AI giants Baidu, OpenAI offer their chatbots for free in response to DeepSeek’s advance
AI 巨头百度、OpenAI 免费提供聊天机器人以响应 DeepSeek 的进步
Chinese internet search giant Baidu will make its advanced AI chatbot services free, as competition heats up among global developers following the surging popularity of startup DeepSeek’s models.中国互联网搜索巨头百度将免费提供其先进的 AI 聊天机器人服务,因为随着初创公司 DeepSeek 的模型飙升,全球开发者之间的竞争愈演愈烈。
Ernie Bot, the Beijing-based company’s AI chatbot with premium features like AI painting, will be available to both mobile and desktop users at no cost starting from April 1, it posted on WeChat on Thursday.Ernie Bot 周四在微信上发布消息,这家总部位于北京的 AI 聊天机器人具有 AI 绘画等高级功能,将从 4 月 1 日开始免费提供给移动和桌面用户。
Just hours before Baidu’s announcement, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced the roadmap of its newest AI model, GPT-5, on X. He said ChatGPT users will have unlimited access to GPT-5 free of charge, though paid subscribers will be able to access a “higher level of intelligence.”就在百度宣布的几个小时前,OpenAI 首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼 (Sam Altman) 宣布了其最新的 AI 模型 GPT-5 在 X 上的路线图。他说,ChatGPT 用户可以无限制地免费访问 GPT-5,但付费订阅者将能够获得“更高级别的智能”。
On Friday, Baidu said in another post that it plans to launch the next generation of its AI model by the end of June. And for the first time, it would make that edition of the model open source, like all of DeepSeek’s models.周五,百度在另一篇博文中表示,它计划在 6 月底之前推出下一代 AI 模型。它将首次使该版本的模型开源,就像 DeepSeek 的所有模型一样。
It added that Ernie’s Deep Search function, featuring enhanced reasoning capabilities and expert-level responses, will also launch for free in April.它补充说,Ernie 的深度搜索功能也将于 4 月免费推出,该功能具有增强的推理能力和专家级响应。
The successive announcements reflect the squeeze that Baidu and other firms face in the intensifying AI race in China, particularly following DeepSeek’s recent release. The Chinese startup’s latest R1 AI model stunned the world by delivering comparable performance to US-based industry behemoths at significantly lower cost.接连的公告反映了百度和其他公司在中国日益激烈的 AI 竞赛中面临的压力,尤其是在 DeepSeek 最近发布之后。这家中国初创公司最新的 R1 AI 模型以极低的成本提供与美国行业巨头相当的性能,震惊了世界。
Baidu’s Hong Kong-listed stock jumped as much as 12% on Thursday and last traded around 95 Hong Kong dollars ($12.20) per share on Friday. A component of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, it has helped power the index up 20% since January.百度在香港上市的股票周四上涨了 12%,周五的最新交易价格约为每股 95 港元(12.20 美元)。作为恒生中国企业指数的组成部分,自 1 月以来,它帮助该指数上涨了 20%。
ChatGPT’s debut in late 2022 enraptured the globe overnight and sent Chinese tech giants scrambling for a homegrown alternative. Baidu was one of the leading contenders in China’s AI scene, releasing its answer to ChatGPT within four months and was ahead of other established tech heavy weights like Tencent and Alibaba.ChatGPT 于 2022 年底首次亮相,一夜之间轰动全球,并促使中国科技巨头争先恐后地寻找本土替代品。百度是中国人工智能领域的主要竞争者之一,在四个月内发布了对 ChatGPT 的答案,领先于腾讯和阿里巴巴等其他老牌科技巨头。
But Baidu has trailed behind competitors like ByteDance’s Doubao in terms of popularity and the number of active users. Alibaba says Apple had chosen to work with it to roll out its AI functions in China after considering multiple Chinese AI firms, including Baidu.但百度在受欢迎程度和活跃用户数量方面落后于字节跳动的豆包等竞争对手。阿里巴巴表示,在考虑了包括百度在内的多家中国人工智能公司后,苹果选择与它合作在中国推出其人工智能功能。
Lots of contenders 很多竞争者
China’s OG tech giants have lost the AI limelight in recent months to emerging startups like DeepSeek and Beijing-based Moonshot AI, which have released models that punch above their weight.近几个月来,中国的 OG 科技巨头已经失去了 AI 的风头,被 DeepSeek 和总部位于北京的 Moonshot AI 等新兴初创公司所取代,这些公司发布的模型超越了他们的重量。
Moonshot AI first launched its ChatGPT equivalent, Kimi, late last year. It was the third-most visited AI Chatbot in China after DeepSeek and Doubao in January, according to aircpb.com, an AI product tracker.Moonshot AI 于去年年底首次推出了其 ChatGPT 等效产品 Kimi。根据 AI 产品跟踪器 aircpb.com 的数据,它是 1 月份访问量第三大的 AI Chatbot,仅次于 1 月份的 DeepSeek 和豆包。
Other promising Chinese AI companies include Zhipu AI, a startup originating from Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University. Based in the Chinese capital, Zhipu is backed by Tencent and Alibaba and has strong government ties. The US Commerce Department last month added Zhipu to its “Entity List,” accusing the company of supporting the Chinese military, which it has denied.其他有前途的中国人工智能公司包括智谱 AI,这是一家起源于北京著名的清华大学的初创公司。智谱总部位于中国首都,得到了腾讯和阿里巴巴的支持,并与政府有着密切的联系。美国商务部上个月将智普列入其“实体清单”,指责该公司支持中国军队,但美国商务部否认了这一点。
Most major AI large language models — including Ernie Bot, OpenAI’s ChatGPT and American startup Anthropic’s Claude — have offered their basic chatbot services for free.大多数主要的 AI 大型语言模型——包括 Ernie Bot、OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 和美国初创公司 Anthropic 的 Claude——都免费提供了基本的聊天机器人服务。
ChatGPT debuted without charging before it began to offer premium features on subscription.ChatGPT 在开始提供高级订阅功能之前首次亮相时不收费。
In 2023, Baidu launched paid premium functions for its AI service, including its text to image generator, charging users from up to 59.9 yuan ($8.2) a month. Ernie Bot has amassed 430 million users as of November 2024, according to Baidu.2023 年,百度为其 AI 服务推出了付费高级功能,包括文本到图像生成器,用户每月收费高达 59.9 元(8.2 美元)。根据百度的数据,截至 2024 年 11 月,Ernie Bot 已经积累了 4.3 亿用户。
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