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[已解决] UNStudio 設計 - 如葉輕盈 日本最美的 LV 旗艦店

发表于 2009-9-30 15:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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本帖最后由 orionsnow 于 2009-9-30 16:19 编辑


誰能沾上路易威登 (Louis Vuitton) 的邊,誰就走紅!最近建築工作室「UNStudio」才剛拿到LV位於日本旗艦店的設計案子,就迫不及待發布這幢全新LV旗艦店的模擬設計圖,如葉片般輕盈優雅的線條,打破傳統建築的形式,落成後應會是全日本最漂亮的LV旗艦店。

這幢旗艦店會座落於東京中央區銀座四丁目晴海路與並木路的交叉口在建的「Hulic 數寄屋橋大樓(暫定名)」。其周邊是 HERMES 愛馬仕和 GUCCI 等名牌專賣店林立的黃金地塊。路易威登世界各地的建築多以嶄新的設計風格著稱,預計該店將為繁華銀座的又一名勝,預計 2010年落成。

在其2010年正式營業的時候,將超過現在最大的Louis Vuitton旗艦店(法國香榭麗舍旗艦店),一舉成為世界上最大的Louis Vuitton 旗艦店。


這棟旗艦店是以葉片串連整個建築結構,葉片圖案將會出現在建築的外觀、樓面等處,每層樓大概分為四個葉片,為了呼應當地的特色,葉片上還會有LV的經典Monogram 圖案。

業主:Louis Vuitton Malletier
總樓地板面積:6,000 平方米
基地面積:746 平方米
設計團隊:Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Astrid Piber with Mirko Bergmann and Sebastian Schott, Ger Gijzen, Cristina Bolis, Juliane Maier, Albert Gnodde, Andreas Brink, Michael Knauss, Morten Krog, Silvan Oesterle, Machteld Kors
結構、機電:Arup, Amsterdam
燈光設計:Arup Lighting, Amsterdam
立面:Arup GmbH, Berlin

Flagstore Louis Vuitton, Japan

The design for the 10 storey (54 meter tall) flagship Louis Vuitton store in Japan aims to establish an architectural equivalent of the identity of Louis Vuitton in which classical and modern qualities are blended, reinforcing each other. The design inspires the visitor with a feeling of being in the House of Louis Vuitton by celebrating the qualities that make up the essence of the company, its products, its history and its future.

The elements that represent the classical values connected to the Louis Vuitton brand are implicitly present throughout the design. These elements are to a large extent identical to the modernity also implicit in the name Louis Vuitton, along with the value of inventiveness. The element that moves through all the scale levels of the design is the leaf shape. The leaf is found in the floor plan, in the section and in the elevation. It has been applied to the construction also, responding to location-specific constructional demands. Leaf-shaped openings in the façade give the building a strong identity with landmark potential, while complying with the necessity for discreetness with respect to visibility from the outside. The leaf shape can be seen as bearing a connection to the famous Louis Vuitton monogram.

The building follows the structure of a (grand) house: with three levels, each spanning a varying number of split-level floors and each with its own atmosphere and purpose. Each floor is in principle divided into four leaves, which are set in a spiral pattern with a height difference between each leaf of 2.70 meters. Terrace zones, which offer a mix of functions in a garden setting, mark the different vertical sections of the house, with the sense of intimacy growing towards the top of the building.

Client: Louis Vuitton Malletier
Program: Flagship store / Landmark building. Retail, café, spa, bookstore, event and exhibition space.
Building surface: ca. 6.000 m2
Building volume: ca. 40.000 m2
Building site: 746 m2
Competition dates: Nov 2006 – Feb 2007

UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Astrid Piber with Mirko Bergmann and Sebastian Schott, Ger Gijzen, Cristina Bolis, Juliane Maier, Albert Gnodde, Andreas Brink, Michael Knauss, Morten Krog, Silvan Oesterle, Machteld Kors.

Structure, SMEP: Arup, Amsterdam
Lighting design: Arup Lighting, Amsterdam
Facade Engineering: Arup GmbH, Berlin

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发表于 2009-9-30 19:11 | 显示全部楼层

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