
楼主 |
发表于 2015-11-4 18:51
re: 【經濟】世界經濟未來走向
Thank you for the enjoyable read of your fine writing. I have a few questions here...1. Do you believe American's QE to be the real major if not the only reason for its economic recovery? 2. you wrote about GDP is no more the best indicative about many countries' economic development /well beings...why used it to judge and compare this time? I fear GDP numbers still hugely mislead many most countries re setting their economic policies, esp when people /planet are under climage change pressure if not crisis. 3.There are so many different countries/races/cultures within EU, some are very well off while some others are much worse off economically, Do you see Euro the single currenty to be more of a problem than cure to some countries? 4. About Japan, I feel many of their officials as well the public still see Chinese as a less fine race than Japanese, this attitude influences many of their policy making, which often they didn't choose the direction which would benefit Japan most...(???)
Good to hear from you again. How is the demonstration against TPP going?
Regarding your questions:
1. Without the QE, the US economy would have dived to great depth. Even if it eventually recovers, the GDP level will still be much lower than pre-2007.
2. GDP is not perfect, but it is convenient, so I use it for the sake of economy (pun intended).
3. Euro has been great for Germany and other export countries, not so good for the PIGS. Overall, though, Europe is better off with it than without.
4. Yes, tribal bias ends up hurting oneself. Kind of a poetic justice.
# re: 【經濟】世界經濟未來走向
thank you for answers and your asking...activism is a hard road to travel..not understood by many...I am not radical at all but seen by most locals /Asian immigrants as "mad"...somtimes i got abused by those my cause tried to help most...many asked why do i still throw my lfie away (none was paid work) when in reality we hardly changed the result in parliament (Nat party got one vote majority)...I replied 1. I have to do something for the future of my own children and others' children hopefully 2. Imagine if we don't make any noise to protest against govt's bad policies which screw almost all kiwis and the NZ environment, this corrupt govt will believe they can get away with murder and do much worse 3. yes sometimes i feel we activists are like dogs barking loudly chasing the runaway train driven by this mad driver (J Key the PM) rushing to the eco/env destruction, we tried to get passengers on board to get off the train but the train moving so fast and the engine so loud therefore hardly no one can hear us...but being a dog, I can't help it, i still must bark...
Lastly about TPP, we had good crowds in most cities (over 10k in AKL, 4k in Christchurch), etc. But honestly i know if tpp goes ahead or not mostly depends on what's heppening in US (& JPN), we an only do so much (or so little when we have no funds available to promote general awareness, after i spent 4 years fighting this, still many people on the streets asked me what TPP stands for , a few weeks ago - while this rotten govt spends neatly 30 millions on two referredum for flag change which only pushed by PM only... a few years ago J Key accused us of wanting to waste 3 millions for a referrendum (against state owned Ent. sales-privatization)...it took thousands of volunteers on the streets for a year to collect more than 100,000 signatures to just make the referrendom happen, the result was over 65% were against it, but they govt still went ahead claimming it's the ref. result wasn't binding... a govt like this, what can you say?
sorry for being super lengthy here..feel free to erase it
You know that NZ is one of the "resource exporting countries" I talked about, right? The economy is going to get tough really quickly, and I think big businesses are going to mobilize the media to blame it on activists. Good luck on fighting for a good cause.
# re: 【經濟】世界經濟未來走向
btw, this incompetent and irresponsbile Nat govt kept tell Kiwis we are better off then Greece while continued to bring us down, and most Asian immigrants (huge numbers )arriving in Nats govt's terms (cuttently the third term) believed so, too. Chinese and Indian/Philippine immigrants believe all govts are corrupt, and NZ is not so bad companred to their home countries -without knowing how much "cleaner" NZ govt used to be...sorry i must stop talking too much
International capital has achieved total victory in the US and is now fanning out over the globe to invade other governments. It is sad to see no safe haven is left.
# re: 【經濟】世界經濟未來走向
美国之音是美国政府抹黑中国媒体之一. 六四事件之前, 大陆的收音机还能接收到它的信号以及BBC等国外媒体, 当时, 美国之音每天用中文向大陆学生宣传民主, 自由与爱. 六四事件大爆发, 这些国外媒体功不可没. 六四事件之后, 中共就学乖了. 全部屏蔽这些国外宣
传媒体包括它后来发布的网站. 这也可以解释大陆政府为何在互联网上部署防火长城.
如果我不是读到台湾同胞像YST,陈真医生和王先生的文章, 我还真相信美国是出于普世价值而帮助穷苦多灾多难的大陆和他国的百姓.
信息可以造成全民恐慌, 这比打仗简单多了, 投资小收益高, 我相信老美爱用这招多过打仗. 所以, 百姓明智未开的情况下, 政府不审查媒体, 是非常不负责的行为.
当然, 到底是政府审查好或坏, 有个现成案例就是越南. 同为社会主义, 共产党执政, 文化和经济起步也接近, 最重要一点是同样跟美国打过仗. 1955年-1975年越南战争, 北越共产党和老美支持的南越打了整整20年, 到尼克松执政老美才撤出越南, 然后北越打败南越
攻占了全越南. 1975年的越南无论是共产党或普通百姓, 他们是非常傲娇的, 因为他们认为他们打败了全球最强的美国. 甚至在1975年越南共产党萌发出想取代中国成为亚洲的领袖. 可是不到4年, 1979年中越战争, 就被邓小平刺破了这个可爱幼稚的幻想泡沫. 1986年,
越南共产党低头了, 学中国搞了一个革新开放, 加入了老美主导的世界经济体系.
越南是缩小版的中国. 让我们看看欧美大佬和越南共产党做了什么:
1. 1990年, 越南共产党逮捕越南异议人士在河内举行集会,呼吁人民以非暴力行为反对专制统治.
2. 从1994年开始, 老美把每年的5月11日定为“越南人权日”. 美国国会自该年起,每年的5月都会因此举行特别的仪式.
3. 在2004年的人权报告中,美国国务院称越南的人权状况“堪忧”, 并进一步称越南人权被“严重侵犯”
4. 2009年欧洲议会同时还呼吁越南政府解除对人民的言论自由、信仰自由、集会自由的限制,并释放政治犯.
5. 2011年,越南曾经试图加入联合国人权理事会,但最后却以失败告终。
6. 2013年11月12日,越南以高票成功进入联合国人权理事会。
7. 2014年,美国外交部称,越南政府仍然在限制国民的参政权,打压人民的自由。
从以上的历史回顾不难发现, 欧美大佬对越南的攻击和对中国的攻击差别不大. 不同的是, 中国反击, 越南接受.
比如, 美国每年发布人权报告批评中国, 而中国也每年发布美国的人权报告来回击美国. 前几年美国和欧盟一直用反倾销法制裁中国, 今年中国发改委向高通开9.75亿美元罚单, 去年发改委警告美国的克莱斯勒、德国的奥迪存在垄断行为. 中国这么做也仅仅是保护自己的无奈手段.
越南不敢这样做因为它是小国, 所以只能默默接受或者迁就. 比如2013越南成功进入联合国人权理事会, 可是2014美国又说你做得不好. 没法讲道理啊.
越南饱受美国的宣传攻击, 他的政府不敢反击. 而他的人民, 特别是他们的海外留学精英也认为美国是世界的救世主, 民主和自由是普世价值. 还有个更明显如此认为的亚洲国家是缅甸.
只有中国和俄罗斯敢说NO, 导致成为世界公敌. 中国和缩小版的中国越南未来几十年的发展, 真是一场世界大戏.