hexeqiu 发表于 2008-5-28 20:03

嘻嘻,第三首了,是一个在上个世纪(听起来很恐怖呀)90年代英国红过的乐队the sundays 唱的summertime:)此曲是响应shue童鞋的bon jovi,来个summertime的系列吧:) ;)


歌手:The Sundays
专辑:Static and Silence

Do some people wind up with the one that they adore
In a heart-shaped hotel room it’s what a heart is for
The bubble floats so madly will it stay sky-high?
Hello partner, kiss your name bye-bye

Ooh sometimes...

Romantic piscean seeks angel in disguise
Chinese-speaking girlfriend big brown eyes
Liverpudlian lady, sophisticated male
Hello partner, tell me love can’t fail

& it’s you and me in the summertime
We’ll be hand in hand down in the park
With a squeeze & a sigh & that twinkle in your eye
& all the sunshine banishes the dark

Do some people wind up with the one that they abhor
In a distant hell-hole room, the third world war
But all I see is films where colourless despair
Meant angry young men with immaculate hair

Ooh sometimes...

Get up a voice inside says there’s no time for looking down
Only a pound a word & you’re talking to the town
But how do you coin the phrase though that will set your soul apart
Just to touch a lonely heart

& it’s you & me in the summertime
We’ll be hand down in the park
With a squeeze & a sigh & that twinkle in your eye
& all the sunshine banishes the dark
& it’s you I need in the summertime
As I turn my white skin red
Two peas from the same pod yes we are
Or have I read too much fiction?
Is this how it happens?
How does it happen?
Is this how it happens?
Now, right now

星星和月亮 发表于 2008-5-29 00:26



心に 泳ぐ 金鱼は 恋し 想いを 募らせて
真っ赤に 染まり 実らぬ 想いを 知りながら
それでも そばにいたいと 愿ったの

夏の匂い 雨の中で
ぽたぽたおちる 金鱼花火
光で 目がくらんで
一瞬うつるは あなたの优颜(ゆうがお)*

心に 泳ぐ 金鱼は 丑さで 包まれぬよう
この夏だけの 命と 决めて
少しの 时间だけでも

夏の匂い 夜が包んで
ぽたぽたおちる 金鱼花火
どんな言叶にも できない
一瞬うつるの あなたの优颜

夏の匂い 雨の中で..
夏の匂い 雨の中で..

``美伢.. 发表于 2008-5-30 11:19

``美伢.. 发表于 2008-5-30 11:26

咪姆 发表于 2008-5-30 19:34

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