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来源What makes us attractive — or not?, t- z9 q1 G4 d4 T
译者goyyue* |& u# ]0 D2 p
6 m* v& K; J0 R2 \ What makes us attractive — or not?! K* R+ d/ a, g5 y3 U8 [4 q% X
8 }% v- r: r; O9 Y$ E怎样的相貌更有吸引力?
1 b% x2 K! U) B9 |8 _9 b, ?+ m0 B" H& F# M" J" a
Psychologist David Perrett, author of 'In Your Face: The New Science of Human Attraction,' discusses his research.8 q) I; J/ @) w3 a: Q# ^* x
, t1 Q0 t" S9 i; v
《在脸上:人类吸引力的新科学》一书的作者,心理学家David Perrett介绍他的研究. x* o9 v3 A: @2 Q
3 K& h, o: g9 \& I7 G& E December 10, 2010|By Lori Kozlowski, Los Angeles Times" E. u- p" [- C; F* p# K8 G
2 v+ [. b- x# C" w1 e3 u) S$ t6 W! M
What's in a face? David Perrett has spent his career trying to find out.& Q! `' k+ l1 n+ D* A
8 Y: O( H/ _! {2010年12月10日,Lori Kozlowski,洛杉矶时报
# R1 c7 d- z7 M3 N& ]/ x! S3 q! M3 F2 a
相貌说明什么?David Perrett在他的职业生涯中一直致力于这方面的研究。
, l# q# P e7 ^: [" ~/ E4 R ~2 q+ k4 f J! e
The author of "In Your Face: The New Science of Human Attraction" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), Perrett is an experimental psychologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and head of its Perception Lab. Using computer graphics, Perrett's team tweaks faces on-screen to explore how they help us choose the best mates, whether you can trust a face, the cuteness factor in babies and what faces reveal about overall human health.
" B' q! U1 j- W+ Q; G& k. @
- f( Q& [! h* `! s《在脸上:人类吸引力的新科学》一书(Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) 的作者David Perrett是苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的一名实验心理学家,也是该校感知实验室的带头人。Perrett领导的小组使用计算机图形学的方法,在电脑显示屏上调整人类的面部,研究如何帮助人们选择最合适的伴侣,研究怎样的面相可以使人信任,婴儿看上去可爱的原因,以及人们的面相传达着哪些关于健康状况的信息。. [0 K! [" d) j2 A
& |9 ?9 {4 `9 V* K$ k' [' g7 w" W We tend to be egotistical creatures, he says; when people smile, we tend to think they are smiling at us, but when they look angry, we think they are mad at someone else. We like attractive faces turned toward us, and less attractive faces turned away from us. But then, he notes, our brain chemistry can break all the rules and make us drawn to one person, even if that person's visage is not perfect.
( N. e- y9 a H l3 f2 O( x5 d, M* p% l8 b' d1 K
他说,我们人类是自我的生物;当别人微笑时,我们愿意认为他们是对我们微笑,而当别人生气时,我们就愿意认为他们在对其他人生气。我们愿意看到招人喜欢的脸转向我们自己,而不招人喜欢的脸转向别处。但是随后,他注意到,我们脑部的化学反应能打破所有的定律而使我们受到特定某人的吸引,即使那个人看上去并不完美。& j+ ?8 _- p, S9 k
9 i0 U8 {" v2 X! |& d8 R
Perrett spoke with The Times about his work.
: m! s5 C/ k+ |! a" I% b8 R" u- s1 I$ W& |( Q. u
Perrett对洛杉矶时报记者谈到他的研究工作。+ N1 I0 E) X. c4 S& I
0 M8 o" z* B; |- R The work in your lab has produced some general rules of attractive faces. What are they?6 M+ ?" M, v8 `
* M9 e9 n- J; ~8 K0 Z
! F+ V/ A. l: W; Z4 R5 j$ U _/ ?! t1 l! m
One rule is symmetry — it does make faces more attractive. But it's a small factor. Another rule is averageness. That may seem contradictory, but we like to choose things that are familiar to us.
3 S3 b$ \/ N9 s0 z" q, H+ U7 I: i) D: J5 B
规律之一是对称 - 对称的确是相貌更具吸引力。但这不是一个主要因素。另一个规律是寻常。这一点看上去不合理,但是人们喜欢选择自己熟悉的事物。
& U) ^# U3 H; s, i3 Y
/ r3 N- w( h0 k1 g# S Another rule applies to female faces: You can make them more attractive [in computer models] by making them more feminine. For instance, you can make lots of structural changes — taking a broader chin and more prominent eyebrow bones and changing them to a smaller chin and a less prominent eyebrow bones. You can also create a smaller nose and larger eyes. In male faces, you can make them more rugged or masculine, but not all women will agree that the increased masculinity is more attractive.
0 u! J. y+ u9 |( t% _8 D# A q0 t. p) e% e" M3 J+ r) s
还有一个规律适用于女性的面貌:将女性面貌修改得更女性化(在计算机模型上)可以增强其吸引力。比如,你可以做很多结构上的变动 - 把方下巴变窄,把突出的眉骨改成不那么突出。你还可以造出小些的鼻子和大些的眼睛。而对于男性的面貌,你可以使他们更粗犷更男性化,但不是所有女性都认为男性化代表更强的吸引力。
* \+ u+ n! p. q# r9 F9 s. H6 Q& D; W/ K' R# c+ i
There are also clues to health in the face. For instance, skin color — this is not about dark skin or light skin, but rather about redness and yellowness. Ruddiness can tell you about the blood circulation, whether it's poor or good. Yellowness in the skin reveals a plant-based diet.9 i! d: c! a5 h4 {* P; w
9 ?7 z* |/ b( k+ e
面部也透露关于健康的信息。例如,肤色 - 不是指皮肤颜色的深浅,而是指红润程度和黄的程度。红润的程度说明血液循环情况的好坏。肤色偏后则说明较多纳入偏于植物性食物。
. e8 @- l, |7 A) N# A
" @8 `: i$ A1 _! I Do people seek symmetrical partners?0 K" H9 \4 q+ r$ L9 A
0 s# j2 c' V" m- d: K$ `
人们是否寻觅面部对称的伴侣?+ n3 x6 K9 ?1 p; D1 q3 e' w: A
% ^8 a* c/ |& x" O5 O7 k4 a Everyone seems to like symmetry, but not everyone likes it as much. For instance, women who find themselves attractive seek more symmetrical men. So the degree to which symmetry matters to someone depends on what they think of themselves.
: @1 x" ~- E- F
R! x$ w. m! p' v7 ?$ B似乎每个人都喜欢对称,但喜欢的程度不一样。例如,认为自己有吸引力的女性更倾向于寻找长得对称的男性。所以,对于对称性的关注程度受她们对自己的看法的影响。
1 y/ R' M: R6 k& D3 B2 A
1 J5 |8 n6 M; S9 y r Symmetry is less important to some people; it actually explains very little about the range of attractiveness in people.
5 y v7 y# x2 r g
4 ~! n) p: m! F6 P; d. M2 V对有些人来说,对称性就不那么重要;事实上,对于理解人们的吸引力,对称性的作用微乎其微。# Y0 ~3 ~& W& k
; q9 h/ A% \8 r; ]$ q }
Your research also reveals that not everyone plays by the same rules or focuses on the same things. Can you talk about that?
4 Z* B. I4 o, b2 m7 d( d/ M
5 {/ A) l5 \* z- s你的研究也显示,不是每个人都服从同一规律或者关注于同一点。能谈谈这个方面吗?
; o( J6 k& J# h" I
& I3 e3 J9 |1 a. l Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are so many reasons why we're attracted to one face versus another. The family — particularly parents — affects us. Especially if we get along with our parents, we tend to (but don't always) choose partners that resemble the opposite-sex parent.
! s# C9 ?, h2 t* F8 I
& E5 c; q" R7 m1 x美丽是别人的看法。我们之所以受一张脸的吸引而不是另一张,其原因有许多。家人 - 尤其是父母 - 会对我们产生影响。特别是如果与父母的关系好,那么我们会倾向于(并不总是)选择比较相似于自己的异性亲长的伴侣。 }' c) p7 @ S4 H% z, k) o
/ h6 m# G! Z! y+ ?: L! c There's also a lot of social learning from peers. If we see our peers giving a lot of attention to one person, then that person might become more appealable in our eyes. We can see that in the influence of Hollywood stars.
' A0 e7 z4 U( u4 _5 f' Q/ o* C9 P" c; W# a. C: e
; L# `5 U5 e5 k* {
: l$ Y3 A( S! [$ w1 Z9 v' E. _ The experiences you have with someone — friendship or more intimate — really affects how you see them. No matter what their face, the chemicals in our brain can lock us onto one person.
/ s7 W1 p2 f+ _- _* P# M8 I
- \$ D5 k" Y- u* q. I你与某些人之间的经验 - 友情或更亲密的关系 - 也影响你如何看待他们。无论其相貌如何,我们大脑中的某些化学物质能使我们对某个人无法割舍。1 p7 h: I- k5 |, J* f6 U9 g' B
9 x( C0 C4 ~; u3 {% _
You have also charted attractiveness over time. You've written: "We're at our cutest at about 8 months of age, and after that it's all downhill." Explain.1 O% {; T4 ^/ c5 r9 f
/ i7 x1 `" m: M; X
x: U* X- n2 ?' g; d) A- f% F) o$ y, z) y$ T
One way to chart this is to play around with faces of babies [on the computer]. You can expand the forehead and reduce the size of the chin." o) ^) ]9 b6 j" `- F
q: S; {) \1 d5 b# _6 c对此作图的方法之一是研究婴儿的面部(在计算机上)。你可以扩大脑门并减小下巴。
4 |4 y! q" O6 J3 T
. l% E. [( R8 ]! i By 8 months of age, human babies have a massive forehead and a really diminutive chin — and that's the point at which most people find babies most attractive. After 8 months, the face grows relatively quickly. That gives rise to a less and less cute configuration. We find infants cute and we want to take care of them.
" D+ {+ ~3 t6 E& h& x& ^7 T" B) V5 u( j
在8个月的时候,人类婴儿的脑门很大而下巴很小 - 而这是为什么大多数人觉得婴儿最可爱。在8个月以后,面部生长得相对快了。这就变得越来越不可爱。我们觉得婴儿可爱,并且想要照顾他们。* e" v8 Q2 C! k U
' }. c: A3 Q8 g. K But, of course, there are different types of "attractive" — for instance, sexual attraction after puberty.
0 w& B) |$ \, q. V
4 }" y+ q4 |+ l7 z& T; S但是,当然,“有吸引力”也分许多种 - 例如,青春期之后的性吸引力。
5 ~6 n3 r: G& j, t3 h( k
6 J; m" q4 P1 |+ k9 A You also observe that "a good-looking son could come from any dad, whether the dad was good-looking or not." Why?& _4 h( ]7 R% B
+ m, g( f8 U: _3 \3 }) g" a0 Y
你还观察到,“无论父亲是否好看,都可能有好看的儿子”。这是为什么?9 J" T4 o0 B1 T5 x+ X* _! e+ T
" _! V, V4 c2 q+ @% B
There is a widely believed idea in biology called "sexy sons" — that good-looking sons will father the most offspring, and that what is attractive to women in one generation will be attractive to women in the next generation.
, H2 n" z. k- L! F: A6 g# p, e `% l: b! f" Z' A& M1 s
在生物学上有个广为接受的理论“性感儿子” - 即,好看的儿子可以繁衍更多的后代,并且在前一代中对女性有吸引力的在下一代中将同样对女性具有吸引力。6 y/ `0 C9 ?$ @! n) j1 S% ~3 V
3 N9 J9 u; `% f- v
We found that masculine dads do have masculine sons. But some women like masculine men and some women don't like it. So that's why there's no connection between father[s] and sons.5 y; z/ @2 y4 d* x8 w8 e5 W6 n
5 F! ]4 ]4 b: t" ?/ V+ M% D
9 }- X2 r8 b' x$ X+ |/ u; h* V0 [0 q/ `& o2 y/ H* C! X3 `
Can you talk about the evolutionary forces that caused our faces to look the way they do?2 C; r5 b4 l& f) y- O; y
% V4 K! [* V J4 [$ p0 U
' _) X9 j8 Q/ p# a. w4 n: s
7 {3 P1 r ^4 r1 T Because we move forward in the environment, it makes sense for the sense organs — ears, nose, mouth — to be in the front.6 i. f [4 U6 F S" D/ L7 H% _! b
( D9 P: i$ C0 L7 A y+ B# ]因为我们在周围环境中的运动是向前的,所以感官 - 耳、鼻、口 - 朝前长是合理的。
' Q' m; `$ y0 K
4 o' i; ~0 z& p4 g& m4 j( u- f; t The biggest evolutionary change is that we transformed from animals shuffling around in the night to daytime creatures — you move from dependence on smell to navigate at night to high-quality vision during the day. Our noses aren't nearly as important as our visual sense in the daytime, and so our noses are scaled back and smaller. And using vision goes hand in hand with using facial expressions. We began to use our facial muscles for calls and expressions — we see this in monkeys that signal to each other with postures and head signals. Most other mammals can hardly move their faces for a range of expression. Whereas we can move our faces expressively and pick up on subtle communications.3 D+ d. S M" O3 `
5 ]7 r! x" q1 u4 \# Y; \+ ]进化中最大的改变是,我们从夜间动物变成白天动物 - 从夜间依赖于嗅觉导航变成白天使用更清晰的视觉。在白天,我们鼻子的重要性与实践相比完全不可同日而语,所以鼻子减小。而使用视觉与使用面部表情是同布的。我们开始使用面部肌肉来呼叫和表达 - 我们在猴子身上能发现使用手势和头部动作来互相打信号。大多数其他哺乳动物都几乎无法做面部动作来用于表达信息。而我们则可以用面部动作来表达信息和进行微妙的交流。
1 N/ \# V; Y( G9 y7 W: E
% ^' g0 R6 d+ m: s( u# } This interview was edited for space and clarity from a longer discussion.
; p( r, H* N `# T: \% Q1 R$ |4 T
这篇访谈是考虑到篇幅和明确性,基于更长篇幅的讨论编辑而成。 |