【905】The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner
- I# g- ^3 I- _& B, y- N
1 |8 [7 ^, u8 [ j* C" ?% C( E3 xjeffwu : V% m: c* h( L! k/ U
1. I couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday reservation:[7rezE5veiFEn]n.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约
' d# y( S5 ~9 E1 @make a reservation:
7 v. A* F$ n: F! UIf you want to go to the concert, you'll have to make a reservation, or there will be no tickets. . q4 H1 k6 R% j" n4 o
5 `8 ^$ I6 |/ k& d0 C
: j9 @8 n4 s( \/ u* K2. we have to do dinner Thursday night instead. ! v0 Z2 L; p8 s7 D' {8 z2 U
instead..另外..注意这里instead的用法. - i" `; Y- ?8 O) _
* v7 m0 A# g i0 p7 ?
3. Halloween[5hAlEu5i:n]n.万圣节前夕, 诸圣日前夕
: D* Z L( f: y4 kOctober 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door
7 i8 o! [: o. V+ e9 j9 dto door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks. 5 H! |" E9 u6 G$ u$ E, O8 \
* g, g0 ^2 O, m/ N, C% D, Y/ W3 p6 P3 l g d; c
4.spooky [5spu:kI]adj.幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的
9 X; G! U& P+ }情景: 这里Phoebe说没有预定到位子,要改在周四吃生日饭, Joey说那可是万圣节..Phoebe说, so..意思是万圣节怎么了? ! A& E+ \% f: E B& p* H
我生日你想怎么着? Joey就说: So spooky, that's all.(就是有些怪异,倒没别的), 鬼节过生日
& ~/ j: E7 ^. }2 ^ W7 l0 V+ z- [ `+ d0 R; R
5. I get mad at him, get/be mad at sb/sth : a7 h, j2 w ?, ?. t& z
7 Z6 `4 o/ h7 O7 S( Y' I6 n/ `6. I think it's a little too soon to show my true colors. / O# E, o/ k9 d" l, `% `
7 N; i% M9 _. h4 p
7. I would make a reservation for five 见1 ) ?3 F2 h- j0 @/ W
# C" P' _- S8 e
8. I'll put a lot of extra thought into your gift.我要在给你的礼物上多化些心思 ! T- i" r& W7 o9 V V+ Z+ g. b
6 z7 d$ r2 R" C& O9. We all haven't been together, the six of us, in such a long time. % V- |: w, d& x9 s$ y9 T5 c" d' ^ i
表达"有很长时间" 的说法有:in such a long time, H- J+ E, Y s2 B5 P/ S
又比如901里Phoebe说:we haven't done the secret thing in a long time.
& v& S, t( D# P. E$ a8 X4 Hin a long time也可以表达这一意思. : e7 ?& W( ~6 E1 [$ B4 B
: `6 V( x5 n e2 X9 e: _ L6 Z10. let's get started by taking a look at last quarter's figures.
+ o. l1 e, x/ C- Uget started..开始做某事. ! b3 e# l7 q- J3 Q. K. M
get started by doing..从做某事开始.. ( i) g4 X' _' h; ?# [# n7 r5 N
start from scratch
1 K6 c& U# `3 Dfrom scratch从零开始, 从无到有, 白手起家 7 n" G0 z, D" z: A
! A l1 l, ~( x
11. it's legal to smoke in offices with fifteen people or less.
+ W4 O7 o3 W6 W& C e注意这里"少于"的表达方法: 15 people or less. 4 n7 g, w& r% G5 x' ?
Chandler后面的另一表达是: fewer than.
% v8 M4 m& E3 H3 i1 U$ q
; c: M3 J7 b5 P6 B9 @) N0 g12. trick or treat 翻译为: 想要招待,还是想捣蛋..?? 5 Q9 v4 T0 B" @% b7 Q5 C
2 R% D% l. K* Q: q
13. threadbare[5WredbZE]adj.穿破旧衣服的, 俗套的
3 O' b& k# M2 q3 k, E$ {6 N4 e/ z4 b& l8 g- U
14. Chandler's gonna be home any minute,
. g& U- T9 t- Z; X0 h% Yany minute. = in any mintue..马上, 随时..
/ Z# Q" S* R' I: {! R2 g
* {$ Y( U. `* _ c3 Z14. I'm ovulating and Chandler's gonna be home any minute, so I thought we would try before 2 O) U0 A# H h8 Z0 R# c
dinner.还记得901笔记里说Mon的父亲建议Mon在Ovulating时候做爱容易怀孕么? 那时就是给这里及后面的一系列作铺垫.
9 }, k) _2 f, i0 r* W) ~7 k
' R* c Y D: U( u n; C% q7 D15. in Oklahoma smoking is legal in all common areas and offices with fewer than fifteen people. ( H4 X9 Q1 O: ] J( c# E+ L! C
fewer than..另见: 11 5 \ P' _7 v5 P* D* D7 A
1 U9 h" b1 P2 w. f6 a5 a
16. trivia [5trivjE]n.琐事
; {1 v8 w7 J$ b: X3 t5 N4 f8 @! g2 W# R' J
17. you stink of cigarettes. 0 W+ e- t& D0 v# j% T9 o$ H, v6 c) q
stink of v.发恶臭 ? u8 }; L0 t7 W
9 E2 o; _" |$ ]( p R' }18. something to cover the smell cover the smell, 盖住这味道.. ) l! L( p( g) b* X& C/ p
. O; B3 T* h4 n! m z7 T- S3 O/ R3 K
19. unscented [9Qn`sentId]adj.无气味的,无香味的 ! F9 d/ \3 k* N8 y8 d+ B; r
% \ ?4 {* K; U" I' \20. I'm feeling kinda gross. ( t8 A" E% W4 l' h
gross [^rEJs]adj.肥大的;粗野的,粗俗的,不雅的(语言、举止)
# o2 E( v" y0 _1 q9 S" z
, W# \. b9 R8 e0 H21. she's stuck in terrible traffic. ; H( D/ {; V+ Q/ `' u( j* y7 q) h$ D
be stuck in traffic..被堵在路上了..交通堵塞类似说法: traffic jam.
8 X# \( Y- g3 f7 s
$ J3 E: M2 ]; _22. you only heard Monica's side of that.你听到的不过是莫尼卡的一面之辞 Sb's side of ...高级用法 " O7 y- K* Q/ i2 r6 ]
* e e ?- R6 V- b5 m$ D9 e
23. fatso [5fAtsEu]n.胖子, 胖家伙(作称呼用,含贬意) h2 @* o1 K& g" l1 X0 k6 b
2 I$ z, x d( D24. I just don't think I can bear it.还记得新概念2册第一课的: i couldn't bear it么? ! Z% \- D! i& Q% V4 d
bear sth..受得了...类似说法: stand it.. 以及后面有一集里Phoebe说Mike: if he cannot handle it...也有类似意思. ( @. |9 L( E/ v7 C% e4 E2 H
( x6 y& a: o- |, [! K8 E25. the world is your oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red.
4 E/ \4 S3 Y" Y5 E: D2 T, ?1.the world is your oyster. 这是你最得意的时刻 ) |8 i7 Z7 b f' w
2.Kick up your heels. 好好出去享受一番 * D- Y$ I) r: w; X, o( l
3.Paint the town red. 外面的世界很精彩(或:世界需要你才会精彩) 尽情享受,热烈庆祝
& B' `/ A! }. \7 t我不是很清楚Paint the town red的用法, (这里是转前面贴子的)但英语里还有一句和red有关表示高兴,值得纪念的成语:
% Z( ^2 ?& t& yred-letter day; ) q. j4 s) e* K# o0 q3 A; o
e.g: it was one of the red-letter days of my life.这是我一生中最值得纪念的日子之一.(高级用法) ) k7 X: S8 ~2 y) r$ g
5 J9 y. a/ y$ L5 p f9 E26. shove [FQv]n.<口>推, 挤;vt.<口>推挤, 猛推, 强使;vi.推
; B6 c2 B) P) l3 E
* a; |3 Q9 O& w' m+ ^+ |4 j# J( e q1 G4 K/ C27. Holy moly, are we in a pickle now.天哪... 这次歇菜了...
! q6 v; S) [4 }' ]& y/ g5 |顺便说几个和holy有关的感叹用语
0 e- R3 k! b5 T! YHolly Mother Of God! 见: 913 3 M" |% X7 P& E# o$ C- R" ?8 Y) d& s. a
Holy moly.. 5 u y4 }% s% O. O# G
holy f*ck..
% m$ S% Q, n. y# j6 U7 u8 k+ F8 Zholy shoot.. 后两个是notting hill 里的 英国佬说话就这味道 9 f& N$ k2 o' _. G7 \) S( q
8 X* h7 z8 [' A u28. They're forty minutes late.类似说法: I am late for forty minutes.. , q/ B, O( R9 L% n( u
" x' ^$ R. \# L4 ~! w4 }29. I'm starving.=I'm very hungry.
( h4 u2 _6 _- d3 k m! T
# } k( K; ]4 O0 g30. are we expecting the rest of our party shortly? expect..高级用法: / W5 T' ~, V; G
例句: we are expecting a baby,我们不久就会有小孩子拉..(怀孕了)
& t8 f. g& {* g! a T, f% sbe expected to do sth. , t1 v4 r; D, e8 [4 \( u( H$ X; E3 |
you are expected to pick me up around six.你得在6点左右来接我. 9 k; n% h c4 p
5 e1 f- ]: V( b3 ?' t% Y, |8 M+ Q; c
31. Yes, they are expected presently. 见30 9 E6 y$ i4 t4 V7 x$ Y
" I. ?8 x- I. J W6 |3 _+ r32. their arrival is in the offing. 他们肯定就快到了...
8 }! W! t' z& qoffing [5CfiN, 5C:f-]n.近海(视野范围内的海面) 6 a: ^( J5 C7 D' c) Z+ T5 w
' [* v4 F5 N' J5 @1 b. ?33. tinfoil n.锡纸;adj.锡箔的 , B# }" I, k i+ X
+ P% i" t" m& Y4 {/ ?& N4 X34. you put out that cigarette, 你把香烟熄掉. 9 [0 K6 Y# a/ K8 V4 e# b# z
put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场 7 s/ \! f# y% g! n' J/ I; G' c
9 H8 ~# Q/ {9 p% [) J7 B" l35. we're gonna put this fight on hold。put... on hold.暂停做某事.. ) H) o, Q$ E! r8 B. b
% e& r/ t% I' N( M4 l% S5 r36.cuddling cuddly [5kQdlI]adj.令人想拥抱的, 喜爱抚的
, H/ l* V# }) ?/ c这里cuddling应该是canoodle的意思.
1 J. r w& U+ x6 D/ w% ~2 ^. E7 K
& c0 T% o1 i1 F: r& ?1 h2 k37. superintendence [9sjU:pErIn`tendEns] n.监督
- K% `. W2 c- H" N; `& g" `: x0 T4 ~5 d# _$ p4 x
38. pull together v.齐心协力 Pull yourself together. 加把劲吧
2 g9 a! U! u: N& j! s
" c+ O& R) C" `/ a0 A39. did I leave the stove on?我忘关煤气炉子了吧
0 W3 C* r, m; K2 ~* A2 G$ A7 S: R, u% }- l
40. an eagle flew in! Landed on the stove
* o) g% x4 k( ?) b: kland on..落在...前集里说Chandler去tulsa飞机落地,就是简单的用个land..
- P0 W/ ]) E( n L" j
$ k$ d$ H9 ^4 K# L4 c+ ]) s41. A pigeon, a pigeon. No, no wait, no, no, an eagle flew in! Landed on the stove and caught fire. The baby, seeing this, jumps across the apartment to the mighty bird's aid. The eagle, however, misconstrues as an act of aggression and grabs the baby in its talons. Meanwhile the faucet fills the apartment with water. Baby and bird still ablaze are locked in a death grip, swirling around in the whirl pool that fills the apartment. ( ?, y5 A, x% X+ b g
有兴趣的话, 关注一下这段里的动词和动词搭配的用法 7 e( B6 m3 N& R9 `1 B F; N
* p, V9 y8 c4 ^- C
42. You can't order until your entire party has arrived. Restaurant policy.这个餐厅规定太让人受不了了, 尤其是可怜的joey:) * G# P J7 R% {( C
# Z) M& Q5 x' v W) v
43. If they ask me to move, I'll cave. 8 a8 G# |# s `& c" u f# P
If you ask me to stay, I'll pee.
* ^% s" R6 i+ F# N W! k" l对比这两句,学学美国人的幽默方式, 这也是拒绝人的好方法, hoho;)
/ g' f0 u3 U' y& I) f0 b3 _ K8 {% c2 w, Y
44. I'll cave。 [keiv]n.洞穴, 窑洞;vi.凹陷, 投降;vt.挖洞, 使凹陷
( S7 Q% l+ A+ o- ]% J9 i4 a/ B3 g注意这里cave的意思, 投降... - V* ]# @5 _3 u3 v
% m. ]. x, h" H* T: I
45. now you're Mister Sensitivity.讽刺性的说某人如何如何是,可以这么说: Mr..另参见904里serious guy, Mr. Right的用法, 领会老美说话风格. $ L2 u# D8 Q7 a% K
. z2 L! M8 k; d) U46. I shouldn't have come down on you so hard about the smoking.
& \3 y) T8 F7 q. R% Z$ lcome down on v.惩罚, 索取;处罚,批评 $ b4 h( M' Y* w. [5 ^
5 F/ _8 G2 V( \. L' p/ A& a4 p47. it's not the end of the world.表示并不很重要...的说法.
- w4 I# T T; l: J8 ^" } L表示问题严重就是the end of the world了.类似说法: life-or-death, 2 ^5 k1 J! \: s
e.g.Although Friday's test result will affect Clinton's decision whether to begin building a base in 9 ~! C( K: e# ]4 V& J
Alaska next year, it was not a life-or-death event for NMD. + d1 F% u3 A" M# e
9 x2 F- L% J( t R( h C7 X+ p48. You mean it?你认真的? 你真这么想? 类似说法: are you seiours?
( i/ P, C4 p V' l/ O/ y( `: a D% E( S
49. Rachel: Oh no. I mean it.见48 " p2 w( M: ~" R' E, T, ]
其他类似用法: I mean what I say. 我说的可都是认真的.. & z$ R0 W& \- f
e.g.And evidently there is some scepticism here in Europe about whether or not I mean what I say.
! M l" \( F7 E. G( Z/ @! s9 u; Y* Y+ l4 x2 A. j! C9 |; X
50.I am still so mad at you for smoking. mad的用法. ! J& U: A/ x9 t4 _) Z/ k
be mad at sb for sth. get mad with sb for sth. 0 u1 Q; o: G) u. r: c! y
; ~' j( T+ q; ?& D, D9 p
51.It was just a couple of cigarettes, no big deal.重温一下no big deal的用法 ) i0 X8 |$ s# f% n: d' ]
what's big deal? it's no big deal, or just say: no big deal. * J- W5 O: a+ F! J9 u/ `5 l& n
/ i# X- n7 L( ?& `52. I feel so used.我觉得我真被利用了... 8 ~4 |0 ?3 N- i/ Y6 u
* O! `/ t1 i8 i3 A& N, ?$ P( U4 T53. Risotto with the shaped truffels and the roasted rip steak with the golden ??? and a Bordelaise sauce, unless any of that stuff I just said means snails. 有没人想研究食物的亚?? & `( h W. ]7 g
! s4 k C. F: o# I8 p
54.You guys are over an hour late.= you guys are late for more than an hour.
' @ s7 g( n4 D8 b% `9 X不过看了这么多集,几乎都是用前一句的表达方法也就是, : be an hour late $ b9 l" e$ H$ \6 b
5 T0 C! t6 a" p [# L+ R55. spit up 咳出, 呕出
* [0 x6 u& [! i
8 J' l; j% W& C4 E; e# S* a, ]0 Y54. How come you didn't get a bigger table?再温习一下how come的用法:)how come.. 怎么会... + U& n, ]+ a9 R$ w6 f' u
% S# x4 d. K2 V- u6 r
55. Wow, little tight, isn't it? tight, 有点挤
& x; I+ Y* @$ j. i& u其他: tigh schedule..我的工作表,我的日程有点紧张.. 6 t3 o+ w$ K0 S, V
1 ]4 `! I, j! s* y8 _: A# x
55. shrew [Fru:]n.地鼠;泼妇,悍妇 6 {& ~2 e2 L* H1 ?+ W+ ]9 h2 e
A" L; `. U" t% x8 n! e7 k56. I would like to start the celebration and make a toast
+ O K3 ^' G' y' lmake a toast...祝酒 ; r! I& Z( z5 J: B3 X
& d. u8 i! W2 K% H+ U f
57. sock [sCk]n.短袜, 鞋内衬底, 轻软鞋, 一击, 零食
1 d0 {% e8 ]1 ^+ ^, |2 h
, C6 x* y4 b# d7 l" P# e58. Could you please get her attention?你能不能提醒提醒她???
9 @' j9 ?: l8 i% e$ U, J
/ x# U2 M, f* X0 M1 l59.you all have a lot going on
+ W3 p. I) b2 i" o# A
( \* [+ G9 A* `" {60. Yes smokie, that is what it was. I just can't get enough. 5 V: X+ t, b2 d& W5 ? g: N
注意这里can't get enough 的用法.e.g.I can't get enough of reality TV!电视我怎么看都看不够! " a% t- e/ r( D# T) m
" z: ~* \- p4 J1 o
61. She tricked me into having sex with her.这章出现了好几次trick,简单总结一下
2 |: p1 d: |7 f0 ?( N; strick or treat? 万圣节用语, 要不我们就捣蛋, 要不就赶紧招待我们..
1 q4 e! t) J- l8 e6 J3 tYou tricked me to get me into bed? 6 g6 Q0 I( l3 ?5 P
trick sb to do sth.以及这句: She tricked me into having sex with her.
4 V* k2 J1 D8 Xtrick sb into doing sth.
0 ]4 [. l5 h3 C% X& e0 F0 |: \9 o$ T6 x0 F y2 F
62. that means the world to me.高级夸奖用语 回忆world另一个习语..the end of the world... # _2 H6 }$ z+ [& \
8 } e5 ~+ l& R4 G
63. I'm not the kind of girl that just ditches her friends to be with her boyfriend. ditch 甩掉 7 j2 m; j. C% W/ G* k% H- C
" Q5 J7 m' o @
64. Our babysitter just pounded down another Chardonnay.
b8 x. y+ `; W$ ^+ q9 s& kChardonnay [7FB:dE5nei] n.夏敦埃酒(一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒) 8 |: b% p1 V Z/ D
pound down 这里就说成“又灌了一杯酒”吧 9 L$ Z$ B: U1 @7 H+ A7 Z4 }% L
! w2 `8 _4 j' P9 t. U5 { r/ G
65. Do you want to give it another try?= Do you want to try again?
! I7 T# z* G& H6 ^& r% T. v
# s4 s3 p. c, w2 ~- z$ }3 U8 L( f66. I hope you've got some room left. # S1 H. P% c8 K
some room left..这里是说Joey的肚子还能不能装下更多食物. |