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发表于 2007-1-27 22:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The GosuGamers Database Ranking has gone through some major changes after listening to the community's suggestions. Below is the Ranking for November 22 2006.

It was two weeks ago when GosuGamers announced their Database rankings to the world. In ?this feature we presented the rankings for the Top 30 in the WarCraft world, based on an ELO system where events around the world is ranked in various ways.

We received quite a number of pointers and sugestion, which we of course evaluted carefully. We were also aware that there were several of the big events missing in the database, Korean events such as World Esports Games II and CEG Cheng Duo. Matches from these events have now been added.

There were also some events that had too big influence on the ranking such as the NGL-ONE 1on1 matches who had the same event rate as Extreme Masters. Being played in best of one, we reduced the event rate, and everything has been recounted with the present ranking.

The same thing with the ESL Pro Series which was counted in. With it being a German league, several German players were placed too high in the previous ranking. As this is an international database ranking those matches will not be counted in - the same with every national event, apart from the final matches of a WCG, ESWC, WSVG qualifier or any of the likes.

The matches from the biggest clanleagues WC3L and NGL-ONE are counted in, and seeing as how the European Nations Cup matches have about the same quality level, the matches from the ENC Season 3 Playoffs has been added, giving some players quite a boost, such as ElakeDuck, SaSe and LiiLD.C.

With these words and explanations, GosuGamers give you the current rankings of 22 November:



    我们收到了许多批评者提出的建议,对于这些批评我们都进行了处理。并且我们开始意识到数据库中没有加入一些重要比赛的数据。比如说World Esports Games II和CEG成都采取的比赛,现在这些比赛的数据已经加入了进去。

    也有一些比赛的对排名影响很大,比如NGL-ONE 1on1 和EM,ESL Pro Series。我们降低了这些比赛的等级。目前的排名将会被重新计算。
这也包括ESL Pro Series,它作为一个德国联赛,在以前的排名中德国人的排名有些过高作为一个国际数据库的排名有一些比赛将不能被考虑进去,例如一些国家级的比赛,除去各国WCG、 ESWC、 WSVG选拔赛的决赛和诸如此类的一些比赛。

    一些俱乐部间的重大比赛WC3L和NGL-ONE将被计算进去。European Nations Cup 的比赛,ENC Season 3 的决赛也将被计算进去。有些选手的排名提升的很快,像 ElakeDuck, SaSe和 LiiLD.C。


The Korean superstar Sweet jumped up eight notches after adding the CEG Cheng Duo event in which he won. We also see ElakeDuck jumps up to ninth spot instead of 21 due to great play in NGL-ONE. Matches from World Esport Games Season 2 was also added, as well as the European Nations Cup Season 3 playoffs where Sweden took the title much thanks to the Orc player's solid play. Other than that it looks much alike, except for ToD dropping four spots, due to the Extreme Masters loss against ElakeDuck, and two losses from WEG Season 2.

在加入CEG成都赛区的比赛之后,韩国超级巨星 SWEET增加了8名。我们也看到ElakeDuck 在NGL-ONE的比赛中发挥的十分出色,他已经从21名升到了第9名。由于World Esport Games Season 2和European Nations Cup Season 3决赛被考虑进去, TOD的排名下降了4名,这是由于他在EM的比赛中输给了ElakeDuck,并且WEG Season 2中输掉了2场比赛。

Lots of new faces here. The lone player in Estro, the Undead powerhouse GoStop jumped up 12 (!) notches after adding his very successful run in the World Esport Games Season 2. We can also say hello to Moon who was at rank 49 in the previous ranking. After adding the WEG Season 2 matches he flew up in the rankings, to a place where he belongs. Strong performance in the SuperFight against Grubby, and the WarCraft 3 World War match against Zacard serves him a 13th spot. We see the Russian young talented player Happy after his takedown of Lucifer, Susiria and Moon in the recent NGL-ONE match between Mousesports and MeetYourMakers. His mate Titan drops eight notches after lowering the event rate of NGL-ONE, a league Titan has been very successful in. FoV drops down after some bad performances from WEG Season 2 who still haunt him. We also congratulate the Swedish Night Elf player LiiLD.C who enters the ranking after solid play in the ENC Season 3 playoffs for Sweden plus his strong performance so far in Extreme Masters

Estro战队的唯一一个选手, GoStop上升到了第12名,这是因为他在WEG Season 2上的良好表现。我们也看见了 moon,他在之前的排名中排在第49名,加上了WEG Season 2的比赛,他的排名直线飘升,占据了应该属于他的位置,在此之前由于他没有进入到前30名引起了很多人的不满。SuperFight中超强的表现,打败了 Grubby,在WarCraft 3 World War 上击败了 Zacard ,这为他赢得了第13名的位置。我们也看见了俄罗斯年轻的天才选手Happy,在他在最近的NGL-ONE的赛中战胜了 Lucifer、 Susiria和Moon 。由于NGL-ONE的等级被降低,他的队友Titan的排名下降了8名 。 由于 FoV在WEG Season 2的发挥失常,他的排名也下降了。我们庆祝瑞典的暗夜选手LiiLD.C,他在ENC Season 3的决赛和EM上的超强表现,使瑞典人又增加了一个。

由于NGL-ONE 被降低了等级, Satiini 得排名也有所下滑。 ReMinD在他打败WE Europe的队员后,他的排名进入到了前30名,他也从CEG成都赛区上得到了一些分数。此刻,由于ESL Pro Series 没有被计算进去,德国人的排名下降了很多。人族选手Fire排名下降了10名, XlorD也从第27名下降到了28名。在最近的EM的比赛中 Fire_de输给了NightWOlf(进入前30名的新人),他也为此丢掉了33分。我们最喜欢的瑞典选手Mouz.SaSe在EM和ENC Season 3决赛上的良好表现也进入到了前30名。保加利亚暗夜选手DIDI8因为在WEG Season 2的糟糕表现,再加上NGL-ONE的比赛没有像以前那样有价值,他的排名下降了10名。虽然他赢得了ENC比赛的决赛,这给他额外的30分。





Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-1-29 16:46 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2007-1-29 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-30 01:55 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lashlong 于 2007-1-29 16:46 发表
Lz 平时玩什么游戏比较多?

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