ N0 K& k$ W$ }8 pHearts with one purpose alone
/ G3 R& k9 O7 h4 P4 N, C' e2 hThrough summer and winter seem% y- E P5 g( \( Q
Enchanted to a stone6 K G6 _7 \3 Q$ o
To trouble the living stream.
* D3 X5 M2 t5 ]9 O* s' P c% PThe horse that comes from the road.
' s1 `7 J& X n. [The rider, the birds that range
& Y9 }1 Y3 H' P: V$ r: b$ m+ iFrom cloud to tumbling cloud,; |! r3 I: K5 ^. W7 ~2 g5 R; b [
Minute by minute they change;' |3 M, Z6 }& E- g
A shadow of cloud on the stream H ^4 l& K m- {" Z5 F
Changes minute by minute;
2 x0 V% F- B. A% d3 j( S( mA horse-hoof slides on the brim,
* ?* u5 n& Q/ a( e EAnd a horse plashes within it;
5 m. }) z6 I8 w5 r3 q+ k' W( gThe long-legged moor-hens dive,7 j. `! L5 D; X6 T" F, G
And hens to moor-cocks call;
8 D" l& P% w( |" O: `Minute by minute they live:
; W( K( ?. D2 t3 p4 c# p2 MThe stone's in the midst of all.7 K- j1 }1 z. ], i3 U7 B: X* ]
7 Q* Z6 _% u7 q0 g2 xToo long a sacrifice% Q6 f: K6 h1 H' k8 Y& H
Can make a stone of the heart.0 ~ W/ T5 Z: D$ s+ t# \
O when may it suffice?
% m# U6 `7 h" C. hThat is Heaven's part, our part
. n' i" V& x1 `3 {+ ^4 P3 t6 aTo murmur name upon name,$ u0 a3 y5 A/ d& n, d
As a mother names her child1 _( B. \1 l1 W. C+ X x/ L) L0 \
When sleep at last has come- [1 u' j+ p) L$ t/ V
On limbs that had run wild.
; j L9 `# V' O7 x" ]# i3 k$ XWhat is it but nightfall?
% M$ |6 |9 ]$ f: h+ FNo, no, not night but death;
4 O9 M( Q4 J+ J i) M$ MWas it needless death after all?1 f+ m, \$ _+ {# F0 H: b
For England may keep faith
) I- d& U, u& H- |+ DFor all that is done and said.: @7 Z1 {2 f2 q: j
We know their dream; enough3 s% Y5 P e- `
To know they dreamed and are dead;
! N9 B+ n4 z, N6 a/ _/ E2 uAnd what if excess of love: ~/ D$ }5 v. X9 X* ?1 K
Bewildered them till they died?8 i v" v6 U1 }6 J
I write it out in a verse -% T, e3 v3 y! T; V; |! S
MacDonagh and MacBride9 z5 V9 X7 M( w* r/ T
And Connolly and pearse
$ H# X, _4 z8 ANow and in time to be,
3 t! ~* e0 _' N& C3 d( FWherever green is worn,
4 M- D7 f/ I) x9 W' aAre changed, changed utterly:
* z# B7 |8 Q8 ~+ OA terrible beauty is born. |