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Here is a list of advice. The links are given in
A collection of advice about how to do research and how to communicate effectively (primarily for computer scientists).
Writing and Publishing
* How to Organize your Thesis, by John W. Chinneck.
* Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts, by William Pugh.
* Hints on good mathematical writing, by David Goss
* A primer on mathematical writing, by Steven L. Kleiman
* How To Have Your Abstract Rejected, by van Leunen and Lipton.
* An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions, or, How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper by Roy Levin and David D. Redell
* How to Get a Paper Accepted at OOPSLA, by Alan Snyder.
o Includes comments from an OOPSLA program committee.
* Advice for 1996 POPL submissions
Research Skills
* Graduate Study in the Computer and Mathematical Sciences: A Survival Manual, by Dianne O'Leary
* How to be a Good Graduate Student/Advisor, by Marie desJardins
* A Letter to Research Students, by Duane A. Bailey
* How to do Research in the MIT AI Lab, ed. David Chapman
* The IUCS Graduate Student Survival Guide.
o Includes Survival Skills for Graduate Women
o and The Assistant Professor's Guide to the Galaxy.
* How to Give a Good Research Talk, by Simon Peyton Jones et al.
* How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science, by Ian Parberry.
Career Development
* Networking on the Network by Phil Agre
* Computer Science Faculty and Research Positions
* The Young Scientists' Network
* CRA Committee on the Status of Women in Research
o Includes a Graduate School Information Kit for Women in Computer Science and Engineering
o and the Distributed Mentor Project for female undergraduates.
* ACM SIGMOD academic careers information
o Includes transcripts from the Workshop on Academic Careers for Women.
Related Topics and Resources
* Information resources for graduate students by Jennifer Myers.
* A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science, by Ian Parberry.
* On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research, from the National Academy of Sciences
* Papers on women in computer science.
o Includes Why Are There So Few Female Computer Scientists?, by Ellen Spertus.
* Study, Research, and Writing Skills web page from the American Communication Association.
* Information for current and prospective graduate students by Timothy Finin.
* A Guide for Applying to Graduate Schools by Piroz Mohseni.
* Ivan Sutherland, "Technology and Courage," in CMU Computer Science: A 25th Anniversary Commemorative, ed. Richard F. Rashid. ACM Press, 1991.
* Alan Jay Smith, "The task of the referee," IEEE Computer, April 1990, pp. 65-71.
Dissertation Advice
* Dissertation News, published by The Association for Support of Graduate Students.
* Resources for dissertation research (gopher)
* How to cope with "burnout", by Andreas Gehmeyr.
* How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation, by David Sternberg. St. Martin's Press, New York. ISBN 0-312-39606-6
* How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, by Alan Lakein. Signet Books. ISBN 0-451-16772-4
* Procrastination: Why you do it, what to do about it, by Jane Burka and Lenora Yuen. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-55089-X
* How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia by David Patterson
* Burnout Prevention and Recovery at MIT
* A Dictionary of Useful Research Phrases |