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看的过程中,希望能读到第一次(2018年教练学习过程中)了解这位超个体心理学家/后人本主义思想家与实践者的那四个重要词语(Wake up、 Clean up、 Grow up、 Show up) 的原本描述,记得第一次听到的是说在他的《万物简史》中,看完这本书,没有。把他的其他几本著作快速翻了翻,都没看到。
我先问了 DeepSeek,告诉我没有那本书描写过,只是他在不同著作中讲过这个概念,倒是他的一位弟子的作品讲过这个概念,还给出来了书名以及出版社以及年份,结果是在微信读书以及多抓鱼二手书都没看到。
于是再去问 Perplexity,给了我一些,想用深度研究模式让我充值,纠结了下,问 Grok3 DeepSearch,给的挺详细的。
来回问了几次,结合三个 AI-bot,校准了下问题,得到一个不错的回复。
<div class="relative"><div class="prose text-pretty dark:prose-invert inline leading-normal break-words min-w-0 [word-break:break-word]">English Analysis and Reasoning
Ken Wilber's four concepts—Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, and Show Up—are interconnected dimensions of personal and spiritual development. These are not linear stages but interdependent processes that work together to achieve a holistic transformation. Below is an explanation of their relationships and practical applications:
Relationship Between the Four Concepts
Wake Up (Spiritual Awakening): This refers to realizing one's ultimate nature, transcending the illusion of separation, and experiencing unity with the whole. It provides the spiritual insight necessary for deeper growth.
Grow Up (Psychological and Moral Development): This involves progressing through stages of psychological, cognitive, and moral maturity (e.g., from egocentric to worldcentric perspectives). Growth enhances one’s ability to interpret and embody spiritual awakening meaningfully.
Clean Up (Shadow Work): This process addresses unresolved psychological issues and unconscious patterns that hinder personal growth and awakening. It ensures that spiritual insights (Wake Up) are not undermined by unintegrated emotional or psychological baggage.
Show Up (Manifestation in the World): This is about applying one's spiritual realizations and personal development in everyday life to serve others and contribute positively to society.
The relationship is cyclical and iterative:
Awakening (Wake Up) without psychological maturity (Grow Up) can lead to spiritual bypassing.
Growth (Grow Up) without addressing shadows (Clean Up) may result in incomplete development.
Manifestation (Show Up) requires the integration of all three—spiritual insight, psychological maturity, and emotional clarity.
Practical Application for Ordinary People
To apply these concepts in daily life:
Wake Up: Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or contemplative prayer to develop awareness of your deeper self beyond ego.
Grow Up: Reflect on your values, beliefs, and behaviors; seek personal development through education, therapy, or moral reasoning frameworks.
Clean Up: Explore your unconscious patterns through shadow work techniques like journaling, psychotherapy, or group support to address unresolved issues.
Show Up: Actively participate in your community or workplace by embodying your insights and values—practice compassion, service, and authenticity.
By integrating these dimensions, individuals can achieve a balanced approach to personal growth and contribute meaningfully to the world.
肯·威尔伯提出的四个概念——觉醒(Wake Up)、成长(Grow Up)、清理(Clean Up)和展现(Show Up)——是个人与灵性发展的相互关联的维度。这四个过程并非线性阶段,而是相辅相成,共同推动整体转化。以下是它们之间的关系及实践应用:
觉醒(Wake Up,灵性觉悟):指认识到自身的终极本质,超越分离的幻象,体验与整体的统一。这为更深层次的成长提供了灵性洞见。
成长(Grow Up,心理与道德发展):通过心理、认知和道德成熟的阶段性发展(如从以自我为中心到以世界为中心),增强对灵性觉悟的理解和体现能力。
清理(Clean Up,心理阴影整合):处理未解决的心理问题和无意识模式,确保灵性觉悟(Wake Up)不会因情感或心理障碍而受阻。
展现(Show Up,实践于生活):将灵性觉悟和个人发展应用于日常生活,为他人服务并积极贡献社会。
没有心理成熟(Grow Up)的觉醒(Wake Up)可能导致“灵性逃避”。
没有处理阴影(Clean Up)的成长(Grow Up)可能导致发展不完整。
展现(Show Up)的实现需要整合灵性洞见、心理成熟和情感清理。
觉醒(Wake Up):通过冥想或沉思祈祷等正念练习,培养对超越自我的深层意识。
成长(Grow Up):反思自己的价值观、信念和行为,通过教育、心理治疗或道德推理框架实现个人发展。
清理(Clean Up):通过日记书写、心理治疗或团体支持等阴影工作技术,探索并解决无意识模式。
展现(Show Up):在社区或工作场所中积极参与,通过实践同情心、服务他人和真实自我来体现洞见与价值。
通过整合这些维度,个人可以实现平衡的成长,并在世界中做出有意义的贡献。 |