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发表于 2010-12-6 19:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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来源European Stocks Fluctuate, US Index Futures Drop After Fed Comments - Bloomberg. F; D3 i5 U" M7 E- H1 ]
* K+ \+ m3 |# J( q4 ?1 v
" |! G% N0 m1 c    European Stocks Fluctuate, U.S. Index Futures Drop After Fed Comments4 A0 Q$ F  U9 ~7 t& F- l. k
& ^* N  ]+ q+ Z0 }
欧洲股市波动起伏,美联储主席发表声明,引发美股下跌- L+ m# F# ?" H) j, B

% ^2 a: B! W( c5 x7 l. G4 \; }    European stocks fluctuated and U.S. index futures fell as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the world’s largest economy may need more stimulus. Asian shares were little changed.
% ~5 E4 d( r( M% |& C" ?5 p. W5 Y; z: q# A2 I0 H
欧股波动起伏,美股期货下跌,美联储主席本伯南克表示,美国需要更多经济刺激措施。亚洲股市保持平稳。& R. b3 @) i# b6 ?& S3 U

; y# `, h: w5 A2 u    Hochtief AG gained 5.7 percent after the company said Qatar Holding LLC aims to become a major shareholder in the builder. Bank of Ireland Plc rose 6.5 percent after J. Christopher Flowers signaled he is continuing to look for Irish banking assets. Hermes International SCA slipped 2.1 percent after family shareholders stepped up their defense against a possible takeover by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA.
* O/ G9 ]- T, [) v" U( P& {
6 o/ Y9 ^6 a6 n- E5 @0 e  N+ S德国建筑集团豪赫蒂夫公司(Hochtief)股价上涨5.7%,该公司宣布卡塔尔控股公司(Qatar Holding)将成为豪赫蒂夫公司的大股东。爱尔兰银行股价上涨6.5%,投资者克里斯托弗-弗洛尔斯(J. Christopher Flowers)表示,继续看好这家银行。爱马仕国际公司股价下跌2.1%,此前爱马仕家族股东制定计划,抵制路易威登集团的收购。; M. b4 g8 x" d" e, U
* q9 O& Z/ ?! @5 f! D% n) \5 y
    Fed Chairman Bernanke said the U.S. economy is barely expanding at a sustainable pace and it’s possible policy makers may expand bond purchases beyond the $600 billion announced last month to spur growth. / w7 m" N! A2 b+ O. W0 h
- v6 q; ^& i9 ?5 O, j0 q1 y
8 v/ v; L5 R" v! O/ @/ u/ A; O, t& v! Y$ D3 ]% u& v2 A
    ‘Certainly Possible’
8 A3 Z6 r6 p+ N
* O/ |5 ]. r- f5 G伯南克发表讲话
+ n& v. C$ V' L  e5 f9 U% q
8 @8 U: w( P# Q. t    The purchase of more bonds than planned is “certainly possible,” Bernanke said in an interview broadcast yesterday by CBS Corp.’s “60 Minutes” program. “It depends on the efficacy of the program” and the outlook for inflation and the economy. ) n3 ?; q7 B8 @# C% J
6 s! z  a* [0 x+ O3 s- I* T
伯南克昨天接受了美国哥伦比亚广播公司《60分钟》节目的采访,他表示,“最终美联储债券购买规模可能将会超过原先计划,这取决于该计划的实施效果,通货膨胀的前景和美国经济形势。”7 Y/ S! J: Q( w" K  K, e
: Y' o! {  L8 Y7 `1 l
    Futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index declined 0.3 percent today, while the MSCI Asia Pacific Index rose less than 0.1 percent.
, F1 c9 x% m# Z- S0 r# E, h6 y" k1 E3 N
12月到期的标准普尔500指数期货下跌0.3%,摩根斯坦利亚太指数上涨不超过0.1%。1 }5 Z3 W4 @/ v- P+ p3 ?9 U! V
& _+ @1 x) Y; R6 o
    European finance ministers travel to Brussels today as officials voiced divisions over the steps needed to stop the sovereign debt crisis after contagion spread from Greece and Ireland. % f- r/ E5 o& h9 C
! }: `7 @% |$ _5 h6 p. t+ \
欧洲各国财政部长今天在布鲁塞尔举行会晤,欧洲主权债务危机从希腊和爱尔兰向外蔓延后,各国官员在出台措施制止危机方面产生了分歧。$ M, u& C; k% D

$ M4 |" O8 a* S0 C    Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders told reporters on Dec. 4 that the region’s 750 billion-euro ($1 trillion) bailout fund might be expanded if ministers decide to introduce a larger permanent facility when the current temporary one expires, breaking ranks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy. Luxembourg and Italy today called for the creation of joint European bonds, a move rebuffed by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. 2 }! n5 _) i' d7 ^3 `
3 }! N5 N9 q. F. _
12月4日,比利时财政部长迪迪埃·雷德尔斯(Didier Reynders)向记者表示,如果各国财政部长决定在当前的经济刺激计划到期后,出台永久性措施,那么欧元区需要增加7500亿欧元(约合1亿美元)救助基金的数额,而德国总理默克尔和法国总统萨科奇明确表态,拒绝扩大救助基金规模。卢森堡和意大利今天号召发行欧洲联合债券,这项提议遭到德国财政部长沃尔夫冈-朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schaeuble)的断然拒绝。
$ g$ D" b* u' D$ J+ l
* V8 H  e' }! B    Hochtief, Qatar
7 `8 k$ q7 Y0 Q; V+ ?" V/ {3 y. q$ g8 }5 h+ L' a
, U. L3 m3 q  Q. m- ?" V, @4 T; J$ q1 z9 B: \  G6 D* a
    Hochtief, which is battling a takeover bid by Spain’s Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA, gained 5.7 percent to 63.52 euros. Qatar Holding is aiming to own almost 9.1 percent of the German builder after Hochtief announced today it will increase its capital stock by about 10 percent by issuing shares at 57.114 euros each.
/ K: t& V; Z% @7 R5 e1 E8 L! g
  p  a. d/ v+ I4 h8 Q" r; Q" r豪赫蒂夫公司股价上涨5.7%,至63.52欧元,此前西班牙建筑公司Actividades de Construccion y Servicios曾向豪赫蒂夫公司发出收购要约。豪赫蒂夫公司今天宣布,将通过发行股票把股本提高10%左右,每股价格为57.114欧元,此后卡塔尔控股公司收购了该公司9.1%的股权,
: m# s. @" u: `+ f* v" G3 `( f, }& t3 J9 K! l
    Bank of Ireland gained 6.5 percent to 34.2 euro cents in Dublin as Flowers, founder of New York-based private equity firm J.C. Flowers & Co., said in an interview that “if we can find the right opportunity to invest in Ireland, we would like to do that.”
3 U* c$ z7 m9 w9 S7 Y% N$ r" C0 z& y
爱尔兰银行股价上涨6.5%,至34.2欧元,纽约私募基金J.C. Flowers的创始人克里斯托弗-弗洛尔斯接受采访时表示,如果有合适的机会投资爱尔兰,将买进爱尔兰银行的股票。; L( `" R9 Q8 V6 q+ j7 B

; v1 f' ]7 b/ O; u, z1 y! N    Punch Taverns Plc rallied 7 percent to 69.5 pence after the Mail on Sunday reported CVC Capital Partners Ltd. is in talks with Punch’s adviser Goldman Sachs Group Inc. about a possible bid for the company, without saying where it got the information.
$ U% ?: i/ e* `$ ^) l- ?
( N& R, m/ v) A4 Q! K& Q# ]7 s英国酒吧运营商Punch Taverns公司股价上涨7%,至69.5便士,据《星期日邮报》报道,私募股权基金公司CVC Capital Partners正在和该公司顾问高盛集团进行谈判,可能收购Punch Taverns公司,该报道没有透露消息来源。- b1 y0 K% P5 A+ R3 |& x" a/ U6 M

. X: [1 Q. l; ~4 s    TPG Capital is also talking to Goldman about buying some or all of the assets, the newspaper said. TDR Capital LLP, Apax Partners LLP, Bridgehouse Capital, Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP and Cinven Ltd. are also interested, the Mail reported. . N* `# z7 f' {- I" {' a, P

% U) \( Q* M" k0 O, k《星期日邮报》还报道,德州太平洋资本公司也在和高盛就收购Punch Taverns的部分或全部资产进行谈判,TDR Capital、阿帕克斯公司、Bridgehouse Capital、Charterhouse Capital Partners和Cinven等公司均表示了收购意向。; O5 S9 w' T1 q- G3 ]8 Y
: j9 [9 n) r- F1 X# p2 t3 s
    ‘Opportunistic Approach’
# g: A  m& G' J# f( g( s; |* v* k( Z$ m8 S1 m
收购良机% P. C' M/ |9 q1 x. `0 X
( |0 r( X. c: c; Y" G
    De La Rue Plc jumped 18 percent to 765 pence, the biggest gain in eight years, after saying it has received a “highly preliminary and opportunistic approach.” Sky News reported that the world’s biggest printer of banknotes received and rejected a takeover bid from France’s Oberthur Technologies SA, without saying where it got the information. 1 p. T% [. H& ~
5 c* v! b: C1 ~& f
全球最大的纸币印刷企业英国德纳罗印钞公司(De La Rue)股价上涨18%,至765便士,创下8年来最大涨幅,此前该公司表示收到了高额的初步报价,拥有收购良机。据天空新闻报道,德纳罗印钞公司收到了法国欧贝特科技公司(Oberthur Technologies)的收购要约,但是表示了拒绝,报道没有透露消息的来源。4 p1 I  C" K+ H1 u% W* A- M) R
/ T9 |( P4 ~7 y
    Lonza Group AG rallied 3.9 percent to 81.95 Swiss francs and Syngenta AG gained 2.2 percent to 284.9 francs as Goldman Sachs upgraded European chemical companies to “neutral” from “cautious.” 2 s* H( P3 g0 G, e; Z
3 e' s  Z/ B7 A6 A/ \. T
瑞士龙沙集团(Lonza Group)股价上涨3.9%,至81.95瑞士法郎,瑞士先正达公司(Syngenta)股价上涨2.2%,至284.9瑞士法郎,高盛集团把这两家化学企业的股票评级从“前景谨慎”上调为“中性”。
; n) f! H$ N. i. U4 Q
; y3 Z; k% T& N0 {. q    The brokerage raised its price forecast for Lonza shares to 95 francs from 83 francs previously, and the estimate for Syngenta to 410 francs from 325 francs.
2 c+ Y  |/ R% J8 d: r1 B0 _
; S( Y2 _8 b7 y9 e! T+ ?6 `高盛集团同时把龙沙集团的股价预期从83法郎提高到95法郎,把先正达公司的股票评级从325法郎提高到410法郎。
  b  G' S8 Q4 W, ?4 W; m
& n, `* i* u3 |- z- s    Hermes Slides # Z4 Q9 P% A: s7 T% n2 b2 Q
  R3 |6 V! X7 K/ T& _$ N9 [
爱马仕股价下跌; A; n8 n. {/ E. C4 j8 _7 D) `" K
- E9 H- s$ W% ?! n5 {/ s
    Hermes paced declining shares, falling 2.1 percent to 147.45 euros, after the family shareholders, who own a 73.4 percent stake, set up a holding company for more than 50 percent of the share capital.
* M. g( g* C% ?  W8 }# f+ M! V
* E, @: N! F+ F; m爱马仕股价加速下滑,当日下跌2.1%,至147.45欧元,此前拥有爱马仕73.4%股权的家族控股人集合50%以上的股份,打算成立控股公司。
$ N9 t/ z' s  u& I0 s' [
7 P, c3 t8 _$ `  |5 ]% U7 W    Hermes family members need a mechanism to allow shareholders to sell without LVMH swooping on the stock, said a person familiar with the matter. Family members sold an average 0.5 percent of the share capital annually over the last decade, said the person, who declined to be identified because the talks were private.
% K9 k4 I! @$ r/ y7 \/ h, g9 j) F, ~6 ?' d
据了解此事的知情人透露,爱马仕家族成员需要一套机制来抵制路易威登集团进行的收购。这位不愿透露姓名的知情人表示,过去十年间,爱马仕家族成员每年平均出售了该集团0.5%的股份。( l( J  P' b: _1 |9 X) L% Z  ?, x5 m
' h8 ~! o6 D) P) G% z
    Michelin & Cie. dropped 2.3 percent to 54.96 euros after UBS AG downgraded the world’s second-largest tiremaker to “sell” from “neutral” and lowered its 2011 earnings estimate by 13 percent.
- ~! O' b% x% C' H/ Z9 \, U* E3 D$ s% A
! Q. C6 M6 c+ [, g, t' e
* E- X6 P- x+ O4 ~% a% b    Desire Petroleum Plc plunged 47 percent to 70.5 pence, the largest drop since March, after the U.K. energy explorer said the Rachel North well off the Falkland Islands won’t produce oil. That reverses the company’s Dec. 2 report that the well may have made a commercially viable find.
5 E/ S' c+ L( P4 p! `( D6 h$ w8 O3 q/ [: L0 K' ?3 T" g* F" }1 J, Y( v
英国迪塞尔石油公司(Desire Petroleum)股价下跌47%,至705便士,创下3月份以来最大跌幅,此前迪塞尔公司宣布在福克兰群岛(即马尔维纳斯群岛)勘探的Rachel North油井无法生产原油,该公司曾在12月2日的报告中表示,该油井有大规模商业开采的价值。1 x3 H# e! @) q) x4 x4 U! s

5 Q: q( |' @2 Y) Z1 [    Rockhopper Exploration Plc, which has a 7.5 percent stake in the Rachel well, said testing showed some reservoirs were mostly water bearing with residual oil. The shares sank 10 percent to 310.25 pence.
; _/ k0 r. `- e( z/ ]( x, N0 G- S, u' R
Rockhopper Exploration公司拥有Rachel North油井7.5%的股权,该公司表示,勘探测试表明,蕴藏石油的蓄水层中大部分是水分。Rockhopper Exploration公司股价下跌10%,至310.25便士。
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