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[其他学科] 物理名家在线视频——香港中文大学物理学院讲座

发表于 2007-3-22 00:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Department of Physics, CUHK Public Lectures Online
[7/9/2006 - 4/7/2007] Lecture Series : 宇宙新知系列

[13-10-2006] 走出太阳系 - 开浦带星体

[13-10-2006] 从137亿年前来的讯号 - 宇宙微波背景辐射

[04-10-2006] A New Window to the Universe: Gravitational Waves (In Cantonese)

[07-09-2006] Our Universe: Recent Advances in Cosmology (In Cantonese)

[23-06-2006] 100 Years of Light Quanta

[28-10-2005] Einstein, Relativity and Spacetime

[28-10-2005] 'Comb' to a High Precision - the Achievement of This Year's Nobel Laureates in Physics

[18-8-2005] The Laser

[5-7-2005] What did Einstein do for the good of physics a century ago?

[5-7-2005] The physics and practice of weather forecasting

[18-2-2005] The Coming Revolutions in Fundamental Physics

[15-10-2004] Quarks & Asymptotic Freedom (Part II)

[15-10-2004] Quarks & Asymptotic Freedom (Part I)

[8-10-2004] Understanding the Columbia Shuttle Accident

[23-7-2004] Dark Matter and Dark Energy

[21-5-2004] Black Hole - From Imagination to Reality

[15-4-2004] Superfluid 3-He - The Early Days as seen by a Theorist

[6-3-2004] Mathematics and Physics - An Elementary Lecture

[6-3-2004] Challenges to Newton - Physics as a Living and Growing Subject

[28-11-2003] Popular Science

链接如下:http://translate.itsc.cuhk.edu.h ... es/index.html#cosmo
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发表于 2007-6-19 14:47 | 显示全部楼层
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