when i see this , i feel 很不爽 too.
do you come here ask for help, or showing you self. or both?
以下三所学校同意录取, good ,if it is ture, congradulations.
but so far as i know, usually the universtiy just say " you can apply by email".
if they would like to say " dear Mr, we want you" they will give you a former mail(with signture), which you can represent it when you takeing APS exams. and if everything in order, you with get APS and visa together.
but situation perhaps change now. check it youself.
in my memory , the only exception is universtiy of goettigen. maybe i just know less.
all of these three are good university. 第三所do 在东德 , it is near dresden and leipzig, good at mathematics and informatics.
not that easy. you should prove you can make some benifts for the boss.
Gpa up 1.5 is just one fator.
and hope you can study harder, gpa up 1.7 really need hard working to achieve.
for APS, if you want come, get it ASAP.
anyway , good luck. |