Thanks for your interest. The apartment is still available. I recently moved my work in England, but the rent is high here, I decided to offer for rent the apartment that i have in Germany.I can rent the apartment minimum 2 months and maximum 10 years .This is not a problem because we can make the agreement .First of all if you want to rent the apartment you need to pay 1 month of rent + 2 months of warranty (300Euro+600Euro-900Euro and includes all your utilities (water, Internet, cable). ) ! ( but that month of warranty you will receive back after you finish the contract !
The price is cheap because i want to find a good person who take care of my apartment !
If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact AirBNB and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away.The keys and rental contract will be delivered at your address in no more than 3 working days. You will be given a ten days inspection period from the day you receive the keys and contract at home. If you decide to hold the apartment, then you will have to authorize Airbnb to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the apartment, you will be able to send the keys and contract back through the same service and ask Airbnb to return the funds to you.
I hope to find a compromise. If you're interested, write me back .
Thank you
1. 都是immobilescote24的注册用户,为什么不直接用nachricht一定要用邮件?
2. 我给他Nachricht是德文写的,他回复邮箱地址也是德文,但是这个邮件回复是英文。难道因为他要去英国留学?还是因为我是中国人的缘故?
3. 难道Airbnb也有淘宝类似的担保付款功能吗?请问有没有人知道呢?
4. 他在广告里写看房时间是“ab 17Uhr abends”,但是看这个回复变成了先试住10天?
5. 最后一个细节,是他租房广告里写押金是300欧,但是这个邮件里面又写600欧,觉得有点奇怪。