vera_fei 发表于 2008-8-8 15:11



flycooler 发表于 2008-8-10 22:54

The "Two year rule" means that,
after an applicant finishes his J program, he must return to China
for two years before he is eligible to obtain a work or immigrant visa.
It does not apply to applicants applying for another J or F visa.
There are limitations on the amount of time someone can stay in
the U.S. on a J program. The limitations depend on what kind of J
program the applicant is doing. You should check with the international
student services office at your U.S. university to find out how long
you can stay in the U.S. on your J program.

如果是multiple entry的签证应该在期限之内是不需要返签。

michigan 发表于 2008-8-11 16:23


签证有效期内当然不需要再签, 签证过期很快,但ds2019没过期的时候,呆在美国仍然合法,但离境之后再回来需要重新签证.
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 请问J1签证是不是一定要回国服务两年?