【401】The One With The Jellyfish ?& c# U4 B @6 S. N& R. l
9 V; m7 d/ B5 |% F" cice's note 3 |: g9 X* A& I! P6 _8 U: K
1.Bonnie:Rachel was just help me out. My head got all sunburned. / l( r a4 h, y6 O4 w5 Y! T! ~
help sb out , got sunburned 8 w7 e& \) n2 [# S
2 m; ]& K# P7 B8 `7 V1 ~
2.Bonnie:Thanks a million. r) n" ~/ J0 S9 P& h. ^! C9 S+ o
Rachel:You are welcome a million. $ |: T X, \/ z" N: j
生活中你听过说:“非常不客气”的吗?:) here u go 。
0 b9 D L: c& @: s
/ X" a: L* A2 _' z4 ^) T3.Rachel: well ,can't you tell her that you are not in the mood?
1 I, g' y; n; i: d6 {) ]% [, {在想说没心情干某事的时候,很好的选择就是, i am not in the right mood ; S# V& g, u4 f8 {: R
. | w6 i& I) s; v
4.Phoebe : well I think I can figure it out... , w" {1 [( {+ C: [9 c
figure sth out 也是friends里出现频率及高的词组,意为理解sth ,弄明白sth,例如: I've never been able to figure him out. 我老是搞不懂他。
0 o2 {9 X K' J
4 h7 @9 e! r" j& }# q: }( @5.Monica : shoot! we're out of soda.
. L) k- Z8 C7 C; v0 f/ e5 h记得最初开始看friends时,常常为 shoot所困惑。直到一次于一个加拿大的老太太交谈中,她告诉我,这个词原意是要表达shoot的,但一般的女性或是有文化的人都不会直接发出那个音,所以就有了shoot。 另外诸如 gosh 也是这种情况,避免发god的音。当然那是女性的专利,guy用的话,难免要象chandler一样为人误解哦~~:) D6 d9 z: q5 p
out of sth 简洁有效的表达法````什么东西没有了,用完了
8 }$ H: j" `9 E0 {3 r; q3 L. }* R0 W7 y! a: \
6.Ross : wow, it’s-it’s 5:30 in the morning.So, I’d better get cracking on this baby.
i5 P: ^2 z1 V7 H# h# rcrack on 继续干下去,有go on 的意思 7 Z: ~1 x0 s3 @
& R8 A' H9 J2 `% K0 B+ T1 Q4 q, @9 c/ o
7.Ross: Okay, I’ll be up in, (looks at the letter) 18 pages. Front and back. Very exciting.
) ]3 _6 R9 o/ ?6 eRoss与Rachel感情史上相当重要的一幕 就数这18pages~~~~~~Front and back.正反两面。这个表达法没有几个R&R迷会不熟悉吧:)
( j" v6 G, J3 X. a I i6 o5 `1 L) n" B( M7 B5 _
8.Chandler: All right, there’s a nuclear holocaust. holocaust 特指大规模的毁灭,大批人的死亡,譬如此处chandler所指的核爆炸。 另外有个专有的 the Holocaust 专指纳粹对犹太人的屠杀
- m+ A$ H+ n5 @- L5 X4 Z$ G' ~. R9 G3 z" b$ B( _/ D
9.joey:Check this baby out, dug me a hole!
- J6 C( b& F7 t( X% e. Qcheck out 常用于旅馆退房和超市付款出口。但在friends中使用频率及高的是,check sth out,快来瞧瞧这个! 尤其是joey,每当有什么特别的发现总是一脸坏笑:check this out~~~~
; V2 S$ O2 Y9 ] H
; o+ a: l& C/ s10.Ross: She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong in our relationship. I mean she goes on for five pages about, about how I was unfaithful to her! - m2 V. R) s" O0 ^. e
0 B4 O' k$ T5 G' G7 T
11.Chandler: Look, Ross, you have what you want, you're back with Rachel. If you bring this up now you’re gonna wreck the best thing that even happened to you. , F3 e% \( i2 R/ i, v' v0 Z
! p0 w/ Y; l2 J8 U% l3 i
12.Phoebe: No. I’m-I’m to depressed to talk.
/ ^9 p1 ?, C7 a7 x. w& Y( i5 j( y也是个很好的表达法,很有实用价值 4 I6 B5 ~# j% t8 d- Y( S
# I3 L0 a- K( R
13.Joey: Well, we have to say something! We have to get it out! It’s eating me alive!! / q/ L q( R6 c
eat sb alive 想象一下那种煎熬痛苦无奈无助.......可怜的joey~~~~~
! E1 J* n) d' S* A* w! E5 k
; G8 K5 }% `3 I+ V14.想说,我很疼,,, here comes
2 k9 U, [9 u, H0 K4 EMonica: I was in too much pain. * _( k$ D! @- h
0 o1 J: {; @! \: ^' T4 a7 d5 [ z15.Joey:......I got the stage fright......怯场 stage fright & X3 _. ?/ H7 C- N; I4 |7 g
9 c: _' {2 w$ Q+ p4 m0 ?16.Phoebe: All right, stop it. Now you’re just doing it to freak me out.
# [9 G9 p' n7 L& v& h% G5 Cfreak sb out make sb feel extreme pleasure or unease 0 ^8 M7 v& R7 N) W" _! a
! d: g% U X% K# A17.Rachel: Ooh, I just wish we hadn’t lost those four months, but if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective...
/ M$ l' ]& R5 P! b6 T& R知道这句词的下一句是什么? 哈哈,就是Ross相当著名的那句振天吼:WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!!!!
/ n; Z7 `3 k5 m-------------
' `' b0 J- G1 S2 n' zsudan1974's ! K' p1 Y1 v7 n, s
5 Q p8 X5 ^* `/ _% b4 wgross下流的,粗野的
- ~- T- S0 R, T: H7 ~hang on等会儿;握紧;坚持
. H3 ?. I- s7 n r# z6 Z" M2 { Qbring up提出;养育
) q# v. M& r$ {' z9 F! O3 ewreck it破坏
0 G2 d& ]; F( k4 N2 J0 F1 N. tgist要点 " w) [0 B, _* e
P.S.postscript 附信
- z7 q: l9 w7 j# l1 C" K/ JYou bet说得对
. `( g. Y- ], ~* Y; P: ~: EGet the stage fright怯场
* g# A0 M8 b I! j5 m3 vYou should give yourself credit应当自信
# h" M- g; W8 N* w& `Freak me out让我高兴
( M: `" R; O# uBe mad about/for football沉迷 . \1 Y' C. S8 X# i- F3 \/ @
Be mad at/with it恼火 # r4 y1 R+ W( j2 j. {) x9 b
Be mad at/about doing恼火 : B4 W- [0 Q0 ^' _0 D
Ramble on漫步;漫谈;随笔 1 _5 K, _+ e3 u W/ S3 x) g4 n
Step up提高,改善 - \6 @( t# _; |
. m# r/ U4 H) `! J2 Q6 f5 U! NTake full responsibility for负全责 |