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发表于 2016-3-28 01:17
单亲妈妈通过约会赚钱 入行18个月收入超1000万[转帖]
送交者: xanfan[♂首辅宰相★★★★★♂] 于 2016-03-23 10:22 已读 1464 次 大字阅读 扫描果酱二维码
Additional income: The 32-year-old mom from Los Angeles, California, had bad credit and was struggling to provide a better life for her eight-year-old son Lorenzo (pictured) when joined the website in 2014
来自洛杉矶的单亲妈妈Samantha DeFazio今年32岁,和8岁的儿子一起生活。作为单亲妈妈,Samantha带孩子非常辛苦。在2014年11月,为了给儿子提供更好的生活,她决定在交友网站Whatsyourprice.com上谋生,在网站上注册的魅力女性可以向提出约会请求的男人收取费用。
Money maker: Samantha DeFazio had a man invest $2 million in her new app less than a year after joining the controversial dating website WhatsYourPrice.com, which allows men to bid on dates with attractive women
Pay day: In less than two years, Samantha has made more than $5,000 from members of the site Pay day: In less than two years, Samantha has made more than $5,000 from members of the site
Seizing the moment: During her dates, Samantha would pitch her suitors her new app Joiride, a luxury taxi service driven by attractive women, and get their professional advice Seizing the moment: During her dates, Samantha would pitch her suitors her new app Joiride, a luxury taxi service driven by attractive women, and get their professional advice
Big money: Last month, her suitor-turned-business partner gave her a check for $2 million to invest in her app
Rational thinking: Samantha said she believes it makes sense for her to get paid to go on dates because she is a single mom and has to pay for a babysitter, parking, and gas when she meets potential suitors
Loving mom: 'I don't view myself as an escort. I view myself as a single mother,' she said. Samantha can be seen reading her son a book in his bed
Modern dating: Although she has found an investor for her app, Samantha is still using the website because she said it is a 'great way to meet people' Modern dating: Although she has found an investor for her app, Samantha is still using the website because she said it is a 'great way to meet people'
Looking for love: Samantha said she has been on 20 dates through the site, but not one of them has turned into a romance
Test driving: Samantha recently splurged on a new Fiat car, and her son can be seen sitting in the driver's seat in one of the cars at the dealership
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