VinniDoll 发表于 2009-8-8 13:36

雷曼姐妹。。。If it had been Lehman Sisters, instead of Lehman Brothers

本帖最后由 VinniDoll 于 2009-8-8 14:40 编辑

昨天看 经济学人杂志 看到的 乐死我了 {:4_293:}
其实平时看到很多有意思的文章 关于科技的 政治的 经济的
但是好多都是英文的 发到相应版块担心没人看呢

哈哈 现在好了 以后看了有趣的 有意义的 好文章 偶就直接发这里了{:4_307:}

here we go,

Women and the financial crisis of bankers and bankeresses
Aug 6th 2009
From The Economist print edition

Anything you can do, I can do better

WOULD the financial crisis have been less severe if women had been running the show? Harriet Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, thinks so. “Somebody said that if it had been Lehman Sisters, instead of Lehman Brothers, there might not have been as much difficulty,” she pointed out this week. (That “somebody” is Neelie Kroes, the European Union’s competition commissioner, who likes to put this about in speeches.) Ms Harman also thinks her party should change its rules so that either its leader or its deputy leader must be a woman. “Men cannot be left to run things on their own,” she told a newspaper.

The “Lehman Sisters” fancy assumes that women are less risk-taking, less obsessed with money and status and generally less full of themselves than men, and so would have had more sense than to respond to the flawed incentives that brought down the financial system. This implies that women differ so much from men that they are unlikely to make the same choices about where to work, or what to do with their lives. It is not an idea that normally meets with Ms Harman’s approval. Much of the equality bill that she is shepherding through Parliament only makes sense if you believe that differences in outcomes between men and women—or white and black people, or gay and straight ones—are prima facie evidence of discrimination.

As for balance between the sexes in political jobs, it is the essence of discrimination that inferior candidates from one group are preferred over more qualified ones from another. But using quotas to right this wrong does not ensure that better people get chosen—and does mean that members of the erstwhile minority will forever be assumed to have been selected for reasons other than merit. Much better to win a spot fair and square—like Ms Harman, in fact, who beat a number of men to Labour’s deputy leadership in 2007.

On August 3rd Oxford University published an “egalitarian index” of 12 developed countries, based on research into attitudes to the sexes, housework and child-care responsibilities. It showed no empirical link—in any direction—between sex equality and susceptibility to the financial crisis. Most equal were Sweden and Norway, both of which look set to weather the recession comparatively well. Next came Britain and America, both heavily implicated in the crisis; Ireland, in desperate straits, ranked in the middle. Australia, one of the few countries with solvent banks, came last.

程普 发表于 2009-9-22 20:09

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