
楼主 |
发表于 2007-8-1 20:12
Continue.....6 L9 C+ f' i- F \
3 g- a5 R3 ^- j+ L7 |- p" y61. The United States annexed Texas in 1845.1 M# }% {# ]' R8 q4 a1 k
3 P F4 o/ p# \* I: v8 R) h3 [5 X" i, [: f+ y( V5 f/ z
62. Some people brew beer at home for home use.
, s2 e* g- e+ b$ T, H有些人在家酿啤酒自己喝。
8 e& F8 {3 k8 N4 M3 ~$ |2 _; V3 r3 C# j/ s8 h; N1 l: p/ O
63. The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief.) D. C$ X4 W( r1 l/ I
# ?+ }. M0 V$ w2 r8 }* j# x: N& Q1 S; Q! d' F
64. The boys derided him for his fear of the darkness.
% z3 E, w& K) R0 ^男孩们因为他怕黑而嘲笑他。. P: a- n Y- c: K( y
6 g' |$ h& K4 G! S) K65. She always evaluates people by their clothes.
. O' O/ w C8 V9 Y" H5 p 她总是以衣着取人。
3 T5 @9 ]$ `! u" a- G7 h" P' Q! y( W* e% ]( ~3 N
66. Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over the waterfall.' c. o- Z9 ~% k2 P0 n, \# n* L9 _/ R5 r
他冒着随时可能降临的危险去观察瀑布,结果被激流冲走。* r; i0 K6 p1 h0 s$ f
(有没有更好的翻译??)$考虑$ $frage$
, y0 u: \2 X' t( s2 ?& d# }5 N/ r; m1 I
67. A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically.
! ^# U, o! S! j 一位明智的历史学家会对历史事件做谨慎的选择和挑剔的甄别。0 t, f& U$ ^$ H/ r$ J
; X( V: d+ G& `& B" q6 X3 }68. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August." H/ H0 H4 E9 j+ x9 t
七、八月份以炎热的天气为主。1 J/ k$ `; m1 |) d A6 S1 g
; P$ L0 n7 D9 ~4 f+ c5 O# z( G' Q69. Many sage staffs around the commander helped him win the battle.
/ O3 w6 T, o' R$ R0 Z9 f. t 司令身边有许多足智多谋的参谋人员,协助他赢得了那次战役的胜利。
0 Y0 {! K" k# B! E- P0 q
" g; P) M: h' Q) R$ k70. A sagacious businessman seldom fails in his business。
, E! J7 _0 [/ D2 D5 P3 Y% _ 一个精明的商人很少在生意场上失手。 |