
楼主 |
发表于 2007-7-27 17:53
Continue for today..../ n; Y J: f8 p3 ~+ V( v
, c6 A9 d% q$ a$ |: u7 P/ k/ R7 P31. The audience in the theater was irritated by the unruly and boisterous children.
8 Y V7 m; K" f1 q6 i- H" Y( X剧场里的观众被那些没有规矩、大声喧哗的孩子们闹得心烦意乱。
" t% r: T% w; Q# d* e
# U6 J/ E) g, d8 {- V8 O32. To spit in the classroom is despicable.
, i8 Z& s' T8 U8 T$ c8 K在教室里吐痰是可耻的行为。
- k( u7 [" E/ Q) o& o& S% N4 I/ f; j# y$ F2 P
33. We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition, which we had never seen before.( i- Q5 p- E% ~% [; p' s/ v
" `9 a, P$ Q8 e# T9 i; C
) z: A4 Z2 [- s- z6 F% |. a34. For the mountain climber, it is imperative to get food and water before sunset.8 U$ U# n3 z6 P2 U
$ \; @& ~3 h8 K) h1 }6 J$ G* e9 c/ q4 u1 P
35. My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone conveys her.
3 u8 q+ N) `/ |* C8 p) L0 w老婆很厉害,人人都怕她。 Or, 我妻子的声音具有权威性,每个人都服从她。????? ; p5 [/ W" p' c5 h& \) w) c
( x0 x0 F8 Z8 ~ H
36. He was nonplused by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country.- H" }& t9 h+ c% \ h
这个国家随处可见的奇风异俗使他感到困惑。, _: H2 V) j, C }4 w; Q
8 T4 l3 [. q2 |$ Y* n- k
37. The leader of the band bowed in a pompous/exaggerated manner.
) B+ r* ]7 z/ p! }# T) L3 d1 |: I那个乐队的队长用极其夸张的姿势鞠了一个躬。 B* {; F7 ^* q) Z5 M: a
' X, L8 R5 _8 H2 g: A
38. He severed connection with Tom.6 G0 K+ i) l8 V6 O
. y/ ]6 L/ s9 h: e1 W3 {
- \' D. @) G5 ^# @3 K) ^$ ~39. The day was so sultry that they had little energy left.
$ ~. p2 u" R' s( q$ ]) E天气很闷热以致于他们几乎快没力气了。( [% j7 ?, s1 J
% |4 |( N5 D! i2 o/ I. b/ v8 J40. The moon was waning, and in such a waning light, it is very difficult to see the enemy.8 i! v& }2 o* q4 }4 e
月亮渐亏,在这样的月光下,很难看得见敌方。5 `; G- R O: A: g$ A3 f
+ L. s' E3 [& A" N v
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