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[其它] 德国的房租支出超过了收入的四分之一

发表于 2023-3-31 14:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

根据联邦统计局的报告,德国有近2000万家庭靠租房生活。他们将近28% 的收入都花在了房租上。


联邦统计局宣布,德国租房者平均房租负担超过收入的四分之一。  德国2022年约1990万主要租房家庭平均将收入的 27.8% 用于房租。
  • 2019年或之后租房的约660万户家庭的房租负担特别高,达到了29.5%。
  • 1999 年之前签订合同的大约270万户家庭平均支付了26.8% 的收入在房租上。

宏观经济和商业周期研究所 (IMK) 的科学主任Sebastian Dullien评论说:“租金负担,特别是对于低收入家庭和大城市的家庭来说,是巨大的。这是一个警告信号,表明近年来必须用于住房成本的收入比例持续上升。”


据统计,尤其是大城市的单身人士在房租上花的钱特别多。单身家庭的平均租金成本的占收入比例高达32.7%,接近其收入的三分之一。 两人家庭用于支付房租的费用不到收入的四分之一,平均为22.8%。

在人口超过10万人的大城市,房租平均花费占收入的28.9%,而在人口最多2万人的小城,租金占收入的比例为25.9%。 2万至10万人口的中等城市的家庭租金平均占收入的27.6% 。


低收入家庭尤其受到租金上涨和通货膨胀的影响。 对他们来说,平均租金负担超过40%。 德国有超过300万户家庭属于这一范畴,约占所有租户的16%。

IMK 研究员 Dullien 警告:“未来几年住房短缺的问题可能会恶化。” “由于建筑价格上涨和欧洲央行提高利率,住宅建设目前处于自由落体状态。”由于俄罗斯对乌克兰发动的侵略战争,对住房的需求正在增加。Dullien说,德国的住房在新冠之前就很稀缺,2023年在德国生活的人数比新冠病毒爆发前的预期多了近100万。这加剧了住房短缺。

注意: 以上数据是统计部门基于2022年住房状况追加微观普查的初步结果的评估。租金泛指净冷租金和与使用无关的运营成本。 租金负担比率是指总冷租金占家庭净收入的份额。

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发表于 2023-3-31 14:34 | 显示全部楼层

Germany\'s housing expenses exceed a quarter of their income

According to the Federal Statistical Office, nearly 20 million households in Germany rely on renting. They spend nearly 28% of their income on rent.

The Federal Statistical Office announced that the average rent burden on German renters exceeds a quarter of their income. German households renting primarily will spend an average of 27.8% of their income on rent in 2022.

For the roughly 6.6 million households renting in 2019 or later, the rent burden is particularly high, at 29.5%.
The approximately 2.7 million households that signed leases before 1999 paid an average of 26.8% of their income in rent.

Sebastian Dullien, scientific director of the Macroeconomic and Business Cycle Research Institute (IMK), commented: \"Rental burdens, especially for low-income families and families in big cities, are enormous. This is a warning signal that the share of income that has had to be used for housing costs has continued to rise in recent years.\"

Housing costs are higher in big cities

Statistics show that singles in big cities spend a lot of money on rent. The average rental cost for single households accounts for 32.7% of their income, close to one-third of their income. Two-person households spend less than a quarter of their income on rent, averaging 22.8%.

In cities with populations over 100,000 people, the average rental cost as a percentage of income is 28.9%, while in small cities with populations of up to 20,000, the proportion of rental costs to income is 25.9%. In medium-sized cities with populations of 20,000 to 100,000, the average rent burden is 27.6%.

Rent is a heavy burden for low-income earners

Low-income families are particularly affected by rising rents and inflation. For them, the average rent burden exceeds 40%. Germany has over three million households in this category, accounting for 16% of all renters.

IMK researcher Dullien warns: \"The housing shortage problem in the coming years may worsen.\" \"As a result of rising construction prices and the European Central Bank raising interest rates, residential construction is currently in free fall.\" He says that the demand for housing is increasing due to Russia\'s aggression against Ukraine. Housing shortages are being exacerbated by an increase in the number of people living in Germany in 2023, nearly one million more than before the outbreak of COVID-19.

Note: The above data is based on the preliminary results of the micro-census conducted by the statistical agency in addition to the 2022 housing conditions. Rent refers to net cold rent and operating costs unrelated to use. The rent burden ratio refers to the proportion of total cold rent to net household income.

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发表于 2023-4-1 19:45 | 显示全部楼层
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