
楼主 |
发表于 2007-8-8 17:44
$汗$ 偶又犯懒啦。。。。谢谢楼上各位的支持!$m15$ $送花$
# f2 Q- ]# U- q( H. a) ~- l不知不觉满一百句啦。。。。。开心ing。。。。$m2$
/ w) c& X8 ]# ^& d7 Q v, N/ z
偶继续。。。。。* k0 j. t5 E2 W* d0 s' y
! H* E& Q* `8 [" x* C101. The nurse treated the wounded soldiers with the most scrupulous care.
. @4 \2 y" }' \ 3 e `3 O. g0 v0 ~0 `
那位护士极其细心地照料伤兵。. I2 B5 P5 ?+ O" T
$ W# K' j9 B9 U* f* Q: I
102. One hundred dollars a month will suffice for the old lady’s need.
/ x' h3 e/ o- E8 ^
/ a, {- C; j3 {; q 每月一百美圆足够那位老夫人的生活需要了。" R* h; l& b" ~; u: _ t
/ |5 i; b( V. P% i" S+ i2 y103. He really likes antique art much more than modern art.* x% z J$ r/ |7 t7 U1 ^) Q
Q. N2 B/ s. X0 g- R 较之于现代艺术,他的确更加钟情于古代艺术。
0 T& B' l# h# F+ g! ^, j
$ P1 B. R: b& X$ X! D9 l104. In coherent /consistent writing, every sentence connected in thought to the previous sentence.
- z% T& `- s @* i
( s* a0 ]1 {8 a; D- B1 [! I 在连贯性、一致性较好的作品中,每句话都在主旨上承接前一句。) |# D# `+ O0 Y6 P P
0 W* ?. J- u7 w* H- F105. After dinner my father often dozes in his chair for a while.4 A: L' G5 V& {. K4 b8 X$ Q
0 y% a) z0 Z; ?* x 晚饭后父亲通常会坐在椅子上打个盹。5 n( P" C8 m5 b& a
' r4 G3 w3 j+ X L/ J
106. The actress’s beauty fascinated everyone in the room.5 K O+ \! a+ J- a. G9 [* w
女演员的美丽倾倒了房里的每一个人。 K: ^8 c/ V& H7 S" P9 @- b& N
3 J l+ w1 S' ^. c6 K2 d s107. Some people liked to innovate the old systems and traditions, others liked to preserve them.
" ~) Y0 L8 V. Z+ P; e$ l7 I 4 o3 j6 `. s2 }* m* {. K; p; d Y
7 [ P6 N8 H7 t5 j1 d0 z& U, ~) s2 b, |1 m
108. The magician’s tricks mystified the audience in the theater.5 ^8 Y) r% v: u1 Q7 Y1 G. W
5 p z$ q$ h& B: G- z* } 那个魔术师的把戏使剧场里的观众摸不着头脑。
- B/ ]$ D4 A) l5 d6 q$ q# y
$ s# ?/ u1 z+ F5 `# G# R+ i109. Leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February have 29 days. But according to Chinese Traditional Calendar, Every 19-year have seven-leap month.
, I5 p3 L% o. U3 d! a4 g& w1 U Unfortunately, Mr. Baker has born in February 30. When he was twenty-third, he just celebrated ninety birthdays.7 d( u# D2 }& O5 k T8 V+ k
& t# Q: C; C5 Z, r2 p 闰年每四年会重来一次, 是年的二月有二十九天。但依照中国传统历法,每十九年有七个闰年。不幸的是,贝克尔生于二月三十日,当他已经二十三岁的时候,他仅仅庆祝过九次生日.
- Q4 s: j s& r) i! [/ d
# Z4 [4 X: \ `110. The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake.) |, ]8 W4 J: X `: r0 a. b! t9 W% E
晴朗的夜空,湖面在月光下泛着微光. |