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Leo (July 23- August 22)

Your October Horoscope by Susan Miller

Leo Forecast for October 2009

By Susan Miller

What a relief. September is over, a very difficult month that may have given you a few scary moments in various parts of your life, and may have included a major financial consideration. No matter what happened - or didn't happen - last month, October will be a vast improvement. You deserve an easier life, dear Leo, and happily, it is on the way. You will see some major shifts in October, and all of them will bring events in the right direction. Let's get started looking at all the goodies that are due you!

You might be traveling in the first week of October. In fact, by the full moon October 4, you may be going to - or returning from - a long distance trip. This trip would have a touch of luxury about it, which always pleases a Leo. Jupiter will be in fine angle to the Sun and full moon, which suggests that you may get some exceptional help from your romantic partner, or your lawyer, broker, agent, expert, or other middleman at this time. It looks like this trip would be taken for fun, but even if you have to go for work, it would feel like pure pleasure! Allow a plus or minus of four days from this full moon as its area of influence. Not only is travel likely to be beneficial for you at this time, but you will also see an international project shape up. If you are in college, or hope to attend college or graduate school in the fall, you may have an exam or interview at this time, with good results.

You may also get good financial news on or very close to October 4 too, as Mars will be beautifully angled to Uranus, planet of surprise, in your house of "other people's money" (eighth house). This is money you would not earn as salary, but rather money you might make as a finder's fee, bonus, or get in the form of financial aid. Or, it may be money you get from selling or as a cash gift from someone who loves you, as some examples. As you see, the money would come in from the back door, not through the usual means.

If you were born on August 3, plus or minus five days, you will benefit most from the full moon of October 4.

Your favorite days of the month will be October 9 and 10, when Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will visit with the Sun on your behalf. Again, a partner or middleman will contribute to your luck over these days. The Sun is your ruler, so these days really are special for you.

The rhythm of your life will pick up noticeably once you get to October 16, for that's the date Mars will enter Leo. This is an enormously important moment, for Mars is the planet of courage, drive, action, and determination. You've not had Mars in your sign for two years, and its arrival in Leo signifies that you are poised to begin a brand new fresh cycle.

Mars usually only visits a sign for seven weeks - after all, he has to give the other signs a turn at his energy - but lucky you, you will have Mars all to yourself for eight months, until June 7, 2010. Mars will give you rare favor, starting this month, so get your ducks in a row and be ready to launch your dearest projects from October 16 onward. Be careful not to launch your project before that date, however - you do need to wait until mid-month. Happily, Mercury will no longer be retrograde in October (as it had been throughout September), so you have a clear road ahead. Be confident! Very soon you will have a large advantage over the competition.

Mars will be moving at an increasingly slower speed as it reaches December 20, the date Mars will go retrograde until March 10. That means October will bring you a stronger Mars than you will have in November. In each successive week, Mars will run a bit slower and slower, until December 20. No matter - don't let this stop you. Just realize you may need a little patience while the world catches up to your ideas. You still are the leader of the parade, and you will have the kind of control you've not had in months.

Know you will encounter delays at holiday time and in January. February will be a bright, strong month for other reasons, and from March 10 to June 7, 2010, you will enter your very best time ever to push hard on your dearest endeavors and plans. If you have a huge project of enormous importance, you must aim for that period to initiate it.

Now we come to the new moon of October 18 that will again emphasize the travel theme that was prevalent earlier in the month at the full moon, October 4. This time, however, you will begin to travel closer to home. You appear to be traveling for business in the second half of October, and if so, that's good, for you will find it easy to meet your goals. It is possible that you will go to a distant city but fan out from there to nearby cities, or you may simply need to travel by car to outlying cities near you.

You may also be launching a new communications project - a website, blog, advertising or publicity campaign, a telecommunications application or digital game, a new radio show, or starting a book project. There are lots of possibilities, but you get the ideas. If you hope to break into TV broadcasting, want to show a screenplay to an influential person, or hope to write a magazine column each month, as a few examples, send your query letter just after the new moon, October 18. This new moon will fall in Libra, so if you are collaborating on a project with another writer, for example, or have an agent who represents you, you will be quite a dynamite team this month. (Get your agent on the phone and let him know to make those phone calls soon, after October 18!)

If you are an actor, you may do well with documentaries, biographies, or another project that is based on factual information. Audition like mad after October 18, and include voice-over tryouts, too.

If you were born on August 17 plus or minus four days, you will see the effects of this new moon most strikingly in your own life.

No matter when you were born, you will likely find October 20 a sterling day, when incoming news should make you very happy. Again, the work of a partner, agent, expert, or other middleman seems to pay off.

You will come across as powerful and in control in any meeting you have on October 23, when the Sun and Pluto are so beautifully angled to one another. Because the Sun, your ruler, is involved, you will have a special advantage. (If your birthday falls in July, this will be even truer.)

One of your best career days of the month will take place on October 28 when Venus and Jupiter will work together to bring you a wonderful career victory. If you need a day to interview or discuss a new deal, this will be your four-star day! I know I sound like a broken record, but AGAIN a partner, agent, or middleman will be instrumental in your luck.

There is more good news! Saturn has been a big part of the problem in your chart because it gave you many financial woes since it entered your second house of income in September 2007. Saturn constricts and shrinks all that it touches, so you may have found it very hard to get a raise. If you tried to change jobs, you found new employers unusually tightfisted, and you may have even had to take a salary cut. It seemed hopeless, but all that is about to be over!

Saturn will move into an easier place for you to host Saturn, Libra, an air sign that blends well with your fire sign element. In fact, air signs make you burn all the more brightly. For once you will have Saturn helping you, not working at cross purposes to you. Saturn will leave on October 29, your day of liberation. It is true that Saturn will come back for a brief, 14-week period from April 7 to July 21, but once that phase is over you will be done with him for the coming nearly three decades. Your financial picture is becoming stronger and brighter by the minute.

Romantically and in business, you will start to see just how brilliant partnerships and collaborations of all kinds are starting to be for you. Jupiter is now in your seventh house of partners, but has been retrograde since June 16. On October 13, Jupiter will come alive again and start moving ahead, ending that frustrating period of delays. If, say, in your romantic life, you had put on hold the idea of getting engaged, or in your business life you've been frustrated because your agent or business partner hasn't been able to deliver the goods, you may now feel much more confident about the future. You'll see a big difference from now on.

With Venus moving through your third house in Libra from October 14 onward, a short trip taken with your sweetheart would help you cement your relationship. Actually travel will be so closely associated with romance that you might meet someone while in a nearby city, or on a public conveyance, such as a train or airplane. Remember, from October 16 on, you will have Mars, the sex appeal planet, in your sign, too. Need I say more? You've got it made!

Halloween should be a standout. The moon will be in daring, adventuresome Aries, so if you are invited to a party, go! Leo is a highly creative sign, so make a costume that's really original. Not invited to a party? Consider giving one! Halloween will fall close to the full moon, November 2, in your house of home, so assuming you are not moving (you might be), give it there, not at a club or restaurant.

Would be fun!

Romance will be best October 4-5, 7-8, 12, 16-18, 20-21, 27, and 30-31.


You are coming into your own, dear Leo. Mars, the action planet, is about to enter Leo for the first time in two years. Each of us gets a turn at Mars for six weeks as Mars circles the Sun, but this visit of Mars to your sign will be very different from previous ones. This time Mars will remain in your sign nearly eight months, from October 29, 2009 until June 7, 2010.

Your Mars in Leo period will be the perfect time for you to launch a new endeavor on almost any front. Mars will make you courageous, energetic, and very determined to overcome obstacles. You will have impressive staying power and an aura of confidence and authority - all the right ingredients for success. Astrologic wisdom says that any endeavor or relationship started when Mars is in one's own sign is likely to succeed. This may prove to be an exhausting time, however, so pace yourself and schedule frequent breaks. Others may become a bit intimidated by your confidence, so be sure to be diplomatic and caring as you go along.

Something else of enormous importance is happening this month, and that will be the move of Saturn out of Virgo on October 29 for the first time in two years. Since September 2007, Saturn has caused you a number of financial hardships as it tested your mettle and asked you to make difficult financial choices. You may have had to make do with less. March was a difficult month, and chances are, September was, too. Those dark days are practically over. While it is true that Saturn will move into your income house again from April 7 to July 21, 2010, for a brief appearance, after that, Saturn will be gone from this sector for years to come, until 2036. You've learned a lot from Saturn in these past two years concerning how to manage money and how to get more from what you have, and now you can put those lessons to good use.

Finally, travel seems very likely and could add just the right touch of lightness to this bright month. You may be coming back from a long trip at the full moon October 4, and later, just after the new moon October 18, you may take off on a shorter trip, one that's still fun. The trip in the first week seems to be a personal vacation, and later, the trip appears to be done for work, but both will fulfill your purpose, so you'll be glad you took to the road. In all, better days are head, dear Leo. Believe it!

Dates to Note for Leo:

Romance will be best October 4-5, 7-8, 12, 16-18, 20-21, 27, and 30-31.

Travel may occur at the full moon, October 4, plus or minus four days.

More travel may come up after the new moon October 18, and it may be work-related.

Financial news should be sudden and excellent October 4, due to Mars trine Uranus, and October 20, thanks to Venus trine Jupiter.

Your luckiest day of the month will be October 9, runner up, October 10, and also October 24, for any matter. You'll feel the power.

When Saturn leaves your second house of earned income, your financial picture will improve immediately. It will be easier for you to get paid what you are worth, and to see raises: after October 29.

Learning to communicate in a new and very effective way will be your new challenge, thanks to Saturn in Libra. You'll excel at this.

Halloween should be enormous fun because the moon will be in fellow fire sign Aries. Put your Leo creativity to good use: October 31.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-1 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-1 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-1 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
撒情况,怎么都是 鸟文???
小帅小帅 发表于 2009-10-1 11:18

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发表于 2009-10-1 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-1 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
fizza 发表于 2009-10-1 11:20

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发表于 2009-10-1 10:28 | 显示全部楼层
littledoll 发表于 2009-10-1 11:16

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-1 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
fifi 发表于 2009-10-1 11:28

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发表于 2009-10-1 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
Trois 发表于 2009-10-1 11:21

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-1 10:41 | 显示全部楼层
fifi 发表于 2009-10-1 11:39

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