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2004年的7月22日, 我永远的失去了那个待我如亲弟弟一般的大哥. 从初一到大学毕业, 十几年的时间里, 我们一起共同成长, 共同快乐, 共同悲伤...
无数个夜里, 我们喝着凉水, 就着两袋榨菜, 就可以聊上很久很久很久. 回忆渐渐远去, 人也慢慢长大.
渐渐习惯了没有他的生活. 男人之间, 可以几个月不联系, 但是兄弟之情却不会因此而被冲淡. 可是命运却是那么的无情, 就在那个炎热的夏天, 他在美国病倒了. 然后回国治疗, 身在德国的我, 却只能默默祈祷...
最终, 所有人的努力没有能够换来上帝一点点的恩赐, 他还是那样潇洒的走了, 就像他平日里随意的性格一样, 还记得第一次出国上飞机, 他洒脱的连头都没有回过一次...
每每到一些特别日子里, 思绪就会不由自主地恣意蔓延. 虽然他走了这么久, 还是会经常的想起...
一首泪洒天堂, 在这个不算恰当的日子里, 希望每一个心中有爱的人. 都可以感动......
Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven
Would you know my name
if I saw you in heaven
Would it be the same
if I saw you in heaven
I must be strong and carry on
'cause I know I don't belong
here in heaven
Would you hold my hand
if I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
if I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way through night and day
'cause I know I just can't stay
here in heaven
Time can bring you down
time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart
have your begging please
begging please
Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure
and I know there'll be no more
tears in heaven
Would you know my name
if I saw you in heaven
Would it be the same
if I saw you in heaven
I must be strong and carry on
'cause I know I don't belong
here in heaven
http://www.liuyide.com/music/tea ... yidilei-14_2_07.mp3
http://www.mydatabus.com/4z/ubgz ... y/tearsinheaven.mp3
[ 本帖最后由 燃烧的蜡相 于 2007-4-12 03:42 编辑 ] |