原帖由 freeman 于 2005-12-12 22:22 发表
很多学校光vor是不够的. 我刚刚查了一下, 不同学校有不同规定, 有的要求vor + 2 additional semesters, 有的要"Completion of one half of the required Hauptstudium for a Diplom following the Vordiplom, Zwischenprüfung, or other intermediate certificate. If the Diplom will not be completed by your desired date of entry to the university, please include an official statement from your university indicating that half of your required Hauptstudium are complete."
光有Vor很多学校只允许transfer到undergraduate program, 继续读本科.
[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-12-13 02:53 编辑 ] |