




楼主: Cici_nanjing


 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-8 17:44 | 显示全部楼层
$汗$ 偶又犯懒啦。。。。谢谢楼上各位的支持!$m15$ $送花$
# f2 Q- ]# U- q( H. a) ~- l不知不觉满一百句啦。。。。。开心ing。。。。$m2$
/ w) c& X8 ]# ^& d7 Q  v, N/ z
偶继续。。。。。* k0 j. t5 E2 W* d0 s' y

! H* E& Q* `8 [" x* C101. The nurse treated the wounded soldiers with the most scrupulous care.
. @4 \2 y" }' \  3 e  `3 O. g0 v0 ~0 `
那位护士极其细心地照料伤兵。. I2 B5 P5 ?+ O" T
$ W# K' j9 B9 U* f* Q: I
102. One hundred dollars a month will suffice for the old lady’s need.
/ x' h3 e/ o- E8 ^  
/ a, {- C; j3 {; q  每月一百美圆足够那位老夫人的生活需要了。" R* h; l& b" ~; u: _  t

/ |5 i; b( V. P% i" S+ i2 y103. He really likes antique art much more than modern art.* x% z  J$ r/ |7 t7 U1 ^) Q
  Q. N2 B/ s. X0 g- R  较之于现代艺术,他的确更加钟情于古代艺术。
0 T& B' l# h# F+ g! ^, j
$ P1 B. R: b& X$ X! D9 l104. In coherent /consistent writing, every sentence connected in thought to the previous sentence.
- z% T& `- s  @* i  
( s* a0 ]1 {8 a; D- B1 [! I  在连贯性、一致性较好的作品中,每句话都在主旨上承接前一句。) |# D# `+ O0 Y6 P  P

0 W* ?. J- u7 w* H- F105. After dinner my father often dozes in his chair for a while.4 A: L' G5 V& {. K4 b8 X$ Q
0 y% a) z0 Z; ?* x  晚饭后父亲通常会坐在椅子上打个盹。5 n( P" C8 m5 b& a
' r4 G3 w3 j+ X  L/ J
106. The actress’s beauty fascinated everyone in the room.5 K  O+ \! a+ J- a. G9 [* w
女演员的美丽倾倒了房里的每一个人。  K: ^8 c/ V& H7 S" P9 @- b& N

3 J  l+ w1 S' ^. c6 K2 d  s107. Some people liked to innovate the old systems and traditions, others liked to preserve them.
" ~) Y0 L8 V. Z+ P; e$ l7 I  4 o3 j6 `. s2 }* m* {. K; p; d  Y
7 [  P6 N8 H7 t5 j1 d0 z& U, ~) s2 b, |1 m
108. The magician’s tricks mystified the audience in the theater.5 ^8 Y) r% v: u1 Q7 Y1 G. W
5 p  z$ q$ h& B: G- z* }  那个魔术师的把戏使剧场里的观众摸不着头脑。
- B/ ]$ D4 A) l5 d6 q$ q# y
$ s# ?/ u1 z+ F5 `# G# R+ i109. Leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February have 29 days. But according to Chinese Traditional Calendar, Every 19-year have seven-leap month.
, I5 p3 L% o. U3 d! a4 g& w1 U  Unfortunately, Mr. Baker has born in February 30. When he was twenty-third, he just celebrated ninety birthdays.7 d( u# D2 }& O5 k  T8 V+ k
& t# Q: C; C5 Z, r2 p  闰年每四年会重来一次, 是年的二月有二十九天。但依照中国传统历法,每十九年有七个闰年。不幸的是,贝克尔生于二月三十日,当他已经二十三岁的时候,他仅仅庆祝过九次生日.
- Q4 s: j  s& r) i! [/ d
# Z4 [4 X: \  `110. The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake.) |, ]8 W4 J: X  `: r0 a. b! t9 W% E
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发表于 2007-8-9 09:32 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-9 23:47 | 显示全部楼层
" q' ~$ h$ }! {  ?8 I$ ^7 K! c3 Q% ?' c; L0 T
111.The general explained the military technicalities of the matter to the newspaper reporters.
- l2 C+ Y; [: b5 g$ ~  将军给报社记者讲解了一些军事术语方面的知识.
8 C( g7 x, H7 F" S+ ~9 u; p9 N112. A baby cries and gurgles but does not use articulate speech (or speak distinctly).8 o- S+ G2 P0 `5 {+ u; y
  人类的孩子不会用有声言语来发出哭声和笑声?? $考虑$ 9 T. J( M  Z7 `( u2 a1 C1 f
113. The speaker was careful to articulate his words so that everyone in the hall could understand him.
7 n# m- X7 D7 e+ H  演说者仔细清楚地发音,保证大厅里的每个人能听懂。
' |' I; ]; q2 P1 C5 t) |/ T* O114. The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp.) B# W/ F. G( b2 T: e
) i" F  s5 \. V+ w. f& Q+ c8 D115. While she was waiting for her boy friend in the tearoom, a sweet melody filled her with ecstasy.
5 P- M  q/ x0 [3 w9 G) S4 `7 o9 u  当她坐在茶室等男朋友时,深深地陶醉在美妙的音乐中。1 Q4 [+ P( b/ Z% G9 M
116. The mother tried to foster her son’s interest in music by taking him to concerts frequently.
1 a2 s0 o( v! N5 t  母亲经常带儿子参加音乐会,以培养他对音乐的兴趣。
) B+ A" j2 K' t$ T2 c' J9 p3 }3 X117. The hall is not dim; the four large lamps irradiate it.6 H# |9 ~* o- X5 D, R! P
& K' n! |3 M8 ^6 ]118. The obstinate man would go his own way, in spite of all warning.
9 N& p2 ?" ^8 l  这个固执的人无视所有警告,一意孤行。
, p' k! c8 Z! [( \! _& A119. After his soporific speech for an hour, the speaker received no applause from the audience.; O7 T7 \, U# R, J: f) X( I5 h: Z
' t2 n/ l% q$ F" U8 [$ J+ e120. The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science.0 J. a% U0 r0 m: G
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发表于 2007-8-12 21:14 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-14 12:14 | 显示全部楼层
110. The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake.  b; d- [* g+ T/ n
晴朗的夜空,湖面在月光下泛着微光.7 o# O# _: x5 M- M  F; q
$支持$ $支持$
( W. l8 f# B3 }; ]4 Q. }优美,谢谢,支持
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-14 15:52 | 显示全部楼层
121. He admonished his friend not to be late for his work.) f. B: f( r3 k* ]& g6 H
    他告诫朋友上班不要迟到。0 @# I* A: L5 ?* V7 m1 U5 ?1 \
122. He seems to be doing nothing, but really he’s just biding his time.
0 N) L4 |4 t  P3 w  0 N( g, @' K( e( e" D
  他看上去无所事事,事实上他只是在消磨时光。& a$ \/ H' X6 I3 l6 s
123. A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practices of his friends." F& r) r; W( v5 Y: W
2 F: }  K3 h) [4 Y% |  一个逃避所得税和伪造消费帐目的人比较容易谅解其朋友的类似行为。5 z1 f" D% n6 W
124. I designate you to act for me while I am away.6 |( g# P. }) x- e
  # O- ?; j6 g+ S+ o3 v
  我指定你在我外出时代理我的事务。. U/ H2 X: |% s$ ]4 P
125. Most animals let their young fend for themselves at an early age.
( {3 N3 x4 c5 n& x) w9 g    $ \/ d/ |/ }8 P6 I
. l8 x/ c# Y0 D4 |126. Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area.* i! B6 H8 M2 L9 Z: F+ }' D
  # C$ J6 ^) Y+ D" ^, d( O
  只有耐寒植物能够抵御北极地区的酷寒。& O8 `  @/ c, ?4 W+ c( m3 _
127. Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up.+ c5 k5 {# O4 s) C# S0 l: h0 Z; b
  : s& K: p* y6 ?4 w+ x2 P
5 D9 @' S) L) _+ j0 R128. You must pay in humility/condescension/modesty of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy /charity.! ]# t" H2 I" H& \' }6 q
7 I. Q% @1 W! b: {  你必须本着谦逊的态度从慈善团体那里接受救济。3 }4 i. p& l' |$ q5 R- x% V
129. Can you recollect the name of the author of [Ivanhoe]?) O, t0 f' }& B" }9 L. l$ W
" ~# s* R" [! t  B7 o  你能想起《艾凡赫》作者的名字吗?5 k9 s' z/ u' I% e& N# r: v
130. He was affected with the view that he stopped and took out his camera./ f/ w* x5 N. v/ e
+ w% T7 E+ q# i6 K6 L. u  他被眼前的景色打动,停下来并拿出了照相机。
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发表于 2007-8-15 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-8-21 23:01 | 显示全部楼层
nice to see this thread. but it seems that it hasn't been updated for serveral time?$支持$ $考虑$
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-22 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 卖啃吸 于 2007-8-21 23:01 发表 # |9 W) Q' X* \5 A! j" d
nice to see this thread. but it seems that it hasn't been updated for serveral time?$支持$ $考虑$
, \8 W" r2 o& y* W9 o
$汗$ $汗$ $汗$ & K$ z  |# q9 X4 g, @; ?% o

6 G9 S1 x% J* N( Ntime factor...............$害羞$ 2 [4 x6 p* A& C

9 `9 h0 B8 x6 O& K8 L' m$ FI continue........
2 B8 u( h/ X3 Z3 P1 t5 Q
: p4 u7 K4 u3 {) h131. According to the testimony of the medical profession, the health of the nation is improving.1 O% D8 ~2 z3 T0 Q$ _3 w! `
' C0 I# R1 S; A; S6 y0 ^  从医疗专业报告来看,该国国民的健康状况正得到改善。0 M' l0 H% o3 \, g1 k6 m: b

9 `$ H! ^8 k8 \1 H$ q132. He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink.% `; Z  [: d5 n# e/ q& ]
  ' r/ o- p+ U/ F1 U' |
/ Q, e$ u) p, X, }2 ?8 j4 ^& X( K
133. Blend the butter and the sugar before you add other ingredient / factor / elements of the cake.
2 G+ O& Z- L# ~" ?4 i/ |( m. d7 V' Z& g  
" X% `. e  a& f/ a9 c, ^  将黄油和糖混合之后再添加其他的蛋糕配料。
# j; N- f% u; U) M; \  I; q! q: J8 e
134. Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals.
9 N3 L' J$ A" T- {+ C  
& ~! h; u) L; K$ ]& ]+ p  大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。9 M& E0 X4 `2 H. D% V3 S# N
1 ]; t0 V; e' o: H* n
135. The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850.4 H3 q% ?" a+ X( \+ ?3 A# @
5 f, X: V( C  l$ t3 I- E  普通的英国麻雀在美洲是常见的动物;这一物种最早于1850年从欧洲被带到美洲。4 C5 X1 k, o3 n* z8 S2 A

* R1 l7 C: F0 t5 P6 y  ^136. The player’s injury incapacitated him for participating in the football match.
  |6 y: k: L2 f+ X: J! n$ f  
( h& Q% m. x* l7 s2 V  那位运动员的伤势使他无法参加足球赛。6 [+ z, a, b! a
8 Q& v3 A+ U: c. Q! B
137. The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains, killing several million in a short time.* @7 H9 R' v, y) J9 E3 w
% y2 i- H/ k* N( ?5 O7 h  猎人们从东部赶来大量屠杀平原上的美洲野牛,在短时间内便杀掉了好几百万。- X, p# S7 ^& ?. s+ P

) q, s) n8 k0 m8 N3 A138.Soapy took the umbrella and sauntered off with it slowly.7 J: J0 }) X$ |6 H: c( P1 L4 e7 B

0 B* g5 _  y4 n2 v     Soapy拿走了雨伞,拿着它慢慢闲逛。
. n1 L* R5 H+ i# W- I' W5 j" l. n1 K" }1 s& _# ?
139.There was a trickle of blood from the wound on his face.
5 ~  J# i& i0 O! [7 ~: [( c  \* {    $ y' Y! h! G& ?2 b& p* b- @
     一滴血从他脸上的伤口流了下来。8 ]; ]& T8 ?/ W/ P+ J) X

( i/ j/ j# {3 K( _- j+ @  E) d  @140. She was astounded / amazed by the news that she had won the speech contest.
' _& F" C( n/ w     
5 Y! M3 [& `5 V# q2 y* b  K- ?* Q     听到她赢了演讲比赛,她大吃一惊。% [; H! `; T- L) ~5 r

! n$ F  R$ z1 Z( _[ 本帖最后由 Cici_nanjing 于 2007-8-22 13:13 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-8-22 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
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