请问这里的前辈,我现在在德国北部,读博的地方是在南部,我能在现在居住地的移民局换签证么? 有先例的,下萨克森州可以签柏林的,但最终结果还是去当地的外管局问问,法律可能因州而异 原帖由 flytohome 于 2009-1-20 21:09 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif请问这里的前辈,我现在在德国北部,读博的地方是在南部,我能在现在居住地的移民局换签证么?
yes you can. and it would be better.
you must go 居住地的移民局换签证.
however, they might not give you two years visum. one year or 3 months.
ask 现在居住地的移民局 how to do,it is the standard answer.
i was in 下萨克森州. and i get a visum for BW 2 years