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SCJD passed with 149/155
stewchicken 08-10-2001 14:53:33 Readed 1320 time(s) [Previous] [Next]
Thx for everyone's help..
here is my scjd result
Test: Sun Certified Developer for the Java 2 Platform (310-027)
Registration Number: g31dus0049
Site: gr1f
Grade: P
Score: 149
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible # of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. General Considerations(maximum = 58): 58 Documentation(maximum = 20): 20 GUI(maximum = 24): 19 Server(maximum = 53): 52
some my comments for scjd project(fly by night)
First sorry for slow responese, cos of I am in final exam week.(reply on July 26)
1) SCJD is not difficult but just little time consuming.
2) I dont have special books for SCJD exam.I dont think it is very
necessary to buy books for that.
3) But I do suggest two sites for SCJDs, It's FAQ covers gerneral
question and coding details.
a) http://members.spree.com/education/developergrp/
b) http://www.javaranch.com/index.jsp
4) In My implementation, Difficulties of this project are belowings
a) Update JTable to show each query's result
b) how to use synchronize for write lock on database.
c) deploy RMI related class.
5) My choice
a) extends AbstractTableModel
b) use cascade exception handling(throw up all exceptions
to top to handle instead of handling in potential occur
-ing places)
c) use RMI for network connection instead of socket
d) extends Data instead of modifying data
e) didn't change signature of lock() and
unlock() in Data class
6) A small tip on writen exam
I brought a English dictionary with me.
7) Good luck for all aspiring SCJD participants |