中英文成语:反间计(Sow Discord Among the Enemy)
中英文成语:苦肉计(The Ruse of Self-Injury)
中英文成语:连环计(Chain Stratagems)
中英文成语:美人计(Use the Beauty Trap)
中英文成语:空城计(Empty City Stratagem)
中英文成语:走为上计(Retreat is the Best Option)
中英文成语:反间计(Sow Discord Among the Enemy)
中英文成语:假痴不癫(Feign Madness but Keep Your Sanity)
中英文成语:反客为主(Turn from a Guest into a Host)中英文成语:混水摸鱼(Fish in Troubled Waters)
中英文成语:关门捉贼(Catch the Thief by Closing the Door
中英文成语:树上开花(Make a Show of Strength)中英文成语:隔岸观火(Watch the Fires from the Other Side of the River)
(中英文)成语故事:望梅止渴Quenching Thirst by Looking at Plums
(中英文)成语故事:塞翁失马The Old Man at the Frontier Lost His Horse
(中英文)成语故事:东施效颦(Dongshi Imitating Xishi)
(中英文)成语故事:画蛇添足(Adding Feet to a Drawn Snake)
(中英文)成语故事:囫囵吞枣(Swallowing a Date Whole)
(中英文)成语故事:南辕北辙(Going South by Driving the Chariot North)
(中英文)成语故事:画蛇添足(Adding Feet to a Drawn Snake)
(中英文)成语故事:盲人摸象(Blind Men Touching an Elephant)
中英文成语:闻鸡起舞(Rising at Cock's Crow to Practice)
中英文成语:隔岸观火(Watch the Fires from the Other Side of the River)中英文成语:趁火打劫(Take Advantage of Another's Misfortune)
中英文成语:趁火打劫(Take Advantage of Another's Misfortune)
中英文成语:暗度陈仓(Advance Secretly by a Hidden Path)
中英文成语:声东击西(Make a Feint to the East While Attacking in the West
中英文成语:围魏救赵(Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao)
中英文成语:声东击西(Make a Feint to the East While Attacking in the West
中英文成语:笑里藏刀(Hide a Dagger Behind a Smile)
中英文成语:顺手牵羊(Take Something Casually When the Opportunity Arises
中英文成语:打草惊蛇(Beat the Grass and Startle the Snake
中英文成语:借尸还魂(Resurrect by Borrowing a Corpse)
中英文成语:瞒天过海(Crossing the Sea Under Camouflage)
中英文成语:围魏救赵(Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao)
中英文成语:以逸待劳(Wait at One's Ease for the Exhausted Enemy)
中英文成语:借刀杀人(Kill Someone with a Borrowed Knife)
中英文成语:以逸待劳(Wait at One's Ease for the Exhausted Enemy)
(中英文)成语故事:画蛇添足(Adding Feet to a Drawn Snake)
(中英文)成语故事:滥竽充数(Making Up the Number in a Yu Ensemble)
(中英文)成语故事:买椟还珠(Buying the Case but Returning the Pearl)(中英文)成语故事:盲人摸象(Blind Men Touching an Elephant)
(中英文)成语故事:刻舟求剑(Marking the Boat to Find the Sword)
(中英文)成语故事:揠苗助长(Pulling Up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow)
(中英文)成语故事:对牛弹琴(Playing the Lute to a Cow)
成语故事:自相矛盾(The Man with the Spear and the Shield)
(中英文)成语故事: 东施效颦(Dong Shi Imitating Xi Shi's Frown)
(中英文)成语故事:盲人摸象(The Blind Men and the Elephant)
(中英文)成语故事:守株待兔(Waiting for a Hare by the Tree Stump)
(中英文)成语故事:郑人买履(A Man from Zheng Buying Shoes)
(中英文)成语故事:郑人买履(A Man from Zheng Buying Shoes)
(中英文)成语故事:掩耳盗铃(Covering One's Ears While Stealing a Bell)
(中英文)成语故事:买椟还珠(Buying the Case and Returning the Pearl)
(中英文)成语故事:按图索骥Searching for a Steed with the Aid of Its Picture
(中英文)成语故事:邯郸学步(Imitating Another's Walk in Handan)
(中英文)成语故事:守株待兔(Waiting for a Hare by the Tree Stump)
中英文成语:反间计(Sow Discord Among the Enemy)
中英文成语:苦肉计(The Ruse of Self-Injury)
中英文成语:连环计(Chain Stratagems)
中英文成语:美人计(Use the Beauty Trap)
中英文成语:空城计(Empty City Stratagem)
中英文成语:走为上计(Retreat is the Best Option)
中英文成语:反间计(Sow Discord Among the Enemy)
中英文成语:假痴不癫(Feign Madness but Keep Your Sanity)
中英文成语:反客为主(Turn from a Guest into a Host)中英文成语:混水摸鱼(Fish in Troubled Waters)
中英文成语:关门捉贼(Catch the Thief by Closing the Door
中英文成语:树上开花(Make a Show of Strength)