原帖由 hisano 于 2007-5-15 12:27 发表 
" R4 }. T8 l7 f7 Q t5 x" JSince 2003,Things are going backwards.
" t1 {( o1 d& \ i used to be a person of wide reading*english books* and i did made strenuous attempts to improve my english.
7 B7 N( ]' [8 E* Z1 P* J* ]' i- Zand my english was once pretty good.....
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" v- i3 |) ^- w# f$ o5 d" C VAccording to second language acquisition theory, there are several factors that play an important role in the way of language learning:* Q O2 [6 X- r9 S/ l9 {
Motivation, Input, parallel information (the feedback we get from the speakers) as well as the language processor (our brain).
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it might be a bit tricky to keep polishing our english in a non-english-speaking country, however this does not mean that we can not manage to do so. As non native speakers we have to overcome a set of two-fold difficulties, namely whether we should focus on the fluency or on the accuracy of a foreign language we are learning. In my opinion, we had better pay greater attention to our accuracy of the language cos most of us are dealing with academic problems, which require high accuracy of one's "output". It would be perfect, of course, if you can be good at both accuracy and fluency simultaneously, which might otherwise course a plain student a life long time to do so. Besides, fluency does not mean speaking fast; it has something to do with a language feeling that guides your words and expressions that best interprete your ideas while speaking. Watching CNN and BBC is such a good way to get a language feeling. The question is how long do you think one can keep doing so if one is not highly motivated? So before listening to english news, we should perhaps raise this old question again: why are we learning English? which level are we going to reach in the end? Only by answering this question can we be correctly and well motivated and thus start our great english learning task.
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sorry for being a little bit doctrinaire.....;) |