Q:in 104 5 |+ k; T8 m& p7 N H6 N
I want to know what is nipident (sp?) because in series one the said if you were on nipident for a day what would you do then they asked joey and he said kill myself because if little joey's dead then there's no reason for me to live then ross says i'm nipident and joey goes all sympatethic or somthing any way please some explain theis to me????--From chandlermatthew
. U" j& e7 V7 e- _5 Y6 b' F% _5 }" b( U- V0 | T
A:Omnipotent it means all-powerfull, but when Ross says that Joey thinks he's saying that he's Impotent !!
) g3 [/ ~! W. `3 v6 X1 p* LHope that clears that up--From queenofcheese ) f/ R" Z4 ~6 u* u
1 ?) ^- `" T) R详解:这个问答比较常见,Omnipotent,万能;Impotent,性无能。所以Joey一脸同情了。
, l- W3 m! n: Q, J9 B- _. i3 @' k5 B- M4 j/ k! E
$ M' ~; _4 A" t$ j' n) |, UQ: in 109, TOW Underdog Gets Away 0 j, D( [0 G7 i# b+ b, m; h
ross: [trying to talk to his unborn child] Where am I talking to here? I mean, I know one way that seems to offer a certain acoustical advantage. <[what's that?] --From Mrs Chambers * t& ~4 c1 k/ v' A0 X" u+ K; ]
, ], K7 m% }. m. | l6 {/ TA1:Well no one else dared to tackle this one, so I guess I will. He meant the...uh...easiest way in...--From Plasmatics
: r6 T0 A8 C! r, @. `) U, B9 dA2:To be blunt: Ross was asking if he should talk to (or up, I guess) her vagina. Since the baby obviously got into Carol's uterus through that "passage", Ross was asking if the baby could hear him better through it. --From RoXyIsFoXy55 9 D3 ]2 A3 t5 G' X* f$ _9 w
) G' l7 H. L. p$ e E* @; s" z详解:Ross 想和Carol肚里的BB讲话,并想抄近道:“我是否该从‘你钻进肚里的通道’那里跟你对话?” 8 v% J; g" t8 C) X/ J9 p+ p
`8 R: c/ l6 ?, u7 \9 L' p! h' u9 U# a% ?0 w
Q:in 118: TOW All The Poker
+ R8 C2 z$ w4 o! L4 G( gRachel: Guys! Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what!
0 `2 a) s, l, H* |Chandler: Um, ok... the... the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident? --From Mrs Chambers - C" Q& L- x1 K9 {
( }# n" X% G3 i1 w8 R
A:That is from the commercial where 4/5 dentists recommend Trident and he was says that now Trident is recommended by all 5 dentists.--From Friends205 ' I9 G7 Z @ P: h" c0 R$ \
$ e t6 m1 G. N7 l7 F
详解:Trident, 不含糖的口香糖.其广告为:5个牙医中有4个都推荐Trident. ( i/ f& [0 f4 R# I- c
这里rachel问,猜猜有什么新鲜事?chandler答:第5个牙医也同意推荐Trident口香糖? , u+ @$ z) s; T" U; P, ~# o
8 m6 J4 s0 F4 v K
" o) n: M1 w# r" @2 L0 Q$ z U1 M0 k8 Y/ R# k
Q:in 118 TOW All the Poker 1 Q9 Q; e* M$ @/ \; R2 M
Phoebe: "Hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black." ?????-- From FriendsFAN86
7 R3 [$ I# i9 G4 M& J( v, b4 r5 l7 E
A:There's an old saying: "It's like the pot calling the kettle black." It was coined when most pots and pans were made of iron and, therefore, were, black. It means that you're accusing someone of something that really is reflective of you -- much like "It takes one to know one." 0 T0 w6 `+ T' \& a; z
Does that help?--From leeni 4 I: L/ F; \5 w8 x- g& Z: v
3 b6 K; ]1 G& \6 G2 Q详解:古语有云,"It's like the pot calling the kettle black."乌鸦笑猪黑,“罐子笑壶黑”,因为很多铁制炊具为黑色。意思是,你在嘲讽别人时,其实自己也一样,就好像说,"It takes one to know one", 彼此彼此。
2 `) a: F" M9 E* E这里rach先说ross让人难以忍受,mon附议说,他有时的确让人发疯;pheebs就讽刺她说,乌鸦笑猪黑,你还不是一样。
1 l( t5 Y0 }5 f
& F1 }6 l/ d" K; s& a1 V- m( U# T8 C* f w
]4 s& R7 n& J
& ]! L3 {, x' R4 m( p1 M6 KQ: in 120, TOW the Evil Orthodontist
! p% E6 [" J/ o6 e2 bPHOEBE: Oh, God, just do it! (GETTING PHONE) Call her! Stop being so testosteroney! . {7 \- z b% |" C; y
CHANDLER: Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat. (CALLS HER, THEN HURRIEDLY HANGS UP) I got her machine.
' C! z# { {3 l, g5 ? E/ M--From Matthew Perry
/ E9 |! {% W! H' I) M3 M, w8 v; B: x i9 B
A: That was a play on the old Rice A Roni commericals, where their slogan was the San Fransisco treat. There's also a sexual connotation implied there as well.--From Jenn
' G* \+ G8 e& l6 o2 K; J; }
7 Y7 Y7 B2 P' s/ d( v详解:testosteroney,形容词,大男子主义?查到它的名词为testosterone。
+ m6 T/ x* }# U! w5 DSan Francisco treat,饮料食品广告语:旧金山请客!real San Francisco treat,含有性的暗示,大约是因为那里的同性恋街?
9 g% Z4 B: Y; ]5 D% [- C( A
# O5 ~+ I! Z b7 Y6 ]& P$ @/ }9 W& G$ t! k
9 m0 |! H" L& ], t ]
Q: in 209: TOW Phoebe's Dad
! i9 ?9 K3 `) d8 Ait was when it was christmas and it was hott in there apartment, at the end Chandler and Joey were passing out there presents, they got to Monica and then Joey say "there rib, for your pleasure!". Now, what was that gift, and what did that mean?--From LovelyFriends
* ~: ]9 ^& \/ G% N3 I
. S7 {! p- W% NA1: I think the present Joey and Chandler gave Monica was a pack of condoms, and i think Joey said what was written on the box...But I may be wrong! --From Lady Geller
& D* k" |+ k, D6 }3 XA2:It was actually " ribbed for her pleasure".They were condoms. They were all the things you could pick up from a gas station, actually I thought they were the best present of the lot. Dunno if it's been on anything else but the first time I saw that "Ribbed for her pleasure" and the cheesy smile was on Waynes World. Hope that's what you meant.--From queenofcheese % {# o+ b: C; j( `: O5 A
& o; b) o/ }& l) }& d# b
详解:" ribbed for her pleasure",避孕套品牌。加油站可买到的“最好的”礼物。我第一次看到这个牌子和送礼人脸上类似的笑容,是在《反斗智多星》里。
; V, z' f) k# u6 \5 ^6 g# @
( v" U- n7 `% e- E# N' W) D0 a( T% I+ {6 S
! C6 H) p5 c; c( z3 ]Q: in 214: TOW The Prom Video & v- v( P4 }. y/ `
Joey says "Hello Mr.Cotter!"...who is Mr.COtter?--From Matthew Perry $ g" N6 r6 O7 C S+ J" e( G0 p
5 k R8 h. d: Q" x+ }# T1 g
A: there was a show in the late 70s called "Welcome Back, Kotter" so I kind of wondered if it was in reference to that--From U2Baby
p# u4 O8 [" JWell, the script is wrong.
* H. h# v* S0 l4 HRoss in the tape looked very much like Kotter from Welcome Back Kotter.--From Plasmatics
: {. T3 D8 o2 S
# u- J6 D* f0 ^1 ^8 l详解:cotter,应为kotter, 1975的电视情景剧《欢迎克特尔归来》"Welcome Back, Kotter"里的教师一角,美国版GTO; 6 ~$ } W" ]% z& w# r
约翰.特拉沃尔塔演学生Vinnie Barbarino、并因此剧走红。
( {4 d( [/ v. X1 U照片看这里:http://www.kfcplainfield.com/tv/kotter.html
9 ?/ [ R4 ~ |& E% ~# N# q, y5 T0 l2 U( A" O% U% \* F+ F
! g' c4 H6 _) ?% `& q3 j/ {Q: in 719 TOW Ross and Monica's Cousin
. n: x. [: m3 `# S( D6 hMonica: Wafer thin ice!--From ross
2 r0 @7 z$ R/ }2 pA: Wafer thin ice was probably a reference to the saying "You're skating on thin ice!" which basically means you're really close to getting me really mad.--From Plasmatics
* g' [0 i% }( N* ]' C7 f! v* P5 o( M7 w& F1 ~9 o2 T
详解:直译:你在薄冰上滑冰!意译:你在玩火!悠着点,别惹我发火! : }" }* N1 J; I* m
) _! @/ k/ X& }$ m( x% N# q* }* Y" P
Q:in 719
0 K+ c8 W% U/ A. ?) ], |Joey: Barmitsvahed?--From ross - b, K/ ~- L0 }3 o
0 i, n! ^. W0 d. l: k1 F
A:A bah mitzvah is a Jewish tradition that takes place with a son turns 13. The joke is funny because they're talking about an Italian Catholic.
- N2 \6 O3 T; k' |5 I, Y- b. p n3 [
& u! F! N& [% J- [' E! R! KHere's a little description I found, though I'm sure someone Jewish can answer this MUCH better than this:
$ D$ {. M* h& g1 _; V c: A: v' U. f
* H" ?; |2 ]: B" lThe definition is that at thirteen, a Jewish male regardless of whether he has any studies or anything, becomes an independent person, responsible on his own before God, he becomes an adult, where the religion is concerned. Regardless of how much he knows, what he does or what he says. But he's regarded as a person on his own, responsible for his actions. Before God, an action, he has certain responsibilities, and religious practices to perform. Regardless of what he had. . . education, of whether he had a formal celebration. But by the law, they, the old religion is set up, a man at thirteen, a boy at thirteen, becomes independent. Bah Mitzvah means "son of the commandments." He's responsible on his own. Judgment is coming from his own, the parents are not responsible for his sins or good deeds anymore.--From Plasmatics 4 k! B) \' K Q: W/ K' G
9 |2 I* j- a: J4 w. Y
详解:正确的拼写为bah mitzvah,犹太教的成人礼。这个笑话好笑在于,他们在谈的是意大利天主教徒。 0 m% Q) k/ V |) {) k
! \9 }8 J6 }- z
/ }/ ^" G) i e8 u/ g& G7 fQ: in 813 TOW Chandler Takes A Bath, I dont get a joke .
& J, t( L! m3 eChandler says: "The bath salts....they're starting to evervesse!" - m% Q" [1 e5 G5 n( Y' m s
What's everesse?-- From Mrs Chambers
- @& I5 B8 x+ Z
+ g9 e& N2 \! D( F( qA1:ok evervesse it like dissolving, but while it's dissolving, it kinda make those lil'bubles, like when u open sprite, and it kinda pike u a little--From FriendsHolic
7 _% j6 I* F- s) U6 uA2: evervesse 应该是 effervesce 吧?--From 鱼猫宝宝 . p/ J. m. _) p2 I9 q
2 s1 t8 O# N" L4 h5 f详解:effervesce,溶解并冒泡。
0 }1 j5 Q! L' U) @2 o; O* S1 j2 U
# l5 V1 \2 R d; q5 x2 e) r8 \7 b2 S( {" o4 H% j0 L( e4 |
Q: in 814, Tow the secret closet
6 a( ]& F; V# J; U; pI don't get the joke where chandler says something like, oh my god I married...... and then he says some guy's name. I don't know who that guy is so I don't get it.--From Evilsam
1 A- b! t6 a( I! E" k
; t0 |- Q @2 X5 mA1:Chandler says to Monica,"I married Fred Sanford!"And then he starts humming the theme song of "Sanford and son", which was another TV show and Fred Sanford was an old man who always left things in a mess... --From Lady Geller " R# t& X/ X( @* y L. J
A2:there used to be a show called Sanford and Son. Chandler said "oh my god I married Fred Sanford" because monica's closet was all sloppy and had all junk in it. On the show Fred Sanford is the owner of a junkyard that he runs with his son.--From FriendsFAN86
0 l5 k6 |: B7 {- c' U: ?0 \
" k- U$ k$ ^' H' o详解:chandler 发现monica 的整洁有序背后,竟有不为人知的另一面。所以说,“我竟娶了Fred Sanford!” Fred Sanford为另一电视剧"Sanford and Son" 中的老头子,这老头和儿子一起经营一个垃圾场;接着chandler 开始哼那部剧集的主题曲。
; ]* t5 ^$ w' g! X
! N! Z. r* N# ^
' L0 Y9 j: g3 z$ DQ:in 901 TOW No One Proposes
U: B4 v8 h& x) X* xi don't get this joke when Monica gos ito the room to see rachel and rachels says can i talk to ya and then monica says "sure i'm just going to get my ears cut off" what does that mean?????-- From Rosa
) l& y7 `+ h- n- W. Q
1 O, p7 y- d9 E7 r3 hA:basically well she was coming back from the talk she had with her dad... about conceiving babies... and she was all grossed out... and didn't want to hear anything else... So when Rachel told her she needs to tell her something...it was like alright hurry and tell me before i go and cut my ears off--From FriendsHolic
( c' b9 @0 { I
* z/ `/ K" T* Y: t0 u) d详解:mon刚刚听了她爹关于怀小孩的一番谆谆教诲,心里发毛;所以rach说要跟她谈谈时,她说,“有话快说!我正要去把耳朵割掉!” ( @% a }; x5 v
6 v5 \! g4 U& q5 \! U9 G% M0 ~
' ]$ l* ~* L6 i+ f' ?; q n9 AQ:in 919 ) }) P# }2 \# x8 ^/ o) y, _) w
Ross: We are four short of a bush-o --From Jenny
. _3 `! W6 N2 O
: L6 y# e. }- v B, r4 bA1:Ross says they're 4 short of a bushel. which is a unit of volume in the US metric system.--From Queen Green 5 p& F: V c) Y. o, y
A2:That was probably "bushel" which is a specific unit of measurement, but is often used to mean "a lot"--From Plasmatics
1 j$ D6 S$ @: f- B, ~, j! l& T2 A
- x" y3 u# a/ M, ^
' @# t6 o0 O3 h4 W! Q _2 w
7 j! F( p& A! |. T* ^Q:in 919 TOW Rachel's Dream
& z. c9 z, N1 d5 F- hRoss: Oh dude, don't worry about it, I found an unattended maid's car--From Jenny
# l k- C' T9 N7 u# B- C5 S
8 A x2 o* r7 k7 ?* cA:Ross said maid's cart, not car, meaning the cart where maids for hotels keep their cleaning supplies and stuff. --From Queen Green z- u1 Q6 b. O9 ?+ r7 G0 ]
" `; e4 R( G5 R, V* V: V' |' j9 Z3 ^
详解:maid's cart,酒店服务员的手推车;unattended,表四下无人。
* o5 X1 ]4 U' |5 A* o* B7 j8 e" x- ^8 q' M* y6 p8 P" X2 T
+ U. q8 ]9 t1 q! p0 z! n2 y
* Z$ V1 x! Q9 D: K& bQ:I didnt get a joke from last night episode, when Phoebe was talking about her job...what is a 4-0-wonk??--From yogal " n9 q4 f& m$ w
4 Q: j3 {3 v) X5 W$ |+ p. `A1:She meant 401K.- From U2Baby 7 i+ Q5 q! }- Q3 H9 l
A2:A 401(k) is like a retirement plan, I believe--From chanoeygirl
- t% q1 }6 T7 N- \A3:Yeah, it was supposed to be funny because she didn't know to call it a "four-oh-one-kay" and instead read it like it was a regular word.-- From Plasmatics
% V {$ @& a W4 s/ @A4:A 401(k) (four-oh-one-kay) is a retirement plan. Your company takes a bit out of your paycheck, and you have the option of investing part of it in the company stock, and usually the company has a matching plan as well.
7 f* h- s% G. RI have a 401(k)...it has about $4,000 in it.
/ W. r% E/ J4 X9 LIt's similar to that season one joke when Rachel asked who FICA was, and "why does he get all of my money?" lol. -- From SFGrl " u7 K( y$ ]/ e
2 e+ q, D! s2 g `详解:「401(K)」是美国于1981年创立一种延后课税的退休金帐户,由于美国政府将相关规定明订在国税条例第401(K)条中,故简称为401(K)计划。401k在410 TOW The Girl From Poughkeepsie里也出现过。
+ K8 T7 D# Q+ I. h8 B# w1 x [( V5 n
" z* v3 w2 S8 F5 \3 Q* e # O* \4 I5 j7 L S3 ^) a* ?, a
Q:i din get 921's "who says wine has to cost more than milk"..? --From lyn
. I5 @+ r2 [4 n3 c4 G" S
) O. f3 A. m: TA:means he's drinking very cheap wine. If you don't get it then an explaination isn't going to make it funny. It's one of those things. I can't even explain why it was so funny, but I laughed hardest at that.-- From Plasmatics 9 ] |* C' C; O2 n/ z
A2:Yeah, a good indication of how cheap that wine was...the bottle was HUGE! Jugs o' wine are generally pretty crappy, LOL! 5 m4 B* V# s4 N% t% [9 }
It may even be worse than...boxed wine! lol.-- From SFGrl
; b$ Y) M; C9 i7 q$ y) }: k. n3 ?. ?
5 Y5 p6 A) c( U: B- D1 ]* ^
' O) L" l2 E6 @8 I3 I* P) P" J. {) W7 z \7 o2 P ?7 i2 H
0 W7 W9 ]5 S% R& o" j
& }, U6 h7 z/ q# K! ?
Q: i don't get it in 718, when Monica said to Chandler that their relationship is deep and meaningful, Chandler agree and said & n9 w, M1 J- H2 ^# Q
"Pull my finger". What's that?--From sogo , t- @2 ^& S6 Y% n/ I
8 \' u y; ?) y: a) A7 B% `
A: Uh, since I have four brothers, I have a lot of experience with THAT! ' p ?9 _+ G2 R" b
When a guy asks you to pull his finger, it means that he's going to..uh...fart. So basically, Chandler was contradicting what was just said, by making a crude joke.--From SFGrl
* y" J& D& q9 R5 A4 G5 m9 t
1 Z* J" H' Z0 H5 y8 j4 B详解:"pull my finger",意指“我要放个p”。 X9 D1 i5 ^0 L
: g& Z7 Y! m/ P6 l6 a: g# A7 {8 h! Q) g1 L* \5 z" e
) P9 t/ W1 e3 c) Z! `. c+ S0 R
6 Y6 d+ A8 S4 }4 X# f
Q:in 918 TOWT Lottery,Who is Amelia Earhart? --From Jenstarz
3 s9 K4 B. ^, e8 a8 H' w, ?: u2 \/ t3 v' z6 O4 k
A:Amelia Earheart was the 1st woman to fly across the Atlantic (with men), and the 1st woman to fly across it solo. & g* H a3 n F k
She disappeared while attempting to circle the globe around the equator in her plane, something neither a female nor a male had done at that time (around 1939 or so). She disappeared on the last leg of her journey, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean area. It's still a mystery what happened to her.--From Jen2003
5 N+ E& V! `- Q7 b7 ?) ?' i8 e/ L8 T
详解:Amelia Earhart,第一个同男性飞行员一起飞越大西洋的女性飞行员,第一个独立飞渡大西洋的女性。
: k9 V7 W* S3 ~. T3 S在驾驶飞机沿赤道围绕地球一周的飞行时,她消失于太平洋地区。她的下落至今是个谜。 2 z( {2 J$ V$ G" {8 L2 T
0 }. l! U% P$ T- y: x6 k% }- a/ K d
9 r3 d( k1 z" F0 t% _2 A, Q" k0 R' G
" x* G! Z7 P; T' j! n# HQ: in season 9, what was that joke Rachel made about the ice... when hmm Charlie was like: "there's a third one, about Phoebe?" I really didn't get that, u know when Rachel and Charlie both saw Phoebe leavong with David--From FriendsHolic
4 d( e" l; D0 n6 A% F( P, E g
) g0 v" I9 I$ G2 _* b& m& aA1: Rachel said "That's just the tip of the iceburg" or something similar, meaning that Phoebe is interested in WAY more guys than just Mike, David, and (supposedly) Joey. And if you think back, Phoebs has dated a lot of different guys. I think the line "tip of the iceburg" comes from Titanic, meaning the problem is much deeper than what you're seeing, but I could be wrong.--From MarieGranger
) e- V$ R7 F3 F1 G% d% B
4 X) j, U* h2 u( @A2: "Its just the tip of the iceberg" is a cliche people use to say that there is much more to a problem than the person they are talking to has seen. Icebergs are massive forms of floating ice in the see. Generally, the part showing above the surface of the water (the visable part) is several times smaller than the mass of ice underneath the surface. So, when Rachel said to Charlie, that's just the tip of the iceberg, she was saying that the part of Phoebe's obsessing over guys that Charlie "saw" was only a tiny bit of Phoebe's "problem" meaning she is probably lusting after many guys. It was funny because that was not the case at all, Rachel was lying to Charlie and using a cliche to prove her point. It wasn't really that funny... (I've noticed that alot of the jokes people don't understand aren't really that funny... well except for the "forking" one ) I hope you liked my "technical" explaination --From RoXyIsFoXy55 0 G7 \. ^ _- k5 i. q% N
( z1 W3 e. Y. u' }
详解:"Its just the tip of the iceberg",Freud(?)的冰山理论,水下部分远远多于水上部分。此处是Rachel说Phoebe的男友多,Mike和David只是九牛一毛罢了。 & Y& k! K) i5 h, `) ?
( I- ]7 v" W9 @. ]! U/ S2 z; n
% e- F* q- }+ E
3 u1 z \ v8 H4 K; `. O0 u. C! v- B
6 g) c4 ?" y7 _2 _2 r* x$ e' QPinocchio和Geppetto
+ j6 r% [. x2 Q" g( @+ R+ k& P从小耳熟能详的《木偶奇遇记》,英文就叫做Pinocchio,这也是“小木偶”的名字,而造出它的老木匠则叫做Geppetto。当小木偶经历种种冒险,最终变成一个真人,他就兴奋地跟老木匠说:Look, Geppetto, I'm a real live boy. 这里Chandler就是故意拿这句话讽刺Joey一个大男人,演的却是小木偶,可见他根本没什么演艺代表作品。
; m% b |6 i( Z
( B- o! r2 {$ [/ M8 ?102
% l6 s( X& L8 \. C带有连字符的姓
0 r: R h& K7 v& a8 b对话中三人,Ross姓Geller, Carol姓Willick, Susan姓Bunch,才会衍生出这一串小孩该姓什么的争论。而对话中看到的Willick-Bunch或Willick-Bunch-Geller,都称“带有连字符的姓”hyphenated last name。在中国,小孩大多都是从父姓。但在欧美,可以随父母间的协议,把父母的姓用连字符"-"连接起来,成为小孩的姓。至于哪方的姓放在前,则无一定规划。所以在这段剧情里,这三个人就是在争执小孩应该那些人的姓。 " ?9 M& W4 L7 k: d" x3 M
get one's way 得逞,随心所欲 % @+ U( L3 t+ ?' s `8 _7 s
A: George is so stubborn.
* Y( A) N: ?$ G6 ]% _3 V 乔治太固执了。
' `/ [2 y F& F/ q) ?0 F4 D. s# fB: I know. He always gets his way in the end. 5 Y2 G) m7 i; Y1 R
/ S8 ]- x& r5 N
2 u5 d W* M" A& h103 $ U P6 P) ~& m& J$ X) Q
喝碗字母汤吧! + _2 r. x$ d5 M! t8 P
“字母汤”alphabet soup是一种罐头汤,里面是切成ABC字母图案的细面条,让小朋友边喝汤边把里面的字母排成单词来玩。而美国儿音背诵元音的口诀是:A, E, I, O, U, sometimes Y. 字母Y是半元音,有时候会当辅音使用,所以Phoebe觉得它不全然算元音,就保留在汤里了,并特意还强调 sometimes Y这个口诀。 0 j; v; b0 `1 k
! M+ `% L" {9 \8 ^' Z0 N
6 d' l: U1 f5 e: ^/ T# z8 p/ c, z[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Joey is letting everyone in on the new developments.] 4 s7 }4 e7 h7 R4 W- {3 x1 _# [( O
Monica: So you talked to your dad, huh.
" [& t& U) }9 }, Z4 @Joey: Yeah. He's gonna keep cheating on my ma like she wanted, she's gonna keep pretending she doesn't know even though she does, and my little sister Tina can't see her husband any more because he got a restraining order...which has nothing to do with anything except that I found out today. 5 {/ C' U5 y$ i8 c
Rachel: Wow. # [, Y* `: _/ x& \6 O* I. g; {
Chandler: Things sure have changed here on Waltons mountain. 1 _2 A) y# E: i# ?* V9 [
兴许很多人通过翻译都知道waltons mountain是什么了,也许还有人和我一样不知道。Just FYI,还是贴在这里吧。
* V: w. W- E+ y: h4 r* i0 B$ FWaltons mountain其实是CBS从1972开始连播8季的电视剧,曾获奖无数。讲述的故事发生在大萧条时期,围绕着一个地处Virginia偏僻小山村的一大家子展开。这里,Chandler是借指Joey家(最近发生了很多变故),因为他们家也有7个姊妹,很像The Waltons一家。 # T. q& y4 z8 B. P
+ g+ `7 M2 E% y! @ ^- g; n o104 5 S* h n' |3 R) e6 i0 a8 }- |& D
Slumber party是哪种派对?
6 u( _& T' |3 `9 C' R. g9 P' FSlumber party是女孩子们聚在其中一人家里,大家穿着睡衣,通宵聊天,吃点心的轻松派对。这种派对在美国的少女中相当常见,好友们可以借对增进感情。
9 i4 O! T5 j' b. x至于Twister,这游戏当中附一个有指针的转盘,和一个由红、黄、蓝、绿贺框组成的大纸板,大家轮流转盘上的指针,转到四肢的哪一个部分,该派什么颜色,轮到的人就得照指示去做,这游戏常会玩到大家四肢以夸张的姿势扭曲,最后不支倒地 5 x ]. Q& B- \
谁是George Stephanopoulos? # [8 x" f) H8 I* A' P4 t) S
Friends 第一季在美国播出时,是一九九四年,当时是克林顿当总统,而George Stephanopoulos就是那个时期克林顿政策顾问的名字。他是希腊移民,长相俊俏,算是常上新闻的热门人物。所以在这段之前的对话,Monica还一直追问送比萨的小弟,那人是否长得像地中海地区的人,当她确定那人的长相之后,就感到非常地兴奋。至于Phoebe为何会回答是《芝麻街》里“大鸟”Big Bird的朋友呢?这其实是一个非常有趣的笑点。因为这里Rachel是一时口误,竟然把政治人物George Stephanopoulos念成Georege Snuffalopagus。而在美国家喻户晓的儿童节目《芝麻街》内,大鸟一直幻想出来的好朋友,就叫做Snuffalopagus,但它不是人,而是一只可爱的大象。 8 E: r% |4 F; K5 b* L
/ p" T( V' r+ D105 2 a# i. t; `$ M8 h( _3 X' G$ U2 f
打嗝会嗝出字母? ( z5 B, D% G, T1 P1 f8 u$ p, {
( k5 H2 F, Y0 p6 e" X其实这是一个很粗俗又没教养的行为,而美国人会觉得这样做的人是“红脖子”redneck,这个字代表“美国南方乡下作粗活的人”,是一种很鄙视性的说法 " L6 n+ J8 M* f+ _! }' H
9 r) C/ T( @. b2 G+ R0 \9 U106 - F ^: ]0 s, H" C2 C3 B4 U
大家讽刺Monica的洁癖 - Y0 A! H! O% F# E$ \- R" F
, n& N* W: Q: g! L7 O" l, m; T杀人的恐怖背景音乐,这声音一出现,大家就会联想到片子中疯子的行径。所以Phoebe模
7 ~ l4 z ]7 x) G6 l+ v仿这叫声,就是指Monica的行为不正常,把他吓得时时心神不宁。
. f( x' K& B4 D. `而Ross提到的Raggedy Ann, 则是美国有名的布娃娃,她以一头红发,衣服破烂的摸样著称。
9 g/ [" f9 D0 G) D1 S而Ross说的就是,Monica连这样的娃娃都能弄得一点都不破烂的样子,实在是一丝不苟过
0 r- v% y& ]+ m( a. \% o" j了头。 9 i3 X# n& ?9 J" P9 A! ~
" R5 P W) ]3 h0 K9 s+ |
107 6 h8 V2 m& Q! H B5 E% ]: }
! u+ W3 |4 @, e: R- M光明节为期八天,约在每年十二月初,是为了纪念当初犹太祖先夺回耶路撒冷圣殿,当时在圣殿献灯的灯油,原本只能燃烧一天,最后却燃烧了八天的奇迹。 " y9 r; W! {4 s9 j# N, f$ w
犹太人会从光明节第一天起,在九座烛台上依次由右至左,一天插上一支蜡烛,直到第八天八根蜡烛一起为止,而中央的蜡烛则是专供引火之用。过节期间,亲友都会团聚一堂,目睹点燃烛火并一起祷告。 / z$ j; H3 r w7 }! O& p
而Joey 把这些具有宗教意义的烛台点燃,只为了应付停电之需,跟它本身神圣的意义形成强烈的对比,所以Ross 才开玩笑称他为“犹太教士(拉比)”Rabbi。
& V/ u6 g* _2 A' Q
! U! z6 ^3 ?4 D" f U4 E9 U108
( Y! f- n% Z% u* t《乌龟大王亚尔特》Yertle the Turtle是知名儿童小说家苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)的名著,是讲乌龟大王亚尔特,嫌统治的池塘不够大,命令乌龟们一个个堆成高塔,让它站在其上,最后却惨跌在地的故事。亚尔特正是苏斯博士对希特勒的讽 ( p) ^: x: c" l; K' d$ o
7 P1 g7 f/ U @7 c4 ~
. _& n G7 Y3 W用许愿骨许愿 / K/ K* c7 c7 \1 D- F+ E
& i) }3 q/ {/ S0 @这里Phoebe是要表示,即使感恩节只有三明治可吃,还是可以拿三明治当许愿骨,拿到比较大那一半的人许愿,这样才有感恩节的气氛。 6 A* o2 s; g" u3 p4 K
1 i9 d* q, M8 F/ \
110 ( r0 j- t: [. o. B# Q9 R
* b" l6 q: p# _% n: L& H' r小野洋子名字的英文拼法是Yoko Ono,她是一位知名的前卫艺术家,但更为人知的头衔,则是“披头士”the Beatles 主唱 John Lennon 的太太。她与John Lennon相识相恋,之后两人甚至还合组乐团,一起出专辑。很多披头士的歌迷不喜欢大野洋子,觉得她是造成披头士两位主唱John Lennon和Paul McCartney的不合,并进而解散乐团的原因之一。 ' B/ G& o8 n& {' [5 C3 v- C
8 u, e6 m/ e; P3 I/ f: ]+ ~' Y4 T" |- [) @$ U6 l" Z1 X
: G4 q' L% b5 x V% [* e美国热门抢答节目
: z2 Q. x- N6 K: x& L' pJeopardy是美国相当知名的日间问答节目,这节目播出至今已经十八年了。Jeopardy的主持人Alex Trebec是主要发问人,每次会有三位来宾在台上对抗,题目会分几组类别,每个题目又依难易度有不等的金额,凡是答到最后累计到最多奖金的人就就是冠军,并取得卫冕资格。Ross这里就是要说,他的猴子会看这种节目,所以是只象人一样,会思考的猴子。
! Q; t$ f, ]3 w; c: I& k+ c2 r1 C
- r/ K3 u6 f$ K4 [9 n# |: c- h生命中不能承受之轻
2 J ?* L, v! s ^" B; @大家在Monica家聚会,玩一个叫Pictionary的游戏,这个游戏的玩法就是有人画图,让大家猜成语或字。 / G0 Q. N4 a) B+ j$ p0 O
Joey的回答其实是一个相当好笑的谐音,实际答案《生命中不能承受之轻》的正确原文应该是The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 这是知名捷克作家米兰.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的著名小说,曾改编成电影《布拉格的春天》。
' e+ w, ~/ C+ e3 k但此处Rachel画了一颗“豆子” bean, bean和being音近,Joey又觉得Rachel的豆子画的“受不了的相像”Unbearable Likeness,所以他就组成了这句The Unbearable Likeness of Bean,表面意义是“像得不得了的豆子”,但谐音就是The Unbearable Lightness of Being,所以他答对了。
0 H* u& ]4 s' z' t7 I0 x8 i4 d. L' M# i8 p, @
121 $ t9 s) q5 d" K' F
德裔宾州人非荷兰人 / S3 Q0 g0 f! c" d+ T! m. G
Dutch是“荷兰语的,荷兰人的”;而Pennsylvania Dutch则是指“德裔宾州人”,或他们说的一种夹杂英语的德语。因为十八世纪的德国有一个基督教派“门诺教派”叫做the Amish, 信徒们不堪其它教派排挤,移民到现今美国宾州东部,过自己理想的生活。直到今天这群德裔宾州人依旧维持祖先传统,他们保持自己的服饰,不接受正统教育,也远离所有科技产品,社区里过着自给自足的农业生活,家家户户虔诚信仰上帝。
( R! y, a2 d: r5 _' I这里因为Monica一开始辧她是荷兰人,但对方马上和她讲荷兰话,她转不过来只好说自己是德裔宾州人。所以之后假Monica带她四处玩乐享受生活,Monica觉得新奇之际,假Monica也不断提醒那是因她是德裔宾州人,没见过世面之故。
8 x; ^( t7 Y+ t% L: w! S& S" E5 T+ S2 @+ m, Q
123 ! n& r; Y: P- n: w
( [& l, Z, K: r( }7 D3 h: [bumper sticker是指贴在汽车后方“保险杆上的贴纸”,上面常会写些有个人风格的俏皮话,好给后方来车看,比如:“All men are idiots…and I married their king.”所有男人都是白痴……而我嫁给了当中最白痴的那位。
9 d2 O/ F7 T% M2 C而Chandler说出这句,是顺着上一句Ross讲的话,开了Ross一个玩笑,因为We’re having a baby! We don’t stop for Chunkys.像是保险杆贴纸上才说的俏皮话。 - `4 Z7 m0 `/ I9 v t& k. H# q) i
6 Z! s1 V, U4 U' o5 @9 _* M% u7 j2 N4 h T
# g1 O1 ? {4 W+ L; i3 c剪发大师的广告词 3 X$ D, V. s# I r
Buffay是Phoebe的姓,但为什么Chandler称他为Vidal Buffay呢?因为他是套用国际美发大师维达沙宣(Vidal Sasson)的名字,来表示Phoebe的剪发技巧简直跟大师没两样。也因为Chandler用了大师的名字,接着Phoebe回答的话,就直接套用美国沙宣产品知名广告标语,表示她一定能让客人满意。
+ m. n) D; q3 E
* o" C5 u' J! Q+ H) ?$ VChandler : Yes, yes, we did, thanks to Vidal Buffay. 4 {+ D+ P( z/ y. F3 a8 h3 a; Q
M9 j/ Y) W- \' @& FPhoebe : ‘ Cause, you know, if you don’t look good, we don’t look good.
* @ k& |/ F9 F$ ]# `因为我们的光彩来自你的光彩。 " g" b0 C8 y' g' G5 x" }- ^
8 o9 G) x1 ]3 Q4 T8 @/ E V
) o/ u- y+ Y9 w) [* N+ [尽管老牌男星招牌发型让人印象深刻,但套在女生头上可就怪怪的了。由于Monica剪成Dudley Moore的发型,所以大家就开始围绕着Dudley Moore演过的经典老片来开玩笑。Ross说I think it’s a Ten.表面上是说这发型“能得到十分的满分”,实际上是嘲笑Monica这发型是Dudley Moore在《十全十美》Ten这部片子里的发型。 ; U: N4 ~, f5 L) L& p" R
接着Chandler更是引用Dudley Moore演的经典老片〈阔少爷〉Arthur当中,曾夺得当年奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲的〈亚瑟之歌〉Arthur’ Theme的知名歌词,把剧中富家男主角在选择富家女或爱人之间痛苦挣扎的比喻,拿来嘲弄Monica的话。
5 C' a$ x8 x: E
6 ^4 J9 i8 |) `& ?203
+ `0 r# A, \/ g m+ p好吃的高伯沙拉 7 a# d, c4 W7 ]* F: O9 u
cobb salad 也有翻成“海鸥沙拉”,这道菜肴是公元一九三六年由一位餐厅老板Robber Cobb 发明的。之后这道好吃的沙拉和凯萨沙拉,就成了那年代首道可当主食的沙拉,而非只是当附餐而已。这道沙拉里的材料,主要就是在生菜沙拉上面,铺洒炭烤鸡肉、熏猪肉、黄瓜、水煮蛋和乳酪等。而Rechel故意追问这道名沙拉的内容,真的可说是没话找话讲。 |