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[手机] 苹果计划推出更薄、可折叠的 iPhone

发表于 2024-12-24 07:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Apple Plans Thinner, Foldable iPhones To Revive Growth
Apple is preparing a series of major design and format changes to its lineup (阵容; 阵列) of iPhones and potentially other products, in a bid to revive growth after years of largely incremental (增加的,递增的;逐渐的,逐步的) upgrades, The Wall Street Journal reported.据《华尔街日报》报道称,苹果公司(Apple)正准备对iPhone产品线以及其他产品进行重大设计和样式的调整,以期在多年的渐进式升级之后重振增长。
Starting next year, Apple plans to introduce an iPhone that will be thinner than the approximately 8-millimeter profile (外形;轮廓) of current models, said people familiar with the company’s plans. The model is intended to be cheaper than other Pro models, with a simplified camera system to reduce costs.据知情人士透露,苹果公司计划从明年开始,推出一款比当前机型约 8 毫米厚度更薄的 iPhone。这款机型的定价将低于Pro 机型,并采用简化的摄像头模组来降低成本。
The company is also planning two foldable (可折叠的;可合拢的) devices, the people said.  A larger device, intended to serve as a laptop, would have a screen that unfolds (展开;打开) to be nearly as large as some desktop monitors (显示屏;监视器;监视;检查;监听), at about 19 inches. A smaller model would unfold to a display size that would be larger than an iPhone 16 Pro Max, intended to serves as a foldable iPhone, the people said.知情人士还说,苹果公司还计划推出两款可折叠设备。其中一款尺寸较大的设备有可能用作笔记本电脑,其屏幕展开后几乎与某些台式机显示器大小相当,约为 19 英寸(约48.26 cm)。知情人士说,一款较小的型号展开后的显示屏尺寸将大于 iPhone 16 Pro Max,旨在用作可折叠 iPhone。
Both foldable designed have been in development for years, but some key parts weren’t ready. Major challenges included improving the hinge (铰链;合叶), a mechanism that allows the device to fold and unfold, and the display cover, a flexible material (柔性材料) protecting the foldable screen.这两种可折叠设计都已经开发多年,但一些关键部件尚未准备就绪。主要挑战包括改进铰链(一种允许设备折叠和展开的部件)和显示屏盖板(一种保护可折叠屏幕的柔性材料)。
Engadget reported: The Magic Mouse has gone a long time without any major changes to its design beyond things like dropping the AA batteries and gaining a USB-C port, but Apple is now reportedly planning an overhaul (全面改造;全面改革;彻底检修).Engadget 报道称:除了取消 AA 电池(5号电池)和增加 USB-C 端口等之外,苹果的妙控鼠标(Magic Mouse) 很长时间以来都没有在设计上做出任何重大改变,但据报道苹果公司现在正计划对其进行彻底更新。
In the Power On newsletter, Mark Gurman reports that Apple has started working on prototypes (原型,雏形;典型,范例;蓝本) for a more modern version of the Magic Mouse, which was first released way back in 2009.Power On 新闻通讯稿指出,知名苹果产品爆料者马克·古尔曼 (Mark Gurman) 称,苹果已经开始研发妙控鼠标的更具现代化版本的原型,妙控鼠标于2009 年就首次发布。
While some users have loved the Magic Mouse for its gesture controls, other aspects like its nonergonomic (非人体工程学) design and its underside (下侧;底面;底部) charging port have been the subject of complaints for years. We don’t know exactly what the redesign will bring, but it’d be great to see those things finally addressed.虽然一些用户喜欢妙控鼠标的手势控制功能,但其他方面,如不符合人体工程学的设计和底部充电端口多年来一直饱受诟病。我们不知道重新设计会带来什么,但如果这些问题最终得到解决,那就太好了。
According to Gurman, “Apple is looking to create something that’s more relevant (有价值的;有意义的), while also fixing longstanding (长期存在的;长时间的) complaints — yes, including the charging port issue.” It could still be a while before we see the new Magic Mouse, though. Gruman notes that it could take another year to 18 months to get it ready for market.古尔曼表示:“苹果希望打造一款更贴合实际的产品,同时解决长期存在的投诉问题,包括充电端口问题。”不过,我们可能还需要一段时间才能看到新款的妙控鼠标。古尔曼指出,这款产品可能还需要一年到一年半的时间才能上市。
TechCrunch reported: The next big upgrade to Apple’s mobile devices could be foldability, according to multiple reports published Sunday.TechCrunch 报道:根据周日发布的多份报告显示,苹果公司的下一个重大升级也许是可折叠移动设备。
According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple is aiming to launch two foldable devices in the next few years. There’s a larger model with a 19-inch screen that could compete with desktop monitors, as well as a smaller model that would serve as a foldable iPhone, with a larger screen than the iPhone 16 Pro Max.据《华尔街日报》报道,苹果公司计划在未来几年推出两款可折叠设备。其中一款是屏幕尺寸较大的 19 英寸机型,可与台式机显示器相媲美;另一款是屏幕尺寸较小的机型,可用作可折叠 iPhone,屏幕比 iPhone 16 Pro Max 更大。
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