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5 Y# u) H" s! m0 q" S8 Q; S4 p4 ]+ K2 t
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2 _6 o0 j. R1 v/ _3 Thttp://i11.tinypic.com/4mtc4g9.jpg
: O% |1 Y9 ~* s% }% }0 @% j6 W. Z8 ?0 [/ G* v) T
1.5公斤 鲜草莓
2 |* T- F! ` f0 ?" U# ]4 ?1个 鲜柠檬* O, T. f. u% k/ T8 X1 T! `
1包/500克 果胶砂糖 2:1 & K4 N) ]7 X4 L6 B
2-3个 1磅容量的干净玻璃罐, W+ J) z; n r) _. \4 [
1.5 kg Fresh strawberries: n2 ^3 |! p- z" [6 u
1 Lemon peel and juice
! X Y4 |# y4 u M1 package / 500 g Preserving sugar 2:1 % [# }+ f% P7 g& [" j9 r6 y3 b
2-3 / 1lb Jars, warm and sterilized
( C3 w, u+ ~9 N% C3 ] \5 t4 F% W1 F0 A2 ?7 ?( D3 H
- J" a6 y6 b7 c! e \# @8 \
1 Y& Z! G# v P5 ?. I/ B, d1. 准备2-3个1磅容量的玻璃罐。用洗涤剂和温水洗净后放到滚水中一会进行高温消毒。晾干备用) p9 j j3 H5 r* ^: X
Prepare 2 or 3 1lb-jars and lids by washing well in warm soapy water and rinsing thoroughly. Bath them in a pan of boiling water for a while. Dry the jars.
* }) E1 j% b# ^& \4 e$ ?% @
; H4 c6 a4 d7 g4 Q: g; h) M# m1 Y2. Well wash, remove stems and pat them dry with a clean kitchen towel. Slice strawberries. Peel the lemon and thinly shred lemon rind. Drop in squeezed lemon. 1 F. h6 |7 F0 f' o, J- n
草莓洗净去蒂后用干净的布巾轻轻拍干水份。切成小块。柠檬削皮,然后将皮切细丝。柠檬挤汁备用。1 H& i( w8 K$ o" V" f- t0 w
7 }8 k- i1 J9 \
3. In a big nonaluminum pan, add the prepared fruits and the preserving sugar and combine them briefly. Cover and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours. You would see a lot of liquid coming off the strawberries. Heat the strawberry mixture to boiling over medium heat, and allow it to boil for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Ladle marmalade into still very warm jars to prevent the jars from cracking when the hot filling is added. Wipe jar rims clean and seal with lids and bands. Store marmalade in a cool and dry place. After opening jar, store marmalade in the refrigerator.
' A$ U& a e' o9 P) p将备好的草莓和柠檬放入一个非铝制的锅内,加入果胶砂糖稍微拌和。盖好放入冰箱3-4小时。这时草莓会分泌出大量果汁。中火加热煮沸果肉,继续边煮边搅拌5分钟直到酱汁呈浓稠状。趁热将果酱勺入热瓶,这样能防止瓶子骤然开裂。抹净瓶口后封盖。将果酱存放在干燥阴凉的地方。打开后要放入冰箱冷藏保存。6 J# m" N3 q5 V! d0 i
: C, A, O8 z. |( I$ C( Thttp://i10.tinypic.com/504aqko.jpg1 e- P2 h/ z3 @2 `
" h( A( p% _2 F* T9 m: K! i: Y
http://i12.tinypic.com/4kav4zr.jpg% ]. \# f" f3 L
+ t; ]8 Y$ ~& M; k |1 {5 \' E# w1 chttp://i7.tinypic.com/68lhh7t.jpg
) r& n6 j9 K3 t, b0 X2 S! p L. L3 a6 G% l( b+ S: V& N9 |) o B
2 `4 p- d4 L. d0 e4 b5 YLemon Marmalade / 柠檬果酱1 n4 E* B3 ]2 w' Y3 c5 O" H6 q* i
+ R2 d% ~( ?1 D
5 O: [. H' f5 X" ~http://i8.tinypic.com/4uyo9s2.jpg. ~" ?9 [: a" E; Y7 h$ }
http://i15.tinypic.com/4tisphi.jpg6 A+ s2 Z" \9 d; K* Q/ Z
& T& m5 `% p! N' E2 a8 a
1公斤 柠檬 e( A; {! L0 t
300克 苹果
# ?. Q$ j0 w9 _1包/500克 果胶砂糖 2:1
) E- I+ K! x3 ]. P2-3个 1磅容量的干净玻璃罐# R: a% P& D: O; {9 ^; I
1 kg Regular lemons
7 ^7 T* n4 J/ T6 u% L300 g Apples
" ?# n+ }/ Y F1 ?5 |& F# J( z a3 y1 package / 500 g Preserving sugar 2:1
- J" @7 z+ C' L. v- `; t2-3 / 1lb Jars, warm and sterilized
. t" Q6 ~# Z7 H4 l8 w( {7 {" b
; q3 |' @( }& R( ]9 b1 jhttp://i8.tinypic.com/6h3gxo9.jpg
* S& k0 S# e6 E" N. _9 o+ Y+ v. _* p" j! p
1. 准备2-3个1磅左右容量的玻璃瓶和盖子,放到加了少许洗涤剂的温水里洗干净透彻后,用热开水浸泡冲洗后晾干。
' z1 }; x5 S) ?% A$ MPrepare 2 or 3 1lb-jars and lids by washing well in warm soapy water and rinsing thoroughly. Bath them in a pan of boiling water for a while. Dry the jars.& R! z) n: m+ k8 h0 Q8 l6 N% h9 j
0 x4 N1 w5 N( ~5 J& h2. 柠檬用水冲洗后抹干。用锋利的刨皮刀将柠檬削出薄皮,然后将其切成3厘米左右的细条状。剔除籽,刨去黄色表皮下面的那层白膜。将果肉切成1/3寸左右大小的丁状。苹果削皮去心后也切成丁状。
- m6 H: Y6 ?6 ^& C; uWash the lemons and dry them up. Remove yellow part of peel from lemons in strips with a sharp vegetable peeler and slice them into 3-cm strips. With knife, tip off the pips and cut off all white membrane, or pith, from peeled lemons and discard. Cut peeled lemons crosswise into 1/3-inch-thick slices. Peel and core the apples. Cut them into small dices.
' T0 Z- e7 b1 [1 ?' J
" ^7 D( H+ J# zhttp://i15.tinypic.com/6hcmtzo.jpg2 T- _" o: j& ^2 M
8 v! i# [$ A3 z! Q( {4 K+ D! n- J; f9 I
3. 将准备好的果肉和果胶砂糖放入一个非铝质的大锅中,稍微搅拌,盖好放到冰箱3-4小时。这时果肉会渗出很多果汁。放到炉上中火煮开,要边煮边搅拌,滚个5分钟。趁热装入罐子拧紧。趁热装罐,这样玻璃不会因为骤热而裂开。放到架上晾凉,存放在阴凉避光处。果酱打开后要存放到冰箱。' Q8 t& X7 [, A& q7 l' T' T
In a big nonaluminum pan, add the prepared fruits and the preserving sugar and combine them briefly. Cover and refrigerate 3 to 4 hours. You would see a lot of liquid coming off the fruits. Heat lemon mixture to boiling over medium heat, and allow it to boil for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Ladle marmalade into still very warm jars to prevent the jars from cracking when the hot filling is added. Wipe jar rims clean. Seal with lids and bands. Store marmalade in cool, dry place. After opening jar, store marmalade in the refrigerator.
8 Z; A( T/ e: Z+ F: u" H
. T5 u: `, _/ p# u9 x* T K& J0 }. V: Q4 N9 e! K
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* r7 ^, g8 G- N0 j7 r- T4 @http://i15.tinypic.com/549rgq1.jpg
1 m, m" x* Y. X+ p3 Q
9 n; b# X% Y0 g, e5 dhttp://i15.tinypic.com/4zulzl5.jpg |