
楼主 |
发表于 2005-9-6 16:29
原帖由 zat 于 2005-9-6 04:24 发表
SMF是10新出的服务管理方式,不知道SMF(Service Management Facility)的官方的翻译是什么?我把它翻译成"服务管理设施",不知道是不是准确,或者翻译成"服务管理工具"更恰当一点?总不能翻译成"服务管理服务"吧?汗。。。
我对SMF了解不多,不过我的理解是,它并没有取代inetd,而是说inetd成了SMF的一部分吧?当然从另一个角度来说,也可以讲取代了它的位置。inetd的使用方法改变了。我去man了一下inetd, 下面是它的man page的开头部分:
inetd is the delegated restarter for internet services for
the Service Management Facility (SMF). Its basic responsi-
bilities are to manage service states in response to admin-
istrative requests, system failures, and service failures;
and, when appropriate, to listen for network requests for
Services are no longer managed by editing the inetd confi-
guration file, inetd.conf(4). Instead, you use inetconv(1M)
to convert the configuration file content into SMF format
services, then manage these services using inetadm(1M) and
svcadm(1M). Once a service has been converted by inetconv,
any changes to the legacy data in the inetd config file will
not become effective. However, inetd does alert the adminis-
trator when it notices change in the configuration file. See
the start description under the "inetd Methods" section for
further information.
Also note that the current inetd cannot be run from outside
the SMF. This means it cannot be run from the command line,
as was supported by the previous inetd. If you attempt to do
this, a message is sent to stderr displaying mappings
between the options supported by the previous inetd to the
SMF version of inetd.
大概的意思是说,现在inetd成了SMF的一部分,它不再能够脱离SMF独自运行。各种服务不再用编辑inetd.conf文件的方式来管理,而是用inetconv把配置文件的内容转换成SMF格式的服务,然后由inetadm和svcadm来管理他们。 |